God's Better Way

A Better Revelation is that God speaks to us personally by His Son Jesus Christ - Hebrews 1;1-4

A Better Hope which is our heavenly inheritance - Hebrews 7:19

A Better Priesthood because our Lord Jesus lives forever to make intercession for us - Hebrews 7:20-28

A Better Covenant because our Lord continues to be our mediator now and forever - Hebrews 8:6

A Better Promise of good things to come - Hebrews 8:6

A Better Sacrifice because His Blood purifies heavely things - Heb 8:23

A Better Possession which are treasures in Heaven - Hebrews 11:34

A Better Country, a heavenly country where God has prepared a beautiful city for us - Hebrews 11:16

A Better Resurrection which is a Spiritual Resurrection that we must have now if we are to receive the benefits of the above scriptures.

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