beanbagWelcome to Geoff Pinkerton's Family Treebeanbag

I have been researching my family tree for several years now and currently have over 3200 entries in my database. This includes blood relatives, inlaws and outlaws. On this webpage, I have included short writeups on several of the branches in my family. If you recognize a name or are interested in more information, I would be very pleased to receive a letter at 401 Fader St. New Westminster, B.C., Canada, V3L 3S9, a phone call at (604) 520-9594 (hm.), or an EMail to

I also have an extensive list (over 8100 entries) of other non-related Pinkertons and their families which I am actively working on. See the Pinkerton Resource Page at /Heartland/Prairie/8980/. If you are researching the Pinkerton name, please send me a note and I will see if I have any information of use to you. Any additions to my database of Pinkertons are always welcome!

I use Reunion for Windows to track the volumes of information I am finding on my family.

I am specifically researching the following surnames in my family:

North American side of my family:

British side of my family:

Who is Related?

Some of my relatives are on the net - see the following page for a list.

Check out the following page listing most of my known relatives. See if you recognize someone... If you do, I would love to get an EMail !

Surname Summaries

The following are short summaries of the above eleven surnames as they relate to my family:


The Bryan part of my family are descendants of my English GG Grandparents John and Mary Bryan. Issue of John and Mary were my G Grandfather Albert (Bert) (Circa 1875 - Circa 1950), Billy (William?), Nan and Harry.

Bert Bryan married Annie Elizabeth Yeadon and had three children: Leonard John Bryan (1900 - 1989), my grandfather Geoffrey Albert Bryan (14 Dec 1905 - 15 May 1974), and Colin Yeadon Bryan (1909 - 1964). Billy Bryan married Ethel Yeadon, his brother's wife's sister, therefore his sister-in-law. They had two children: Rene Martin (nee Bryan) and Margaret. Nan Bryan married Archie Smith and had a son Brian who died young. Harry Bryan married Flo and had two daughters: Madge and Kittie.

Geoffrey Albert Bryan married Phyllis May Thompson and had one daughter, my mother Virginia Jane Pinkerton (nee Bryan) (25 Jul 1933 -), who moved to the Vancouver, British Columbia area. The current generations of the Bryans live in the Nottinghamshire and Leicestershire, areas of England.


The Collins part of my family are descendants of my GGG Grandparents John Collins (17 Oct 1802 - ?) and Sarah (18 Jun 1812 - ?), who emigrated from Holland to New Brunswick, Canada before 1835. Issue of John and Sarah were my GG Grandmother Elizabeth Ann (9 Nov 1835 - 30 Aug 1912), Amanda, Dan, Louisa, John, two children who died young, and Jerry.

Elizabeth Ann married James William Smith. Amanda married and had five children: Sarah, John, twins Lucy & Wheeler, and Clara. Dan married and had three children: Emma, Sydney and Euphemia. Louisa married and had a daughter Grace. John married and had seven children: Fred, John, Cliff, Maynard, Jerry, Mabel and Leta. Jerry (son of John and Sarah) married and had two children: Fred and Mabel.

Except for the descendants of my GG Grandparents, I have lost track of this branch of my family.


The Longfellow part of my family are descendants of my English GG Grandparents Sam Longfellow (Circa 1850 - Circa 1940) and Mary Wood Milnes. Issue of Sam and Mary were Harry, Hubert, Alice May (Sissie) and my G Grandmother Edith Annie (Teena) (9 Oct 1882 - Circa 1939).

Alice May married my G Grandfather James Edwin Thompson and had a daughter Muriel who died at a young age. When Alice May died, James Edwin Thompson married Edith Annie.

The Longfellows are reputedly related to Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, the New England poet. I have looked into Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's family history and have not yet found a connection, but the search is still on.


The McClelland/McLelland part of my family are descendants of my GGG Grandparents Sam McLelland and Mary Millar, who emigrated from Belfast, Northern Ireland sometime in the 1840s. They seem to have settled in the Kincardine, Ontario area. Sam and Mary's only son that I am aware of was my GG Grandfather John McLelland, who married Jane Stanley.

John and Jane's offspring were James (Jay) McLelland, Sam McLelland, Annetta McLelland, Miller McLelland, Lavine (Vine) McLelland, my G Grandfather John Edmund McClelland (31 Dec 1873 - 15 Sep 1951), Mary Emma McLelland and Thomas S. McClelland. John Edmund McClelland married Marion Todd (31 Jul 1876 - 18 Feb 1958), daughter of Oscar Todd (22 Jul 1851 - 9 Jun 1884) and Mary Jane Norman (9 Feb 1853 - 7 Apr 1906). Their children were Lila Jean Townley (nee McClelland), Annetta Mary Blaney (nee McClelland), John Oscar McClelland, Elizabeth Elmira Ferrier (nee McClelland), my Grandmother Marion Lucretta Pinkerton (nee McClelland) (30 Sep 1909 - 15 Dec 1994), and Delbert Millar McClelland.

The descendants of John and Marion McClelland are spread from Alberta to California, but are mainly located in the Vancouver, British Columbia area. Thomas S. McClelland married Della (23 Dec 1898 - 31 Jan 1985), moved to Scobey, Montana and eventually settled in Kalispell, Montana. Their descendants are located generally in that area.


The Milnes part of my family are descendants of my English GGG Grandparents Mr. Milnes and Ms. Wood of the Vicount Halifax family. Issue of this couple included my GG Grandmother Hanna Wood Milnes (23 Feb 1839 - ?), Edwin Milnes, Beatrice Milnes, Ellen Milnes (11 Aug 1855 - ?) and another GG Grandmother Mary Wood (Grapes) Milnes (? - 1941).

Hanna Wood Milnes married James Grafton Thompson and had five children. Edwin Milnes is reputed to have had fourteen children! Ellen Milnes married Mr. Greenwood, a schoolteacher at Morton and had five children: Mabel (unmarried), Gertie (unmarried), Cyril (killed in WWI), Harry and Norman. Mary Wood Milnes married married Sam Longfellow.

Except for the descendants of Hanna and Mary, I know relatively little about this family.


The Norman part of my family are descendants of my GGGG Grandparents Thomas Norman (3 Jul 1787 - Circa 1862) and Jane Byers (28 Apr 1787 - 26 Oct 1818), who lived in Carlisle, England. After Jane died, he came to Canada with his sons in the early 1840s and they settled in the Kincardine, Ontario, Canada area. Issue of Thomas and Jane were Robert Norman (died young), my GGG Grandfather John Norman (24 Feb 1815 - 19 May 1890), Ann Norman (died young) and Robert Norman (18 Oct 1818 - ?).

John Norman married twice: Mary Wilson (? - 18 Oct 1848) and my GGG Grandmother Marion MacCaskill (1 Aug 1817 - 9 Nov 1900). Issue of John Norman and Mary Wilson were Jacob Thomas (Thomas) (24 Jun 1837 - 30 Jun 1915), Robert (11 Jul 1839 - 31 Jan 1911), John George (20 Dec 1841 - 5 Feb 1911), William (13 Oct 1844 - 27 Apr 1917) and Joseph (died young). Issue of John Norman and Marion MacCaskill were my GG Grandmother Mary Jane (9 Feb 1853 - 7 Apr 1906) who married Oscar Todd, Flora Ann (20 Mar 1854 - 24 Jul 1925) and Donald (Dan) (19 Aug 1858 - 29 Sep 1932). Robert Norman, son of Thomas Norman and Jane Byers, married and settled in Toronto, Ontario. Issue of Robert were Jennie/Jeanie and George. Jennie became Mrs. Brown and had no children. George married Margaret and had three children: Winnie How (nee Norman), Edith Daley (nee Norman) and Arthur (no children).

The descendants of Thomas Norman and Jane Byers are detailed in a book titled "The Norman Family Record From 1787-1978" by Thomas Laughlin Norman of Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. Thomas has since passed on, but our family is deeply indebted to him for this extensive work documenting our family's history. The descendants of the Normans are spread out around the world, but the majority are located in Canada and the United States.


The Pinkerton part of my family are descendants of my GGG Grandparents John Pinkerton (1820 - 5 Oct 1891) and Margaret (1825 - 22 May 1874), who emigrated from County Antrim, Northern Ireland to New Brunswick, Canada in the late 1840s. John and Mary had three children: James William, John and Sarah Jane. Only one son, my GG Grandfather John Pinkerton, survived to maturity and he married Ester Hay (1837 - 1928).

John and Ester had three children: my G Grandfather John James (17 Oct 1873 - 19 Apr 1926), Bessie M. (? - Feb 1963) and Mary (1881 - 1899). Rev. John James Pinkerton married Edna Leighton Smith. John was a Methodist minister for numerous congregations in the New Brunswick area. After he passed away in 1926, Edna and their three children John Gordon (3 Dec 1906 - 6 Jul 1988), my Grandfather Stanley Hay (5 Mar 1910 -) and Edna Elizabeth (4 Jul 1918 -), moved to Vancouver, British Columbia. Bessie M. Pinkerton married John Irvine, had no children and lived in Potter Place, New Hampshire. Stanley Hay Pinkerton married Marion Lucretta McClelland and had two children: my father Brian David Pinkerton (20 Feb 1937 -), who married my mother Virginia Jane Bryan, and Mary Linda Gunn (nee Pinkerton). Brian and Jane had two sons: Geoffrey David Pinkerton (2 Dec 1967 - ), and John Stanley Pinkerton (13 July 1969 - ). John married Joanne Ruth Bergeron and they now have a little boy - Graham James David Pinkerton (6 July 1997 - ). Check out Graham's picture on my father's Mt. Lehman Llamas webpage or the following page. Geoff is engaged to Sandi Logan and we are to be married 22 May 1999, 63 years to the day after my Pinkerton grandparents tied the knot.

All the descendants of the Pinkerton branch are located in British Columbia or Washington State.

Everyone asks me if we are related to the Pinkerton Detective Agency, but so far I have not found a connection.

As mentioned, I am very interested in any instance of the Pinkerton name. If you are researching the name, or know of any Pinkerton information, please EMail me or vist the Pinkerton Resource Page at


The Smith part of my family are descendants of my GG Grandparents James William Smith (12 Jun 1835 - 15 Apr 1904) and Elizabeth Ann Collins. The children of this union were: Clara E., Sadie, William O., Lou, Purvis F., Eva Dora, Beatrice Amanda, my G Grandmother Edna Leighton (26 Apr 1878 - 26 Mar 1955), Stanley F., and Bessie B. The descendants are spread out around North America.

Clara died at 18 years old and did not marry. Sadie Smith married William J. Boyd, had two boys (Ray and Ollie) and lived in St. Paul, Minnesota. William O. Smith married Hattie Laughlin, had two daughters (Florence and Anna) and lived in North Dakota. Lou married William H. Locke and lived in Brainard, Minnesota. Purvis F. Smith married Lillian Annas and lived near Salem, Massachusetts. Purvis and their son Fletcher were killed in a car accident in 1919. Eva Dora Smith appears to be have married three times (R.T. Williams of Toronto, Mr. Outhwaite of Minneapolis and Del Murray). Eva and Del moved to Vancouver, British Columbia where they left no children. Beatrice Amanda Smith married Harrison (Has) Morrison and had a daughter Jean Jenns (nee Morrison). My great grandmother Edna Leighton Smith married Rev. John James Pinkerton and came to Vancouver with their three children. Stanley F. stayed in New Brunswick where he ran a motel, married Evelyn Cook, and adopted two children. Bessie B. was adopted.

James William Smith's siblings were John Smith who married Ester (issue were Fletcher, Lydia and Lizzie), Mrs. Thomas, Mrs. Townsend, Mrs. Weymouth of Minnesota, and Mrs. Bartlett of California.

Except for the descendants of James William Smith, I know relatively little about this family.


The Thompson part of my family are descendants of my GGG Grandparents James Thompson (born in Berwick, Scotland) and Maria Grafton (born in Arvington, Yorkshire, England). Their two children were Richard Thompson and my GG Grandfather James Grafton Thompson (29 Dec 1842 - ?).

Richard was a carpenter and I don't know if he married. James Grafton Thompson married Hanna Wood Milnes. Issue of James and Hanna were Edith Ellen (Nellie) (1869 - 1972), William (Willie), Caroline (Carrie), my GG Grandfather James Edwin (17 Apr 1875 - April 1944), and Emily Mary (died young). Nellie married James Henry Russell and had a daughter Marjorie McGrath (nee Russell). Willie married Eleanor and had a daughter Mabel (1900 - ?). Carrie married Charles Crowther and had a daughter Winnifred (Winnie) Westerman (nee Crowther). James Edwin (Pop) Thompson married two sisters, Alice May (Sissie) and Edith Annie (Teena) Longfellow. Pop and Sissie had a daughter Muriel who died at a young age. Sissie died and Pop married her sister Teena. Issue of Pop and Teena were my Grandmother Phyllis May Thompson (30 Mar 1906 - 10 Sep 1950) who married Geoffrey Albert Bryan , Cynthia Mary Darville (nee Thompson), Nancy Marie Grafton Mewhinney (nee Thompson) who moved to New Zealand, James Roland Longfellow Thompson, and Patricia Mary (Trick) Dudman (nee Thompson).

Most of the Thompson descendants stayed in England, though they some are spread around the world in Spain, New Zealand and Canada.


The Todd part of my family are descendants of my GGGG Grandparents Walter Todd (Circa 1790 - Circa 1870) and his two spouses, Hanna Scaife (Circa 1795 - Circa 1840) and Ellen Glover. Walter and Hanna emigrated from Yorkshire, England to Ontario, Canada in 1837. Issue of Walter and Hanna were Elizabeth, my GGG Grandfather Walter (11 Dec 1819 - 10 Nov 1916), Martha, John, William (died young), Richard (died young), Annie (Ann) and Mary Ellen (died young). Issue of Walter and Ellen are Mary Ellen (died young) and Ann.

Elizabeth Todd married James Horn and had a daughter Marietta Woodley (nee Horn) who lived in Waterford, Ontario. Walter Todd married Anna Mastin (31 Dec 1831 - 3 Nov 1916) and lived in the Kincardine, Ontario area. Issue of Walter Todd and Anna Mastin are Johnathon Todd (died young), my GG Grandfather Oscar Todd (22 Jul 1851 - 9 Jun 1884) who married Mary Jane Norman, Peter Rockwood Todd (14 Oct 1853 - Aug 1921), Emily Jane Todd (7 Jan 1856 - 13 May 1916) who married Joseph A. Ross, Harriet Todd (21 Jul 1861 - ?) who married Archie C. MacDonald, Alice Todd (27 Aug 1863 - ?) who married J.T. Perrin, Mary Todd (25 Nov 1867 - ?) who married Robert Thomas Brown, and Anna Mastin Todd (8 Nov 1870 - ?) who married Angus MacKenzie and John Alderson. Martha Todd married Israel Mastin (brother of Anna Mastin) and had at least one son John. Walter and Hanna's son John Todd married Ann Ogden, moved to Michigan and had at least one son Walter. Annie (Ann) Todd married James Burgess of Toronto and they had no children. Walter Todd and Ellen Glover's daughter Ann Todd married Hugh McNight.

Letters written in 1925 by Harriet MacDonald (nee Todd) to my G Grandmother Marion McLelland (nee Todd) indicate that through Hanna Scaife, the Todds are somehow related to the $600,000,000,000 Edwards estate, which included some 77 acres of downtown Manhattan, New York. True or not, the letters back and forth have helped me immensely with this part of my family tree.


The Yeadon part of my family are descendants of my English GG Grandfather John Yeadon. He had four daughters and two sons: my G Grandmother Annie Elizabeth (1876 - Circa 1930), Ethel, Doris, Maude, Thomson and Clifford.

Annie Elizabeth Yeadon married Albert (Bert) Bryan . Ethel married Bert's brother Billy (William?) Bryan. Doris married Dick Carver. Maude married Tom Johnson. Clifford married Daisy and had a son Neville.

Except for the descendants of Bert Bryan and Annie Elizabeth Yeadon, I know relatively little about this family.


Cyndi's List of Genealogical Sites on the Internet is a great jumping point for genealogical research on the Internet.


Photos of some of my family can be found on the following page.


Geoffrey David (Geoff) Pinkerton, P.Eng.
401 Fader St. New Westminster, B.C., Canada, V3L 3S9
Phone: (604) 520-9594 Hm.
Fax: (604) 691-5950

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Updated 12 Apr 1998