All About Cockatiels

My own cockatiel, Bart

Cockatiels are one of the best species of birds I have ever encountered. They are generally a laid back type of bird, and require a good deal of affection.
Cockatiels come in many varities including :
  1. Lutino : a bright yellow all over, with bright orange cheeks
  2. Normal Grey : Grey all over, with a yellow crest and orange cheeks
  3. White Faced : Grey and White with very little to no yellow, muted orange cheeks
There are many other breeds too, and if you are interested in genetics I would recommend going to the National Cockatiel Society Homepage

Commonly Asked Questions
What do I need to know before I purchase a cockatiel ?
  • The very first thing to think about before buying a cockatiel, is the type of housing he needs. Cockatiels should never be housed in a cage less than 18 inches square. A preferred cage would be 20-24 inch dimensions. The bird needs enough room to spread his wings, and move around without damaging his long tail. A tell-tale sign that the cage is too little is if your cockatiel's tail is tattered.
  • The next thing to think about is nutrition. Most breeders are now raising their birds on pelleted diets. However, many cockatiels, mine included, are seed junkies. A good pellet formula to try is Kaytee's Rainbow Formula A good way to convert a seed junkie is to cover his seed lightly with the pellets so that he has to get through the pellets to get to his seed. This way, he to touch the pellets with his mouth, thus helping him to associate the pellets with food. Spray millet can be used as a supplement with the meal, however, some tiel's, again mine included, love the millet so much that they will not eat the pellets. So, use with care.
  • Lastly, cockatiels along with cockatoos, seem to have worse problems with dander than other species. In my room, all my electronics need dusting after 1 day because Bart has horrible dander. If any one in the house has asthma, a tiel may not be the best choice. However, if the tiel will bathe regularly, the problem can be kept at a minimum. Putting a shallow dish in the cage may encourage bathing, however some birds have to be misted. The baths are very important and should be included as much as possible.
Do they make good pets ?
The cockatiel is the second most popular bird in America, coming after the budgie. They have a natural sweet behaivior, and make wonderful pets for households with children.

Where are they from?
Cockatiels origintate from Australia. They were domesticated from the normal cockatiel which is a gey bird with white wing patches and orange cheek spots.

Can you tell the difference between a male and female by sight ?
It is very hard, and sometimes impossible to tell a male from a female in birds. In the normal grey cockatiel, the male has a yellow face and the orange cheek patch is very bright. In the normal grey female, the face is a gray color, with a pale cheek patch.

What is the life span of a cockatiel ?
A cockatiel has a general life span of 15-20 years. However, this life span can be cut short if proper nutrition is not followed.

What is the personality of a cockatiel like ?
A cockatiel has a personality that far outweighs his little 12 inch body. A cockatiel can exhibit the spunk of a larger parrot, and can also demand as much attention. A cockatiel is a very curious creature, and for this reason, wings should be kept clipped, and toe-nails should be trimmed as often as necessary. Even as I sit and type this up, Bart, wants nothing more than to walk along the keyboard chasing my fingers. They are quick learners (when they want to be), and can be quite affectionate.

Should I put my cockatiel in the same cage with any other species ?
A huge NO on this question. Cockatiels are peaceful birds, whereas, the budgie can be quite mischevious, and the Lovebird, quite aggressive. Even a passive bird may attack the cockatiel, and he may try to attack back.

Are cockatiels hard to train ?
Most birds, if given the right amount of attention, can be trained. The male cockatiel is generally the most vocal, so they may learn to talk. Males can become too noisy when they reach their maturity, and at this time they also begin to experience nippy stages. Females tend to keep their sweet nature throughout maturity. Some females will talk, however, generally the male is more vocal.

I hope this page has helped to give good information about tiel's. If you ever see anything incorrect on this page, or any All About Birds page, please e-mail me and let me know. Also, if you think this page needs something else, let me know. All comments, good and bad, are encouraged ! Please send e-mail to :

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