Welcome to my Homepage
A few things about me
- I am owned by Melissa, an 18 year old full time student at Kennesaw State University where she is majoring in Public and Social Services.
- I was born sometime in ? March ? of 1996, and Melissa bought me in June of that year for her fiance' Jason. I did not get along with him, so Melissa brought me to her house.
- I had a neurotic problem with picking my feathers. I had to go see the vet for it, but I am doing better now. I am on phenobarbital, and would love to hear from other birds who have to take it. Recently, Mom bought me a girlfriend, Lisa. Since she is here, I am not picking as much, though Lisa and I sometimes pick at each other. Now I have completely removed her crest, and Mom is at wits end on what to do with me. If you have any suggestions, e-mail her, or sign her guestbook.
- I have two very good friends who live in Illinois, Lori and Chico. Melissa began to talk to Lori about me, because of my picking and Chico had the same problem. Melissa and Lori have became very good friends because I am a neurotic bird !! :-)
Here are some pictures of Lori and Chico, with and without his collar to keep him from picking.

- My likes : Melissa, Millet, screaming when Melissa is trying to study, Screaming even louder when Jason is trying to study, waking up the household, seeds, car rides on Melissa's shoulder, walking on the keyboard when Melissa has an important paper to type, Tieltown, Lori and Chico.
- My dislikes : the Vet, Jason, Hooter and Margarita, the bird formerly known as the Lovebird, computers, nail and wing clippings, pellets, Petey, baths, misting, Prissy, medicines, and practically everything and everybody else, including Lisa.