Meet Spider Angel

We did this background strictly for our page. We ask that you not take it and respect our wishes. Thank you. ~Spider Angel

Spider Web

Morning dew glistening in the sun -

little silvery droplets reflecting

the colors of the rainbow

fine fragile threads of silk

neatly woven with love and care

patiently the spider weaves away

her little brown body no rest does know

step by step, thread by thread

gradually a stich becomes a row, a row becomes a line,

a line becomes a frame - a star - a web

here and there she scuttles over her creation -

it must be perfect!

Then she gives it the finishing touch:

another work of art

nature has created; a little unknown

artist crouches in her web ready to pounce

on her unsuspecting prey

and now she must wait -

Catherine Young~

A Big Huggy Hello From Me, "~Spider Angel"

I would like to welcome you to my lil' corner of the world.... I thank you for droppin' in.. Pull up a chair and sit a spell. We always have somethin' a cookin' on the stove or bakin' in the oven. And we always need someone to sample...Were not real good about talkin' about ourselves as we find others a lot more interesting', and would love to meet new friends and hear and share about you. Until then I will have to say somethin' about me... Smile

First off all those that know me personally know me by Carol, so can you if you would like. (On the chat web sites I am known as Spider or Spider Angel) Lord a mercy.....Have been married to the same person now comin' up on 31 years in December......Smile That is gettin' to be a long time..Smile He keeps my life real interesting by movin' me all over this country........Have gotten to see a lot of country side and meet a lot of wonderful and dear friends along the way. In our thirty + years of married life he has blessed me with two beautiful daughters who are both married and the oldest daughter is livin' in Iowa, And the youngest one has just moved to Ill. this past year. And they in turn have blessed me with my very own "ANGEL BASEBALL TEAM", we have nine of them G'babies...5 boys and 4 girls. And almost all of them enjoy the sport of baseball like we do ...Watchin' and rootin' or playin' it. Every place we move to we become their favorite fans and this year it has been the Colorado Rockies. I know there not that hot but there fun to go to and watch.....

We have many interests that we like to keep our hands into.........Love craftin', All types of it. Readin', workin' in the yard and takin' care of the flowers, spoilin' the g'babies every chance we get, travelin', cookin' and bakin', bingo, garage salein' walkin' and most of all collectin' our favorite "Angels". Our goal in life is to learn as much as we can about as much stuff as we can...That way we won't get left behind........HAHAHAHAHA Just love to keep expandin' our brain I call it.

I collect many things and my most favorite collection is my angels......The last time we moved and counted we had over 500 of them and the collection is growin' everyday. We have a Guest bedroom that is called the "Angelic room", as that is what is all over everywhere.......All 4 walls from top to bottom are angels.. And every room in the house has angels in it....... Made out of what ever...........".Anything can become an angel", is my theory.....And if you ask Hubby he says," If it sits long enough it does." We got our first angel at the age of three and fell in love with it and have been just addin' on to it ever since..........Lets just say it has been a lllllllllllloooooooooooooooong time.. Smile!! Love to create my own ideas and surprise others with gifts of them........Brings a lot of joy to the heart to be able to do that..........When they least expect it have one come to there door......

Another love of ours we share on the home page....And that is the love of the Al-Anon program.......We also have 32 years of that in. ...........My where has the time gone to........Can not think of a better way of life and the path of friends we have been blessed to meet along the way...........The larger my family gets the smaller the rest of the world becomes..........

Finally we are learnin' how to do this HTML stuff and hope daughters and hubby and the dear friends have a lot of patience.....Strivin' for progress on this not Perfection........So please excuse all the errors and inconvenience and put up with an old lady tryin' to learn a new trick........Smile

We thank you for droppin in, the chair is always out and the door's always open.......And somethin's a cookin and a craftin ' all the time. Don't have time to let grass get to tall under these feet...Smile) and we send you on your way with a hug and hope you will stop back often to visit and get another one........We is the #One Official Hug Collector too. Gave up a long time ago on the count of those, Just know we love to see them still a comin' our way.....

Til the next time we meet on this path to this room may Your day be a Happy one and when you feel you are alone just know we are here a waitin' for you to come back and visit again........Just in case noone has told you today.....We love you. 0:-)

Dear God,

So far today, I've done all right and I'm really feeling good about myself for that. I haven't gossiped, and I haven't lost my temper. I haven't been greedy, grumpy, nasty, selfish, or overindulgent, and I haven't harmed anyone in anyway that I know. I believe that I've done everything exactly the way that You wanted me to do, and I'm really proud of myself for that God.

But Lord, here in a few minutes I am going to get out of bed, and knowing me the way I do, from then on I'm probably going to need a whole lot of Your help!!!!!!!!

Thanks God!

