I put in the God box my husband, all the worrys and fears I have for him I put in the God box. I put in the God box my 3 children, Christopher, Heather, Ryan all the worrys and fears I have for them. Now last but not least I put in the God box Me. My life and My will.
Also would like to put in the one who has this home page(~Spider Angel) as she has some serious medical things going on with her. Pray for the Dr.s to take real good care of her.
All this I give to the God of my understanding and ask Him to keep them safe in the palm of his hand.
anyone who has been down that road and was about to find there
way back. MAY THE GOOD LORD BLESS AND KEEP YOU!!Thank you Carol and you have put a tear too my eye. All who see this pray for Carol's brother.Where two or more are gathered in prayer there He is (THE LORD) in the mitt's. The Prayer ring has begun.