This is my God Box

This is my Special God Box where I put things that I love and support on the net and off and know that I am powerless over. I know that God takes care of and does on His time , not mine.....If you would like to add something here let me know. Will be happy to put it in.

We are so touched to receive this award from Kathy just for this page.......Our God continues to bless us each day and for that we are truely greatful and and touched at the heart.

We support this and say special prayers for all children everyday.

Littleton, Colorado had a world tradgey on April 20th, 1999 when 2 17 year old school mates walked into the Columbine High School and opened fire on their school mates. We say special prayers for the 15 that lost their lives and for the 19 that are still in the hospital trying to heal from the gun shot wounds...We also say special prayers for the families that lost there dear and precious loved ones and for the students to heal that were put thru such horror and terror. We ask for Gods will to heal their hearts and take away the fears that they had to see. If you would like to have a ribbon to put on your site to let them know that you love and support them click on the ribbon and get one for your site. May Gods special Angels wrap there wings around them and hold them all close.

We support Missing ChildrenMissing Children

Wonderful site Go check it out.

We have decided to put our LOS bunny in here so all our sisters know we have them in daily prayers........Love n bunny huggies and pray you find me so we are not LOS anymore.............(*.#)

Special Prayer Request

We have more prayer requests.....I put in the God box my Daddy who is now in Heaven. May he be at peace now, with no pain and suffering from this disease called Alcoholism. I put in the God box my Mother, her life without Daddy and to the new life she is building now, also her sobriety of almost 10 years.

I put in the God box my husband, all the worrys and fears I have for him I put in the God box. I put in the God box my 3 children, Christopher, Heather, Ryan all the worrys and fears I have for them. Now last but not least I put in the God box Me. My life and My will.

Also would like to put in the one who has this home page(~Spider Angel) as she has some serious medical things going on with her. Pray for the Dr.s to take real good care of her.

All this I give to the God of my understanding and ask Him to keep them safe in the palm of his hand.

The God of my understanding continues to work miricles each day in my life and today was one of those days....We received this request to put in the God box and know understand as to why God wanted me to do this home page and add this to it.......Has truely touched my heart as I stand today in your shoes Carol, with my brother...What was sent to me...I don't know when I have ever been so profoundly touched by a home page before as I was by yours. Perhaps it is because I have a brother who seems to be lost to our family because of Drugs and Alcohol. Not a day goes by that I don't think about him and we all pray that someeday he will realize what he is doing to his life and his family.I truly admire

anyone who has been down that road and was about to find there

way back. MAY THE GOOD LORD BLESS AND KEEP YOU!!Thank you Carol and you have put a tear too my eye. All who see this pray for Carol's brother.Where two or more are gathered in prayer there He is (THE LORD) in the mitt's. The Prayer ring has begun.

Wonderful site Go check it out.

I went to visit your page and saw the God Box. You said we could ask you to add something into it. Well, I would like to add to it my friend who has Luekimia. She got it last year and is still recovering from it. If you had to have cancer, she got the best kind you could have, and if you saw her you wouldn't even know she was sick, except that all her hair fell out. But I still wish to put her in the God Box because I pray that she will continue to recover well and remain a healthy person, and I truly wish that it was not her or any other person that got this desease, but that it didn't exist at all. Because then many a person's pains would be gone.

This is special Angel children we have adopted to say special prayers for. Please click on picture and go check out the page and say a special prayer for them as they need it.