Hi Guys!  I'm the new cat in town.  I was born around August 1, 1999.  I got lost from my mommy, and somebody found me in the junkyard and took me to the animal shelter.  I was two weeks old.  Here I am:

   My new Mama came to see me every morning before it got light.  She fed me, cleaned me up, and made me "go" (urinate and defecate).  During the day other ladies fed me and took care of me and hugged me, but my morning Mama loved me the most.
   In October, when I was ten weeks old, my Mama and Daddy took me home.  I have my own room, with blue walls and white curtains, sunny windows, a bed with blue and white covers, and lots of good kitten food.
   Now it is November, and I have a dog who visits me every day.  We run run run and bite bite bite.  I love my dog!  In a couple of days I will go see my friend Doctor Mark and he will do tests to be sure I am well.  Then I can go meet my brothers and sister, who are big cats.

  Back to Animal Woman's main page (that's my Mama!)