These animals found homes.
So many more are still waiting. Please visit your local Animal Shelter,
and save a life.
Bob the Carpet Cat : Would
YOU trade in your loving eleven-year old cat for
Hi Everybody,
I need to find another home for a kitty. At our vet clinic
we have a beautiful, big red longhaired tabby cat that needs a new family.
It seems that his old family (for eleven years) is too good to have a little
cat hair on their new carpet. How pathetic. I was sooo furious when this
lady came in yesterday I could have screamed, but instead I kept my cool
and promised to find poor Bob a home. He is neutered and OF COURSE maimed
(declawed), can't have kitty tearing up our precious furniture!! Poor Bob,
he doesn't have a clue why his family dumped him-11 years
HOW COULD ANYONE DO THIS?? If anyone is looking for a
sweet baby-who could be better than Bob? He is very loving. I don't believe
he lived with any other animals, but is housed in the same room with the
dog kennels and is sort of
scared of them. You cannot tell he is eleven; he has
no grey hair and is in perfect health. He even comes with a litterbox,
dishes and food. We are going to euthanize him next week if we can't find
him a home, and I really don't want to do that. She said that he is a good
cat, with no bad habits, so if anyone could squeeze another kitty in their
house, get ahold of me ASAP!! I am in the upper Midwest, but would drive
to meet someone.
Bob found a home, thanks
to Lindsay, who posted this message.
This was Beth. She came to the shelter as apuppy,
ALREADY HOUSEBROKEN! We think she is a BlueHeeler/Australian cattle dog/Lab
mix. One thing is sure: she's as pretty a dog as you'll find anywhere.
just knew there was a good home out there for Beth,
and there was. She has gone to live with a nice family
with children to keep her busy. They have named her
Belle. I am not surprised to hear that she is behaving well;
she's a smart dog! Belle was adopted from the Washington Humane Society
Animal Shelter in Washington, Iowa. If you want to come see our many dogs
and cats, call (319)653-6713.
This little dog needed a home, and FAST!

March 25, 1998
A call came in to the Washington Animal Shelter today.
An elderly woman and her young handicapped relative must move into a nursing
home. They have a little dog which must be placed before FRIDAY, March
YES, I know this is short notice, but this is all the
time we have. I do not know the dog's name yet, or what breed/mix she is.
Facts about the dog:
1. She knows hand signals, as her handicapped owner doesn't
2. She is three years old and spayed.
3. She is about 12 inches tall, short haired, black,
brown, and white.
4. She is gentle with children and elderly.
5. She is house trained.
PLEASE call the Washington Animal Shelter in Washington,
Iowa if you know of someone who would appreciate this smart and sweet little
WELL, someone called and thanks to CUR and Hearts
United for Animals, Honey was placed in a foster home until a new owner was found.
She was adopted by a handicapped man. I'm sure he got a jewel of
a dog!
I was so happy to post this:
July 23, 1998 : UPDATE!
Sophie has been adopted! A family came to the shelter and asked to
see the cat who had been there the longest. It was Sophie!
She is happy in her new home and they love her very much.
Meet Sophie.
She has been at the Washington Animal Shelter since September 13, 1995.
She is one of the most content, easy-to-get-along-with lady cats
you can imagine. Clean and dignified, she has sat quietly in her cage for
all these months, waiting for someone to choose her. Maybe
that's why she's still there...she doesn't stick her
paw out, rub up against the cage, or meow at visitors. Perhaps she is accepting
her life the way it is. Perhaps that special person just hasn't walked
in the door yet. Could it be you? Sophie is spayed, and has tested
negative for FIV and FeLV. So what's holding this up? Give this pretty
girl a home!
was found on the highway by a police officer July 8, 1996. She was
barely old enough to leave her mother. This orphan was fostered at
a volunteer's home until she was big enough for adoption. Her adopters
left her outside to fend for herself with no shelter in the winter, and
allowed their child to drag her around with a rope around her neck. The
Humane Society repossessed
Blair in June of 1997. She had not been spayed as per
the contract. She had lost the tips of her ears to frostbite. She's been
spayed now, and has learned to trust humans again. You can see she is beautiful.
Do you have a good, safe home for this little gal who has been through
so much?
Blair and another
long-term resident, Echo (a large longhaired black male), were adopted
by one of our new staffers. We KNOW they have a fine home with Nancy!
Jake has been adopted by a lady who has two other senior dogs. Thank you for coming all the way to PAWS for another special canine companion!
a special needs dog. He is a black and
white spaniel mix, who loves water. He is an adult dog,
who has been waiting awhile for a new family. He is medium sized. He has
dry eyes, so he must have medicine in his them every day to keep them moist
end healthy. Jake is friendly and would love a home with children. He is
highly intelligent and trainable. Jake MUST have a fenced yard.
Sugar has been adopted!
A family had lost their elderly pet, and the young son was told by his
mom he could choose any dog he wanted at the shelter. He chose this senior
dog. She is a mixed breed, possibly with some type of terrier or pomeranian
in her background. She is cream and white, fairly short haired, and may
be seven yrs. old, give or take a few years. We brought her in from the
dog pound on December 23, 1997. She was well behaved at the shelter, spending
most of her day curled up in her dog bed, or watching the activity around
her. She is housebroken. She tended to be aggressive toward other dogs,
even those much larger than herself. We can only get a rough estimate of
a dog's personality at the shelter. They can be totally different in "normal"
surroundings, so we wondered how she would do as she pranced proudly out
the front door with her new master. Reports are she is just fine and they
love her. Update 2000: Sugar passed away of a stroke. Our sadness
is tempered by the knowledge that she had her own home and her own boy
who loved her till the end. Her family came back and adopted another
dog from the shelter.

Cricket has been adopted. He is a male wire haired
terrier. He was found by a bridge crew outside of Washington. He was fostered
at the home of a volunteer and is a very nice little dog. We finally got
him into the shelter in March 1998, and he hated being in a cage. He jumped
up and down all the time, wearing hair thin on the top of his head. His
new family loves his energetic terrier attitude, and he has settled in
Isaiah and Fabian found homes very shortly after they
were brought into the shelter by their foster mom. I guess all the
love she gave them really showed in their affectionate personalities.

When you see rainbows on my pages, they
are in memory of my sweet human rainbow child, Michael Benjamin, born and
died May 13, 1986. I know he would have loved animals as much as his dad
and I do.
Spay and neuter your companion animals. Leave breeding to responsible,
knowledgeable breeders. Every year an estimated fifteen million fine dogs
and cats are euthanized in America. This is no way to treat our best friends,
so when it's time to adopt a new family member, go to a shelter and SAVE
Thank you for visiting my home page.
MaryAW (Animal Woman to my friends)
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