Here are a few new photos of my guys:
Here's our dear Logan, napping in the window hammock.

Simba and Logan, resting from a wrestling lesson.

Here's Jade, who lived with us for a few months in 1998.  He and Smokey looked so much alike that when I got these photos back, I thought Smokey looked a little on the large side!

Here's my dear Elvie, running with his best friend, Ayla.  Ayla retrieves the ball or the kong, and Elvie runs out and back with her.  He doesn't want to get the ball very often...just wants to run with Ayla!

The Washington, Iowa Humane Society Animal Shelter is a private, no-kill shelter supported entirely by donations from people who believe in our cause.
The Shelter receives no funding from the City of Washington or Washington County.  Local Humane Societies do not receive funds from the national Humane Society (HSUS).  Animal Woman maintains this website to promote adoptions from the local Humane Society and is solely responsible for the content of those particular pages.  Personal Pages are identified as such.


Read more about the Washington Iowa Animal Shelter


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When you see rainbows on my pages, they are in memory of my sweet human rainbow child, Michael Benjamin, born and died May 13, 1986. I know he would have loved animals as much as his dad and I do.
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Spay and neuter your companion animals. Leave breeding to responsible, knowledgeable breeders. Every year an estimated fifteen million fine dogs and cats are euthanized in America. This is no way to treat our best friends, so when it's time to adopt a new family member, go to a shelter and SAVE A LIFE. 
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MaryAW (Animal Woman to my friends)
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