Logan, my foster kid :
Those of you who have raised orphans, strays, and ferals know he didn't look this good when he got here.  In these photos he is up to 1/2 pound and he is about 10 to 12 weeks old.
More photos and details on Logan will follow.  Thanks, everyone for your prayers for this little guy!!!

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Logan's beginnings:
This little creature was brought to me weighing less than 1/2 pound, covered with fleas, ears black with mites, belly full of worms.  His legs were so thin; almost no muscle at all.  He shuffled when he walked.  For the first five days I fed him four times daily, increasing the amount as his stomach became used to food.  He has been staying in my upstairs bathroom/dressing room, an area about 8 X 12 feet, so he has lots of room to play and develop his coordination.

Soon we became quite fond of the little guy.  His winsome face, with big golden eyes like a lemur, began to fill out.  Steve noticed the markings on his back formed a happy face when he hunched down to eat.  One morning he got in the shower with me three times!  I had to blow dry this tiny bundle of fur, and barely made it to work on time.  He likes to drink out of the sink when the water is running, with his hind end on the counter and front end in the sink.  His skinny little heels stick up like the fins of a '57 Chevy.


Update, August 15, 1998.  Logan went to see the Vet today.  He had his ears deep cleaned, and meds in them.  He was wormed for the second time.  His weight is up to 2 3/4 pounds, hooray!  We went over to the Animal shelter and he received his first DRCP shot.  This afternoon he threw up twice, but he was eager for his dinner.  In three or four weeks we'll test him for FIV, FIP, and FeLeuk.  Dr. Mark doubts he has any of these viruses in his system, as his weight gain has been so grand, but I want to be sure before I take him to the shelter.

Update, Sept. 13, 1998
Logan has had his 2nd DRCP, and Saturday he weighed in at 3 1/4 pounds. He wouldn't cooperate with having blood drawn, so he was sedated. He was neutered while he was "under". Now I must wait for the results!

Okay, here's the good news!


Logan came down to join the family. He charged at the big cats and Elvie (Corgi), howling and with ears flattened. They all ran. THEN Simba, our big male, started to mother him. Soon all the big cats and Elvie were grooming "the baby".


Logan's Story continues on his adoption page.

When you see rainbows on my pages, they are in memory of my sweet human rainbow child, Michael Benjamin, born and died May 13, 1986. I know he would have loved animals as much as his dad and I do.

Spay and neuter your companion animals. Leave breeding to responsible, knowledgeable breeders. Every year millions of fine dogs and cats are euthanized in America. This is no way to treat our best friends, so when it's time to adopt a new family member, go to a shelter and SAVE A LIFE.
Thank you for visiting my home page.
MaryAW (Animal Woman to my friends)


© 2009 Animalwoman


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