the Amazing Valentine's Day Cat
my name is Cupid. This is my story. I was born in 1995 in the junk yard. I had
a severe birth defect, which I will tell you about later, but most kittens
born as bad off as me do not survive. Me, I am a survivor!
I was taken into the Humane Society Animal Shelter in Washington, Iowa
on February 14, 1996. They named me Cupid in honor of the day.
was so small and skinny that the staff there thought I was a kitten.
Imagine their surprise when I turned around and showed them I was a fully
developed boy cat! I smelled of auto fluids and worse. My nose
ran all the time, and I sneezed a lot. It was decided to take me
to see Dr. Mark [Leichty] . He removed my boy parts and discovered
I had a cleft palate. Most kittens can't nurse with a cleft palate,
and they die. I got along somehow, but that's my secret.
palate was repaired twice, but it kept coming apart. Dr. Mark said
to Cara (my first human mommy) "What do you want me to do with this cat?"
said, "I want you to save him!" Cara knew I was special. Dr.
Mark had read in a journal about a nasal prosthesis for humans who
abused cocaine. He thought it could be used for my palate, and ordered
it. Three good ladies from the Humane Society donated the money to
pay for it. Thanks, ladies!
doctor cut it down a little and installed it in the roof of my mouth.
When I ate, the food didn't go up into my nose anymore!
the rest of my life a vet must clean under my prosthesis every three months.
I also have chronic sinusitis with runny nose.
Here I am at the shelter:
I finally
got out of isolation at the shelter. One of the volunteers taught
me how to groom myself and removed a big, stinky plug from my nose so I
could breathe on both sides.
the one year anniversary of my arrival, I went to Cedar Rapids to be on
TV. Everybody loved me, but no one wanted to adopt me, so I
ended up back in the shelter again.
Spring, I started to be able to roam free a little bit...I could hang out
on top of the refrigerator, sit by the window, or run through the
dog room. It was nice, but I felt like spreading my [imaginary] wings.
The opportunity came when my friend Mary decided to fly to Florida.
Mary's Mama was my sponsor, which means she sent money every month toward my expenses.
I decided I would go on vacation with Mary and Steve, her husband.
night before, I spent the night at Mary and Steve's, then we went up to
the airport. I had to get in a tiny carrier so it would fit under
the seat. I meowed some on the way to St. Louis, but slept from there
to Miami. Everyone said I was so pretty, and kept calling me "she".
we were waiting for our baggage, Mary's Mama arrived. I looked at
her, and she looked at me . . . I knew she was my sponsor and that she
loved me. It was a special moment. When we got to her house,
I made myself comfortable right away.
is a picture of me resting:
here is a picture of me rolling on the warm bricks out on my screened
in patio :
guess you could say I've come a long way from the junkyard!
had surgery awhile back. You see, I like to sit in the windows and
watch lizards and other interesting stuff going on outside. One day
something startled me and I flung myself backwards into a coffee table,
dislocating my elbow. It hurt so bad, I began to moan low, like this:
"MOOOOOOOO". My Mama grabbed me and put me in that horrid little
carrier and I went to see Dr. John. Even after being put back in
place and splinted, my elbow still popped out. I couldn't use that
leg at all!
folks took me to a big Animal Hospital and another Dr. John. This
guy was from Iowa. I said "that's funny, I'm from Iowa, too!"
He just smiled and started examining me. He operated on my leg and
fixed it. I stayed there a few days and when I left one of the ladies
there even kissed me!
time later, my regular doctor took the cast off and I walked across
the exam room with just a slight limp.
now I show my paw to Mom, and flex my toes to show how well they work.
Sptember 1998 I stopped eating and pooping. Dr. John said "bring
him in NOW!!!" So Dad took me. My prosthesis was gone.
It was nowhere to be found at home. Everyone thought I'd swallowed
it. Soon I was headed up the road to the big Animal Hospital again.
They did lots of tests where they looked in my belly, but could not find
my prosthesis. The doctor wanted to try closing my palate again,
so that is what he did on September 24th.
update: Cupid is resting comfortably, bleeding a little from one
nostril, being fed VIA a feeding tube. He hopes to go home in a week
or so. Prayers, candles, or whatever your personal faith uses to
communicate with our creator, are appreciated.
II : The operation was unsuccessful. Cupid went home and his parents tube
fed him for two weeks, but the hole opened up again. He will have to get
a new prosthesis installed. Poor fellow, it's always something!
STORY, PART SIX, December 31, 1998 . . . Hi folks,
it's me, Cupid. Guess who came to my house last week - MaryAW! I remembered
her right away (she wasn't sure I would). Our dog Lhasa remembered her
too. I slept right by her face every night, and when our Dad went to Atlanta
Lhasa slept in our room. Mary got me some tasty fish flavoured food (IAMS
catfish) and some good cat toys. She gets this really satisfied look on
her face when she sees me on my patio. I LOVE my patio!
just like being outside except I can't catch the birds. Somehow, a few
insects and lizards DO get in and I eat them. There's a little cat jungle
in the corner, where I can hide behind the plants.
should see how I cuddle with my Mama, Ruth. I flatten myself on her chest
and nudge my head up under her chin. Sometimes I sneeze all over her and
she has to go clean her blouse. Sorry about sinuses are always
in an uproar. I really love my Mama. She cleans my sneezy marks off the
wall with shampoo. January 4th I get my new prosthesis! Dr. John in Miami
will put it in. Then I will be able to eat crunchy cat food again. Please
say a prayer for me that the procedure goes well. I have had more than
my share of medical troubles, but I am a survivor. Your prayers have helped.
MaryAW says she will post my latest pictures when they are developed. Hope
you all have a wonderful new year. You can write me c/o MaryAW. Love and
hugs, Cupid
Aren't I cute? I'm the best old cuddle cat!
calls this photo "fangs":
really just yawning)
STORY, PART SEVEN . . . January, 1999 My new prosthesis
is in and I am home, content to sit on my patio, sleep on the bed, and
eat my crunchies. My Mama says I am about the smartest cat in the world.
I learn very fast what my humans want me to do or not do. They do NOT like
me to get on the kitchen counter, but sometimes I just have to do it...if
they don't want me up there, they shouldn't leave meat loaf out and then
go answer the phone, right? Anyway, I hope this prosthesis stays in for
a long time, because having a new one put in is scary.
STORY, PART EIGHT . . . Into the new Millenium
Well, ladies and gentlemen, it's me again, Cupid. Can you believe a cat like me with a prosthesis has lived to be over TEN YEARS OLD? Mary never thought it would happen. I am a miracle cat. I hate to tell you this, but my dog friend Lhasa, passed away. He got very old and skinny. His bones hurt him and sometimes he would go in the corner and bark at nothing. Mama and Papa gave him medicine but finally it didn't do any good so Lhasa had to go to the Rainbow Bridge where he would feel better and wait for us there.
I have converted a number of people to loving cats. Isn't that great??? I just give them the LOOK and don't take no for an answer. They see what a marvelous fellow I am and how much my family loves me. When my Mama and Papa play cards sometimes I am allowed to sit on the table and watch. That would never have happened years ago. They let me sleep in the bed, too.
Let me tell you something you might not know. If you adopt a shelter cat, or a shelter dog, you are saving a life. If that animal is smart like me, it will KNOW what a good home it has and give you LOVE LOVE LOVE like I give my family! We cats understand what you say...just about every word of it.
Well, I got to go now. There is so much to do around here...lizards to watch, pillows to sleep on, bricks to roll on, food to beg never ends.
Love and hugs,
When you see rainbows on my pages, they are in memory of my sweet human
rainbow child, Michael Benjamin, born and died May 13, 1986. I know he
would have loved animals as much as his dad and I do.
Spay and neuter your companion animals. Leave breeding to responsible,
knowledgeable breeders. Every year millions of fine dogs
and cats are euthanized in America. This is no way to treat our best friends,
so when it's time to adopt a new family member, go to a shelter and SAVE
Thank you for visiting my home page.
MaryAW (Animal Woman to my friends)
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