Paloma M.S.R. (Emir M.S.R. (out of the legendary *Regional daughter *Lindera) X Antara M.S.R. (X Antares) and my friend Ilene Rosengard at the 1996 A.A.O.B.P.P.H. Nationals

Paloma M.S.R. and me in our first Bozal class together in 1993
And now for some of Paloma's Champion relatives (below, from left to right) - Picture: below right Paloma's very famous Granddam, *Lindera (X *Regional) (X *Regional):
9 times undefeated Junior Champion Stallion of his day - Romanesco MSR (Paloma's paternal Grandsire, Florentino MSR X *La Flor de Cipres (a full sister of Antares X *Burlador)), paternal great grandsire and multi-Champion in his own right Florentino MSR, and Multi-Junior Champion mare - Antara MSR (Paloma's dam - Antares X *FPC Castiza (X *FPC Ollantay)

Paloma is a crowd favorite - she has done well under American and Peruvian judges and is very smoothly gaited with nice thread. She has won 4 out of the 5 Champagne classes entered, taking a second in that 5th class. She is a Parade natural and adapts her attitude to the ability of her rider.
This was taken at the Del Mar all breed horse show - Paloma was 2 and took her first title of Champion Junior Mare in May of 1992
Paloma foaled a gorgeous deep bay colt early Sunday morning!! (June 14th) See him next to his father below!!

Antares (Burlador X *Estrellita Del Sur)
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