
I Love You

I have a smile
stretched from ear to ear
to see you walking down the road
we meet at the lights
I stare for a while
the world around disappears
just you and me
on this island of hope
a breath between us could be miles
let me surround you
my sea to your shore
let me be the calm you seek
oh and every time I'm close to you
there's too much I can't say
and you just walk away
and I forgot
to tell you
I love you
and the night's
too long
and cold here
without you
I grieve in my condition
for I cannot find the strength to say I need you so
oh and every time I'm close to you
there's too much I can't say
and you just walk away
and I forgot
to tell you
I love you
and the night's
too long
and cold here
without you

Welcome to my place. I was born Elizabeth Anne, on the 13th May 1955 at a place called Dunedin, which is in New Zealand. My Dad left home when I was three, sadly he died when I was 15yrs. So I cant say I knew him well.I have three brothers and three sisters.Im the one in the middle.My stepdad came into my life when I was 7yrs.This man was amazing. Let me tell you a little about him. He was bought up on a farm in Otago. When he was 18yrs he contracted Polio, leaving him paralysed from the waist down,this put him in hospital for a year. After this he moved to the city.When he was 36yrs he meet my Mum and within a week they were married. I speak of this man because he taught me so much. I guess because there were tasks he couldnt do, I became his helper.Together we worked well,everything from the garden to renovating the house,even concreting and fence building.Im so clever.SMILE I started work when I was 15yrs.Working in a clothing factory where I proved to be very good at my trade.By the time I was 16 I was on adult wages. WOW. $28 a week. I meet my husband when I was 22yrs. We have two girls Hollie, born on the 4th April 1982 and Annaliese Born on the 14th January 1988.Now I live in a small city in New Zealand,I have lived here for ten years. I dont like it much here. I miss the city I was born in and my friends from there. I have travelled a bit. Going overland through Asia to the UK. But that was the good old days. Since I can't travel now, I have found the net a wonderful place for meeting people, without leaving my lounge. Of course not the best way but better than sitting here day after day talking to no one. I'm not a computer person, but since my time here I have learnt quite a bit .... still no expert..... I am a dressmaker by trade. I have now been a chatter for 8 years. I must admit its almost been that long since I updated this my home page. Im sorry, *LOL* Ive almost forgotton how its done.

Photo Gallery
My daughter's Poetry
Music I like
My Thoughts

My Favourite Places

Hopes Page
Simons Page
Annalieses Page
My Best Real Life Friend WiCkEd web woman
Bookers Page
GreyBears Page
MeChMans Page

E-mail me here.....
I have been asked many times why the name kakabeak for my mail addy. Well here is a pic of a Kakabeak, which is a native plant to New Zealand

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