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Feb. 03, 2004 Added new additional address for Archivo Historico de la Arquidiocesis de Monterrey and checked links page for broken links. I removed some and will work to determine if the personal genealogy link pages have moved to another site.

Al Estado de Nuevo León
To the State of Nuevo León!


"Does Anyone Know?..."

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"La Cocina de Nuestros Padres"

added Semitas recipe as well as links for Empanadas de Camote con Pina and Empanadas de Fruta. Also added links to two Capirotada recipes, one in Spanish the other in English. Last updated 4/22/00

02.03.04 Attention: To the many of you who have requested a general address to write to for the State of Nuevo Leon, I have the following updated info. received from George Gauss:

Archivo Historico de la Arquidiocesis de Monterrey

Calle Arista No. 230 Sur

Monterrey, Nuevo Leon

Mexico C.P. 64000

Sisters: Maria del Consuelo Villa Salinas Maria Rosario Urzua Lopez Available Tuesday through Saturday at 10A.M. Telephone Number: 011-52-81-83-404407 HINTS: The generally charge a $50.00 peso fee. Include a tip and you will get extra good service. Make a duplicate copies of materials received on acid free paper. General information provided by Santiago Villejo / residence unknown Hints and other information provided by Lupe Ramirez / Laredo, TX

96/03/02 - From Jorje Hernandez Osuna I received the following:
Mercedes: Para efectos de información genealogía anterior a el establecimiento del registro Civil en México, 1864, es necesario recurrir a los archivos de la Iglesia Católica. La dirección del Archivo del Arzobispado de Monterrey para efectos de actas de bautizo, genealogía etc, es:

Archivo Histórico de la Arquidiosis de Monterrey Calle Arista No. 230 Sur Monterrey, N.L. Código Postal 64000 México Tel. 83-40-44-07 Espero que te sirva la información, Saludos. Jorge Hernández Osuna

Thank you Jorje....translation....for birth records prior to 1864 when the civil register system was put into place contact the Historical Archives for the Archdiosis of Monterrey at the above address and phone number.

These will be next on my list to be update

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This page last updated Feb. 3, 2004.

This page is maintained by Mercedes Marquesa
Se habla español.

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