Since I came online I've met many wonderful people who today are my friends. Each of you has touched my life in your own unique way. This page I made for you who mean so very much to me. You know who you are….



"For all of you wonderful people involved with FAS/FAE especially those on FASLINK , the FASDAY team, OLDER FAS,  FAS families and FAS Forum"  

Your knowledge, sense of humor and willingness to help are second to none. I'm honored to be among you. Your support sustains me over and over when the "system" fails.


Zeeeeeeee  CAPPY-Tannnnnnnn !!!

My dear Sis from Wisconsin, known as Cappy-tannnnn

Becoz she’s related to the late Captain Kidd… No kidding !

We share our joys and our sorrows, frustrations and grief

But above all else we LAUGH !!!

What a great Sis to have… 




"For Butterfly Bonnie, founder and organizer of FASday International -
Words remain inadequate to express my admiration and respect. It's a
great honor to be on the FASday team with such an inspiring leader."

To all of my LDS friends, for your uplifting thoughts, URL's support and sharing.






"For Jessie, my dear friend whom I have met  in person.
              If you see her on the freeway - she'll be passing you. *lol* 

 You're an inspiration Jess - in so many ways!

"Who says you can't find love online??"



Hugz for Patches from your friends in Canada.




"A Humming Bird in CA - one great example of what we all should be -
dedicated to her family and the gospel. Bless you Hummers !

A heartfelt Thank-you to my Texas born admirer, advisor and supporter

Whose abiding friendship has spanned more than six years.

 You and your Spiritual perspective means so much to me.

Stay on track !!   You deserve so much !!



To Helen  whose love, respect and support of my work remains undying.
 You're a wonderful person. These are her babies… 


"From Sherwood Forest, land of Robin Hood
Castles and rolling green hills,
Wonderful fairy tales........
an intriguing resort

Laughing, teasing and fun....

Forever my favorite Brit.......
"As One"  "McL"



 My Newfie friend who regularly speeds through my screen on his bike  

(when he's not fixing it) - Peace and love as you always say and ciao....... 

 I admire your strength and endurance and appreciate your philosophy on life.  

Thanks for the music and my little corner in your world. 

 Bless you sweetie




Pam, my dear friend from Florida. Your insights and understanding are priceless and your
support never ending. You have a rare and wonderful gift. Hold on to it.
Appreciate your friendship so very much.


"Katie - my little Cyber granddaughter. Cyber McGGrandma sends her
little games and things and we share some little notes. Katie loves
her kitty that lives and plays on the screen.  She is just learning
the computer. Bless you sweetheart. Hugz and welcome to my special

"Pour Fragrance."

Soeurs jumelles nous sommes ma chérie. Quelle merveilleuse fragrance
tu apportes dans ma vie avec ton caractère positif et ton coeur
compréhensif. Une cyber-soeur qui partage de si belles choses avec
autant de gens est un cadeau du ciel. Tu as mon plus profond respect
et admiration. Je te suis très reconnaissante pour ton support constant !


"Twins we are my sweet sister. What a wonderful "fragrance" you
bring into my life with your positive nature and understanding heart. A
"sister" online who shares so many beautiful things with so many is a
blessing from above. You hold my undying respect and admiration. I am
so very grateful for your constantly uplifting communication!"

Michele who shares my love of making creations online

Bless you and thank you for your support and creative abilities.

This is Michele with her grandson William.

and these little people are Michele’s babies.

I take great pleasure in welcoming them to my page

Blondie , Grisoune and Noiraude


For "Wings "

Thanks for sharing your ongoing story, the joys and the sorrows. Life is full of challenges and these are what makes us what and who we are - very strong. I speak from experience my friend. What a great person you are for one so young. I  appreciated your update on your life recently and once again admire you greatly for having the courage to just be YOU !!   Don't EVER apologize for who you are !!  YOU are a great person !



  "Yogibear" is usually found somewhere in Jellystone
National Park looking for a picnic basket and trying to avoid the
Remember Boo Boo is your conscience and constantly reminds you:
"The Ranger isn't gonna like this Yogi !!"

Welcome to my web page Yogibear..
May you be blessed every day of your life with peace and joy and love

The Eagle

Wisdom and years
Affliction and tears
Shares he his feathers
When we meet together


Don (Buck) Anger  - aka The Eagle

Buck passed away  January 17th, 2003  It was his 75th Birthday

The following link is to a poem that Buck wrote

 I had it made into a web page about a year ago

 and post the link to it here as a memorial to him.  

My Aussie friend from dun-under

Your K-1  -  K-8  presentation was captivating and intriguing to say the least...

 And you're a great friend.

Thank you RV for all your support and work with this, my Web site.  

You were my constant, never failing anchor in the storm for so long never asking anything in return. Your maturity gave me perspective so many times.  

 And never a critical word - a genuine friend, like an unmovable rock. 

 Words remain inadequate to express my deep and abiding appreciation! 


"I've dreamed many dreams that never came true."
"I've seen them vanish at dawn."
"But I've realized enough of my dreams thank the Lord"
"To make me want to dream on."
"I've prayed many prayers, when no answers came"
"Though I waited patient and long"
"But answers came to enough of my prayers"
"To make me keep praying on."
"I've trusted many a friend that failed"
"And left me to weep alone"
"But I've found enough of my friends that are really true,"
"That will make me keep trusting on."
"I've sown many seeds that have fallen by the way"
"For the birds to feed upon"
"But I have held enough golden sheaves in my hand"
"To make me keep sowing on."
"I've drunk from the cup of disappointment and pain"
"I've gone many days without song"
"But I've sipped enough nectar from the Roses of Life"
"To make me keep living on."

By Ron DeMarco "copyright."

Having a place to go is home.

Having someone to love is family.

Having special people in your life is friends.

Having all three is a blessing.