My Family

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My Children

I have two sons: Cory, 8 years-old & Tyler, 14 months-old. Here are some pictures.

Cory is starting 3rd Grade, and has always been very intelligent. He loves insects, animals, reading, soccer, and Goosebumps.

Tyler runs and loves to climb now. He also shows an aptitude for sports - he now kicks a ball and enjoys hitting balls with sticks. He eats everything! He is already in 3T clothing and it is hard to find shoes that fit his chubby little feet.

Me and My Better Half

My significant other is an automechanic and keeps all of our vehicles running. He is also pretty handy around the house. He can fix anything!

I work on computers, setting up systems based on a clients' criteria. My specialty has been setting up Internal Web Sites for companies. To read more about where I work: RWD Technologies Inc.

Since we both work, we split the household chores. Although we don't always get everything done.

Family Outings

We enjoy fishing, at least once a month, weather permitting. On Fridays, we eat pizza and watch movies. We also enjoy reading, playing Nintendo64, playing sports (soccer especially), and gardening.

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