just a guestbook®
part three
1/1/98 to 9/18/98

view part one orpart two or the the current...book 4

Ghostt - 09/15/98 01:31:15
My URL:http://www.concentric.net/~ghostt
My Email:ghostt@concentric.net

I saw your address in Scott's guestbook, so I thought I'd drop over and say hi. Hi.

cherries^ - 09/03/98 20:06:42
My URL:http://www.atoka.net/positive
My Email:positive@atoka.net

hiya Justame !! its me!! posi !!:):):):) came by to have some fun and learn too !! kewl kewl stuff !! seeya in #mirc_flirts !! and huggles from posi :):):):):)

Shenni Mayer - 08/24/98 14:50:16
My Email:Shenben@hotmail.com

WOW Steph, This is the cutest litt'l websight around. Please e-mail me. Janets daughter Shenni

`Jobu - 08/23/98 20:05:12
My URL:http://www.flash.net/~tlh1
My Email:tlh1@flash.net

Every time I visit here, I say to myself, there is no way this site could improve. And ya know what? Im always wrong! hehee. Not that I talk to myself a lot...well...you know what I mean, dont ya? lol Great job Justame, and hope to see ya in flirts soon :

Janet Mayer - 08/22/98 00:18:50
My Email:bj.mayer@sympatico.ca

Steph, Very interesting web site I must admit.Obviously alot of thought and work went into it.I'm glad I found it.Please Email me.I am very eager to hear from you now that we finally have a computer and are online. Your good friend always, Janet

FiXiT - 08/02/98 20:00:59
My Email:rwood@iland.net

justa® flyin by and wanted to say hi and leave a hug behind for you :o)

rich - 07/29/98 18:43:45
My Email:humby@cytanet.com.cy

Just surfed in - weird and wonderful site

Kathryn - 07/21/98 20:18:59
My Email:kaproulx@yahoo.com

Great page Steph!!! I'll show it to hubby later. I know he'll like it too.

Leah - 07/15/98 23:26:02
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Balcony/2509/
My Email:gem70@hotmail.com

Hey cool pages ya made here ! Visit me sometimes... Leah

sean and lynn - 07/07/98 00:57:36
My Email:spawnelf@ontarioeast.net

steph, tanya's page needs help

Dizzzzy - 06/28/98 00:17:47
My URL:http://come.to/ssop
My Email:Dizx4y@yahoo.com

Nice work..... :O) real cool layout! Keep up the good work! See you in the Lounge! :o)

Amy - 06/27/98 02:32:18
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/sd/PorcelineStar/index.html
My Email:porcelinestar@hotmail.com


Wow.... just a nifty page. Hide the frogs and pet the camels-Im a punk rock star. Peace, love and Pumpkins... Rock saves-2007

Mrs. H - 06/13/98 17:03:24
My Email:WhyMeAntC@Aol.com

This is the cutest ! How talented and creative you are; thank you for sharing with us onliners. It is appreciated and I am gonna let every friend I have share with my new findings. again, thanks mrs. H

my2dogs - 06/08/98 03:17:26

Thanks for dropping by my page. Glad you got to meet FLO. She my sweety. So are you ;)

Pax - 05/24/98 18:01:08

Howdy! *hugs* How goes things these days? Yep we are back on-line. Showing off all of your awards. LOL

~Grandma~ - 05/15/98 21:44:37
My URL:http://members.theglobe.com/Grandmas
My Email:grandma@pcpros.net

Hi Just You!:
Thank you for the kind words
and the visit
I have really enjoyed my stay here!!
This site is excellent!
Looks like all the hard work finally paid off!
Good Job!

It is obvious that you have given great time and effort to their creation!
I just LOVE your graphics and backgrounds !!!
I have bookmarked your page for a return visit!
It is always a pleasure and very exciting to stumble upon a page that shows such good taste!
Keep up the good work, and don't be a stranger,
come on over and visit ~Grandma~!
The coffee's always hot
and the cookies are fresh baked!
~Grandma~ is always home
and YOU are always most WELCOME!!
~God Bless~

ICQ # 10651458

beansi - 05/10/98 17:14:02
My Email:beansi@idirect.com

Hi Steph, loved your page, wow are you talented

Lorraine - 05/09/98 18:24:06
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~ldunican/index.html
My Email:ldunican@hotmail.com

cute page

Doc^Robbie^MD - 05/08/98 18:32:31
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/Spa/9722
My Email:robbie2@hotmail.com

And the association of web-page titans hereby bestows the title of "web-designer of the millenium award tooooooo........" major drum roll ".....just a me®" lol, you deserve it ma'am ;0)

Mike - 05/03/98 00:32:20
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Breakers/8513/

Love your Page. Thank you for helping me with mine. Drop in and see us again :)

Mike - 03/07/98 19:55:41
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Breakers/8513/index.html
My Email:my2dogs@memphisonline.com

I love your page. Hope to figure how to do all this stuff some day. :)

don - 03/03/98 06:25:03
My Email:donwan@collegeclub.com

hey everyone just a wanted to say hi. let everyone know i stoped by.. this site is excellent, great work justame..

McNessy - 02/26/98 11:53:29
My URL:http://Ummmmm.com
My Email:mcnessy@ihug.co.nz

I havent visited for a while and I know naughty fella hehehehehe So just had to sign the guest book again hehehehe :-Þ

Podkayne - 02/21/98 22:40:24
My Email:colinlee@post1.com

Very cool page justame......looking forward to more.....see you in Flirts

Tux and Serena - 02/19/98 03:21:37
My Email:fndh@isys.ca

Jam we miss ya, never seem to be able to connect *sigh*

nurse-mac - 02/13/98 14:45:19
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Breakers/8178
My Email:orrd@air.on.ca

Some little bird told me to drop by and have another look..It looks great steph!!! Adding you as a link from my site Think we ought to start our own world for mirc chatters?? :)Hugs Later Sis!!

pastelrose - 02/12/98 18:29:51

What a great page, justame..I m very impressed..ME and music hope to make one, too, someday..LOL..I gotta get there first...roflmao hugs, Pastelrose

`Jobu - 02/10/98 23:03:11
My URL:Workin on it
My Email:tlh1@flash.net

Oh, here's the guestbook, lol Whew!...Lotsa new stuff since I was here last. I love the marble game (send me the cheat code)lol. You have your own little cyber community happening here Justame, hehe, pretty soon I wont have to go anywhere else! Keep u the great work. :)

Misti Moore - 02/05/98 20:10:42
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/WestHollywood/Village/2654/
My Email:girlzrule@sprint.ca


theep - 01/26/98 04:55:42
My Email:deepanita@hotmail.com

hello justame, thanks for the huuuggss, it was sooo nice to talk to you on mirc....I hope to be seeing more of you when I get my own program. Best wishes from this part of the world. and biiggg huuugggss from the steno...;o)

Netdude_in_Korea - 01/25/98 12:29:06
My URL:http://www.fortunecity.com/boozers/princessdi/100
My Email:cdweb@uriel.net

'lo justame! great page! thought I'd come and take a look see at your page, since my ISP FINALLY fixed their little problem with geocities. I just a love® Korea, can't you tell! Keep up the good work and I'll see ya in mirc_flirts!

NetOrphan - 01/24/98 15:49:07
My Email:jlutz@erols.com

Oh my oh my, you have been very busy working on your web site since I last visited in 1997. Kudos, you really have picked up a knack for writing html and java scripts. Let me know when the People's Choice Awards for Web Pages comes around and I'll vote or yours twice over.

micheal40 - 01/17/98 16:43:52

great page justa and thans for being a pal here

RED - 01/12/98 06:17:30
My Email:dgokey@top.monad.net

you're nuts that's why i love you RED= Don Gokey = char brother

nurse-mac - 01/03/98 17:39:24
My Email:orrd@air.on.ca

Just a hugs woman. Have a happy new year. Found little treasure on the internet bathroom wall on my travels.. Hugs'n later! D :)

fixit - 01/02/98 23:19:09

looking better and better :o) ever think about being a webmaster? You're already close :o) huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuus for my justa®besta® bud

Lima™ - 01/02/98 15:52:04
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/1462

hi justame...hugggsss....u said u put in another guestbook, so i had to come sign it :o) congrats again on a great page..u really should go into the web page design business ! happy new year hugggsss to u and your entire family :O)

Paul.......Bloody Hell - 01/01/98 02:22:57
My Email:paul.g29@ukonline.co.uk

Well I took my bloody time in getting here, but better late than ever.You know me I always am last to get any where. I wont say what I really want has hubby is looking..LOL Anyway its newyear so all the best to you and your family and keep those huggggggs coming....I need em....

just a onmouseover® entry...:O)

Blue - 10/09/97 08:50:06
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Arcade/6761/
My Email:blueabyss@iname.com

Hey just a me®, I made it back to your pages and they're looking very good indeed, keep up the super work on them. :) OnMouseOver Rules! hehe, enjoy :)

just a the® FIRST entry...

Cyber Stretch - 09/09/97 02:36:27
My Email:cyber-stretch@erols.com

**HUGS** Me is sooooooooooooooo proud of you! Look how far you've come in just a'bout® 1 year's time! Pretty soon, I'll be takin lessons from YOU! *LOL* [ctrl][k]15{Squeak}


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