just a guestbook®
part one
09/09/97 to 10/31/97

view part two, part three or current...part four

mrsdad - 10/31/97 04:29:29
My Email:hworth@jcn1.com

Loved the page!! Great job...

Dr. Vikram Sharma - 10/30/97 15:48:26
My Email:rob@galaxy5.com

Hi just, In case youre confused, it's gluteus. Just a love the work youve done on this. I'm going to keep a visiting. Keep up the good work See you soon at the chat. Bye and lotsa luv.... Glu

elmo - 10/29/97 19:00:02
My Email:mathm@hotmail.com

Wow.... I am impressed at how much you have done with the homepage. It is looking good. *giggles* you know that I have to add those giggles whereever I go hehehe. Keep up the good work mom *gigggles* hehehe

Baldy - 10/29/97 10:59:01
My URL:http://www.iinet.net.au/~baldy
My Email:baldy@iinet.net.au

hey hey hey young steph..:)))) I finally made it here to sign your just a guest book..:)))) I trust and and your family is well... and hello to everyone for the onld lobby that remembers me... I hope everyone is well and by the way Steph.. I do like your page... well done and keep up that learning..;)))) For anyone interested in visitiing my home page try http://www.iinet.net.au/~baldy.....:))))) just a thought I'd throw that one in too..heheheheheh Hey Steph it was a pleasure meeting you, Pax and foxhou in Montreal when I was there... had a great night, the towel is coming in handy and the Mr Muscle is great..heheheh well take care and say hi to Chris for me and tell him I still love the Ice hockey..:)) seeya all...later

Brian Campbell(Zx_NInEr) - 10/29/97 10:02:45
My Email:campbell8@hotmail.com

Comments:< /b>
It's me again, just came by to see what else was new. I hope to hear from you again soon. Your Friend, Brian (ZX)

Amara - 10/28/97 19:06:25
My Email:Amara71@aol.com

cool page *smile* do you have ICQ if you do send me you number so we can talk cause you are never in the Lobby !!! I am back on line!!!!*hugs * see ya!! Lady Amara

meistro - 10/26/97 08:59:09
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SiliconV alley/Horizon/2425
My Email:meistro2@geocities.com

i am impressed - u've come leaps and bounds in no time flat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! keep up the good work (i especially like the change in page layout - very nice) well, gotta go - big ol' huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugs and take care :o):o):o)

Flame (Kat) - 10/25/97 06:23:31
My Email:Flame3@hotmail.com

Comments:< br> Hey =) Your page looks great justame....really enjoyed reading through it...justa remember me as yer ol' halo adjusting bud from the old lobby....sheeesh...it's been two years you know....well take care...and I heard apple stock is up...better buy some =) hehehehe Yer justa gotta love me cuz I'm on a mac bud, Kat =)

saffy - 10/24/97 22:44:17
My Email:nope :O)

The page looks great just! Very creative! Now if we can only get you to work on a flirt page....hahahaha :O)

ERCP - 10/24/97 00:13:41
My URL:http://www.dragondata.com/~yorkie/ only one I'm on so far, hope to have my own one day soon!
My Email:cah@cmpu.net

Hiya Justame, HuuuuGgggggSssssss! Just a dropped by to check it out, it's grrrrrrrrrrreatttt!! I'm impressed and envious, you'll have to help me with mine once I get up the nerve to try it! lol Miss seeing ya in the lounge as much, but I can see now wha keeps ya so busy. Don't forget to drop by to say hello here and there, so ya don't become a stranger. Keep up the good work girl!! HuGsssss!!! Just a ERCP! :-)

Chris Munn, aka Munnster - 10/21/97 20:09:33
My URL:http://www.frontiernet.net/~munnster
My Email:munnster@frontiernet.net

Lookin' Good so far........the webpage too *roflmao*. Just another minute to load ;-)

Amanda :) - 10/21/97 02:58:13
My URL:http://don't have one

Hi! Nice page! :) Hi, all you lobby people. :) 'Member me? :) Noooooooooooo.....of course not!!! I didn't *have* this name....that's o-tay. :) I like your little pictures. :) How cute.... :)

wizman^ - 10/20/97 21:16:10
My Email:wizzy69@hotmail.com

Congrats justame on a job well done, I knew you could do it.Best Wishes wizman^

Lima™ - 10/19/97 03:10:03
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pla ins/1462
My Email:thelima@hotmail.com

Comments: Hi just...wow, something new every day :) and your clickable thingy on your frames page works..heheh...can't wait to see what you do next!huggsss...Lima™

inzdust - 10/17/97 04:43:49

hi goon

blimp - 10/16/97 04:11:56
My Email:blimplet@hotmail.com

Comments:< br> Hiya Just..Huggs Finally found the nerve to write..you gal..am certainly impressed now Good Show!! - 10/16/97 03:11:32
My email:didntleaveone


Sherry41 - 10/15/97 20:02:08
My Email:minedon'twork:(

and just where is hubbys picture? How can he give me a back rub if i can't see him?...lol...this is sooooo kewl!.I love it girl!

daisaku - 10/15/97 02:03:04
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/2237/
My Email:daisaku@globalpac.com

just testing your page to see what it looks like when someone adds an entry

Dani - 10/14/97 19:12:32
My Email:saltine@rocketmail.com

hey ma....huuuugggggggssssss...i love what you've done with the page....i even learned more about some of my buds...lol...you're the bestest ma there is....lol....take care...and i am not taking so many study breaks anymore either...lol....huuggggggssss.. .

laffn - 10/14/97 05:03:22
My Email:kd4real- T@juno.com

hey justaaaaa......i need to figure out the ftp , thanks for sending it. Is that one you got from geocities? yer welcome to my page anytime...course right now, it's not really a page LOL ;)

Jim (Latte912) - 10/14/97 03:33:05
My Email:latte912@hotmail.com

Hey Steph, Justa® cruised by to sign your book as promised...Was impressed to see you an op at flirts...Many congrats, hi to everyone, & happy Thanksgiving! Regards & hugz, Jim

- 10/13/97 02:05:05

Dear Justame-- i think your home page is great. May i say you have two handsom sons there that you can be proud of. It's been a privilege and a pleasure everytime we've had the chance to chat.It was nice to put a picture to the name and to see a net-friend continuous luck on what you want to do, I think your wonderful person. Take care to all. Your net-friend KIZA!!!!

meistro - 10/12/97 04:41:20
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SiliconV alley/Horizon/2425

just a ® great stuff here!!!!!!!!!!!! hehehehe******sorry had to usr ur ® just once ******smiles******* hey no email from u ?????????????????**sniff*** just kidding****wink***** keep visiting.......major renovations in progress bye*bye****now ****hugs****

Bas - 10/10/97 22:50:48
My URL:http://www.geocitites.com/area51/zone/31 05/
My Email:bklaasen@worldaccess.nl

Comments :
Hiya!!..."Just a" sign in the guestbook..hehe *big smiles* You really have a nice homepage...and if ya have anymore questions...haha...kiddin' nah just ask eh Lots a *HuGgSss* Bas

Blue - 10/09/97 08:50:06
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TimesS quare/Arcade/6761/
My Email:blueabyss@iname.com

Hey just a me®, I made it back to your pages and they're looking very good indeed, keep up the super work on them. :) OnMouseOve r Rules! hehe, enjoy :)

Eric - 10/08/97 23:56:41


Dr.V.B.Rao - 10/08/97 20:38:26
My Email:venkat.rao@sympatico.ca

Comment s:
Excellent Home page! Congradulations.Now you know I visited your page.I may change my internet provider.Thanks

Stretch - 10/08/97 11:37:24

**HUGS** Just a Babe®!!! [ctrl][k]15{Squeak} Gotta LUV all the changes you've made to yer home page! 'Specially the messages in the status bar thing... Soon enuff, you'll be makin the BIG bucks teachin the 'Nadians how to do home pages! *LOL*

John M. Stern, II (ex-lonely) - 10/08/97 00:08:23
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/ CapitolHill/Lobby/7450/index.html
My Email:jmstern@technologist.com

Comment s:
Sorry! when i signed it the first time, i misspelled 'technologist'! thats why there are spellcheckers. :-) Hope mom and dad are ok.

NikkiH - 10/07/97 21:56:46
My URL:http://www.cyberhighway.net/~istation
My Email:istation@cyberhighway.net

Commen ts:
Hey Justame :) Just wanted to let ya know I think your page is cool. I clicked on AZ2 and saw the link and off I went surfing. I enjoyed reading about all your buds and stuff :) We have a lot of the same interests even if we never knew it before! Take car !! GREAT PAGE! :)

Lima™ - 10/07/97 04:44:25
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pla ins/1462
My Email:thelima@hotmail.com

Comments: Hi justame :) I'm chattin with you in icq and checkin out your page and i already told ya but i'll say it again...it looks better every time i visit!! See lots of old lobby-goers stop by so..."Hi everyone! Miss you all! :)"

Nyami - 10/05/97 02:56:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/yosemite/trails/ 4530
My Email:scbarnes@scimail.uwaterloo.ca

Hey Justame®!!! It's justaneighbour® saying hi and dropping a line. Mieka gives licks to Buddy!!! Big hugs from the house across the court!! ~Å~

John M. Stern (ex-lonely) - 10/04/97 04:15:54
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/ CapitolHill/Lobby/7450/index.html
My Email:jmstern@technoligist.com

Comment s:
Way cute page! You're far beyond me in HTML, I wouldnt know JAVA, unless it says STARBUCKS. Added ya to my notify list. I will be back, i am sure.

laffn : ) - 10/03/97 05:50:16

Hiya Justaaaaaaaaa!!!! Thought I'd roam across your page again and apply one more time for a geocites homepage......*thought 'bout usin you for a reference....but that might only get me in trouble ;) * hehehe, so one more time , n maybe, hideho neighborette?

Yamson - 10/03/97 01:45:31
My Email:k2jk@lightspeed.net

Just a mom, I just a wanted to say congratulations on your home page!! I am glad that you are still keeping an eye on my Opie!! *smile*

Nice Smile - 10/02/97 16:18:49
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/ CollegePark/Quad/1066/index.html
My Email:nicesmile@bigfoot.com

If you need some help....let me know. Your page has potential!!

fixit - 09/26/97 01:11:54

Have you ever thought that now you are a published author? It's true! You wrote something that is out there for the world to see, whoever may wander by and choose to stop and "look in the window." Your little book has many stories inside it to tell, wh ch makes it really wonderful! Biggest huugs to you justame!

Rod and Nicky - 09/21/97 06:50:40
My Email:fndh@isys.ca

we were here lol

FiXiT - 09/20/97 18:07:06

Hey the page is lokin just a® great :) A huggably good job!

Pax - 09/19/97 23:55:40
My Email:player@ontarioeast.net

A wonderful way to exhibit your relationship with all your cyberbuds, justame. Even if some of them are tooooooooooooooooo cute. LOL Hopefully, my S.W.A.T. Team won't be needed much in the future. hehe

OPIE *son* - 09/19/97 18:00:03

HI MOM!!!! Love ya!!!....Great page!!!

boda - 09/19/97 03:24:40
My Email:oljato@hotmail.com

hi hug. cool page. ummmm...if im the most interesting person you've talked to you need to talk to more people:-). hahahahahahahahaah...zam. c-ya, bye, adios, ciao, tenf pai, kee'het.

Foxhound - 09/18/97 04:05:15
My Email:foxhound@total.net

Luv you lots. You seem to be getting the hang of this internet thingy. Banner headline: "justame takes over world with PC!"

SocaBoy - 09/17/97 03:37:15
My Email:SocaBoy@hotmail.com

Nice web page Justame !!! How do u keep track of all these ppl ? (Yes I have done my homework...lol) Ciao for now

becca - 09/17/97 03:23:10
My Email:beccajane@erols.com

Comments:< br> had to look again.....marvin is so cute :) /ece huuuuuuugggggggsssss......it's looking good! i think you chat too much.....lol....how do you keep track of sooooooo many people!! lol,......

cootsi - 09/16/97 04:11:57
My Email:arselph@surfsouth.com

hi ya steff,,,i justawanted to tell ya that i like your page very nuch,,and you did justagreat job:) ill have to come back and see more of it:) thanx for mentioning me there..thats justaspecial:)...an your justaspecial friend:) HUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGggggggggggggggggggggggggg!!!

Brian Campbell - 09/15/97 23:52:13
My Email:campbell8@hotmail.com

Comments:< /b>
Hello it's me again. It's lookin good, I'm glad I justahave the pleasure of sighning your book. I'll be back again soon to take another peek at your page and until then take care and God bless! Peace to all! Your Friend, Brian(Zx_NInEr)

Chris Munn - 09/15/97 22:42:48
My URL:http://www.frontiernet.net/~munnster
My Email:munnster@frontiernet.net

Hi Justme: Wow....you finally have a homepage. You certainly have come a long way since I first met you. See you soon, Munnster

Vmpyr - 09/15/97 13:07:47
My Email:vmpyr@hotmail.com

Hmmm....lookin great cuz!!!....im impressed

INZDUST - 09/15/97 03:44:14

nice job on site you!! Keep up good work!:)

your twin - 09/12/97 16:21:54
My Email:chda@hotmail.com

Hi sis......hugsssssssssssssss..love ya!!! So far your page looks fantastic!!! Talk to you soon.....char

Aliee - 09/12/97 02:57:57
My Email:alliee@netpluscom.com

Very Nice page Justame...but an angel??? lol who you tryin to kid??? hahahah HUGGGGSSS!!!

Lorlor - 09/11/97 04:09:49
My URL:http://home.mho.net/robit/index.htm
My Email:denverqueen@hotmail.com

Comme nts:
Wow - Way kewlage J A M! Nice to see you again and now if I can't track you down I can come here and look at ya - LOL HUGGS

Spock - 09/11/97 01:05:54
My Email:spock_v@hotmail.com

Hi! Good seeing you today! Been a long time - was thinkin' 'bout you just a yesterday - see you on the chat *VBHnKOC*

Limabean - 09/10/97 04:41:01
My URL:http://www/geocities.com/Heartland/Pla ins/1462
My Email:thelima@hotmail.com

Comments: You got your guestbook set up! Things are looking better every time I come to visit. Think maybe you should put an ad for our photography business? LOL...huggssss...Lima™

becca - 09/10/97 03:43:35
My Email:beccajane@erols.com

Comments:< br> hi!!! /ece huuuggggsss to you....nice start...MUCH better than the one i started a day ago! lol.....have fun and i'll see ya in ICQ....

wizjim^ - 09/09/97 06:01:53
My Email:wizjim@speedline.ca

your doing better than i am. i don't even have a web page. i know you'll make yours into something.

justa FiXiT - 09/09/97 03:58:34
My Email:rwood@iland.net

Hi justame!!! I'm justa really happy you got this going and here's an entry for you..:) Fixit is proud of justame for figuring this tricky little devil out. Darn, I see Cyber beat me to being the first to sign it haha. Ray

Cyber Stretch - 09/09/97 02:36:27
My Email:cyber- stretch@erols.com

**HUGS** Me is sooooooooooooooo proud of you! Look how far you've come in just a'bout® 1 year's time! Pretty soon, I'll be takin lessons from YOU! *LOL* [ctrl][k]15{Squeak}


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