...just a nother® huuuuuuuuuggggsss n'...
...thanx for signing the guestbook AND for coming to visit my homepage... :O)
this is part four!!! can you believe it???
you's guys just a filled® part one and part two an part three... thanx...:O)
they have all the memories safely stored since the guestbook began..:O)

jammie - 09/11/00 09:51:23

I an I say nice ta see ya, justame®

Chris Pike - 07/13/00 20:03:47
My URL:http://www.pikeus.co.uk
My Email:chris@pikeus.co.uk

This site rocks ;)

shy_anne - 07/11/00 02:13:50
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/shyanne9
My Email:shyanne9@yahoo.com

I like your site it is good. What else do you want me to put?? lol

Jack - 03/25/00 16:22:50
My URL:http://wowsites.com/algernon/
My Email:just.me@hehe.com

Hi. Really enjoyed your page(s). (Even more after I did some investigating and figured out the 'lingo'). You won't find my page nearly as interesting or fun. Guess it's more utilitarian.

Jim Young - 03/25/00 02:49:35
My Email:youngmaj@mail.com

Hey justame great site!! I need to brush up on my design or find someone who could jazz my site up a bit. (Maybe I will ask my wife, she has a flair for art). Good luck in your web designing.

hawkeye - 11/14/99 22:39:06
My Email:hawkeye@preferred.com

Just wanted to say hello and mention that your site is very CoooooL! Glenn

11/14/99 10:05:33
Name:icq girl
My Email: Email Me

Website de Nice. Agradecimentos para deixar-me assinar seu guestbook

fixit again - 08/08/99 03:06:43

Oh ya here's a bowl of ®'s for ya so you dont run out hee hee

fixit - 08/08/99 03:03:02
My Email:rwood@iland.net

/me was surfin by and caught a wave to your page :o) Just a hi and a long overdue hugs for a bud that I miss so much! Kinda got tired of the chat thingy and my nick got sucked up by someone anyway. You still have the best Geo page btw. Huuuuuuuugs agai !

Zoetrope Haircut - 06/07/99 00:59:11
My URL:http://www.odci.gov
My Email:zhaircut@ugh.com

"Going postal" may or may not be a wise move, depending on the situation. I received a poison-pen letter from my sister over a year ago, when a phone call would have been preferable. Had she called me, we may have been able to clear things up, but the let er really upset me. I sent it back with a sticky note telling her to "get a life".

McNessy - 05/22/99 23:02:50
My URL:http://homepages.ihug.co.nz/~mcnessy
My Email:mcnessy@ihug.co.nz

I was just passing through the nieghborbood and just couldn't help myself hehehehehehehe Here we GO :-Þ arr thats feels better hehehehe :-Þ The Web Page is Beyond Words Justame just when you think it cant get any better than this and it gets better :-)

blimp - 05/18/99 00:42:52
My Email:blimplet@hotmail.com

Hiya Just, U've done it again,. Great page!! Had a good laugh..:)

Shenben - 03/19/99 17:28:00
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Petsburgh/2036/

AWESOME PAGE! Check out mine! Shenben

Wizman - 03/18/99 01:09:23
My URL:http://www.speedline.ca/wizman
My Email:wizman@speedline.ca

Wow Justame!! Always knew you had talent and now I see how much.Truly a great accomplishment. You should be proud. Bravo!!

Hi, Just visiting - 01/21/99 21:27:40
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Boardwalk/9129/
My Email:meb_69@hotmail.com

Just visiting the pages of other Flirts. Nice Page!! Later Marshall

sher - 11/28/98 03:57:19

hey i love what you did with the web pages there great girl . hope to talk to you in chats or on icq see yaa huggs n cya soon.

John Stern - 11/06/98 06:02:50
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Lobby/7450.html
My Email:jmstern@technologist.com

Hey you! Thanks for stopping by my page. Nice to have an entry in the guestbook...LOL Finally found a real, full time 8 - 5 type job, back to making what i did in chicago! Hope all is well with you and yours..

ex-lonely - 10/28/98 03:27:08
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Lobby/7450/index.html
My Email:jmstern@technologist.com

Howdy justame! Just stopped by to say howdy, let you know that you're in my tour. Hope all is well!

Dillon - 10/24/98 00:24:53
My URL:/Paris/Cafe/9938
My Email:celicastx@geocities.com

Thanks so much for looking into our site, reading our story, and the kind words. We are glad to share the positive nature of our chance meeting and developed relationship since.

You site is very good! Very well crafted and executed. Many things to go through! Fun and invitiing. Take Care!

America In Denial

Mistee - 10/22/98 15:37:07
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Cafe/9938
My Email:Celica@gte.net

Hello!, Just thought I would drop in and see your site seems you dropped in on ours and signed our guestbook. I thought I should do the same. Enjoyed your site. Lots of fun. Loved all your pictures and wow!! You have met alot of people on the interne . Hey when they thought of this idea did they know how much closer the world would be from sitting in your livingroom or Home office?? Bet they didn't. Just neat how you can meet friends, family and even the lost love of your life. The internet is such a wonderful place. Nice to be able to reach our and type at someone!!! From one Canadian to another. Eh!! Mistee

rose and son - 10/13/98 15:58:55
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/Flats/5475
My Email:GBieber21@netscape.net

very nice page, justame..now if only the_musicman would start on ours..LOL..my sons is his first.Come visit..Hope to chat again soon.. love, ``rose``

Bad Bunny - 10/04/98 12:35:39
My Email:Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

brewgone - 10/01/98 02:43:00
My URL:http://www.iosphere.net/~davea
My Email:davea@iosphere.net

excellent work! very impressive web pages.

just a me® - 09/19/98 00:03:35
My URL:http://www.justame.com

just a starting® off guestbook #4 with just a test®...lol...

just a onmouseover® entry...:O)

Blue - 10/09/97 08:50:06
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Arcade/6761/
My Email:blueabyss@iname.com

Hey just a me®, I made it back to your pages and they're looking very good indeed, keep up the super work on them. :) OnMouseOver Rules! hehe, enjoy :)

just a the® FIRST entry...

Cyber Stretch - 09/09/97 02:36:27
My Email:cyber-stretch@erols.com

**HUGS** Me is sooooooooooooooo proud of you! Look how far you've come in just a'bout® 1 year's time! Pretty soon, I'll be takin lessons from YOU! *LOL* [ctrl][k]15{Squeak}


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