
just a huuuggggggsss®....

...welcome to the new n' improved homepage of just a me®...

welcome back if youve been here before...:O)))
if youre new...:O))) heyyyyy enjoy all the pages for the first time...lol...

...now on to the regularly scheduled page...:O)))

From here you can now go in many different directions...:O))

originaldarkside of my moon#mIRC_Flirts

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this is where i began chattin'...run your mouse over the words...
"the lobby" and just a nother® browser window will take you there...

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for images n' scripts...please check before downloading any...:O)
buddyfire-hydrant geocities help chat
very helpful place...run your mouse over the words...
"geocities help chat" and just a nother® browser window will take you there...
just a member® of...

The HTML Writers Guild

...this site was chosen to be...
...just a featured® page
nov 19/97...

geocities featured page

n' just a lovin'® it...hehehe

to...my hubby n' two sons cory n' ryan for giving mom space/time to learn all this stuff...special luv ya hugggggsss
to...stretch, my twin-sis char, partner in crime pax, munnster, fixit and my cuz 'vmpyr' who have been there since day one...
to...my buddy Blue for helping with understanding just a javascript®...
to...inzdust, bas, and meistro... who introduced me to ftp stuff n' other goodies...
to...limabean who always has the time to check out my lastest pages and brainstorm to find perfect solutions to html probs...

all have spent endless hours instructing & guiding...while sometimes consoling my attempts...hehe...

emale me at justame@hotmail.com ...if you'd like..:O)

...just a huuuggggggsss®...n' thanx for coming...

/me faints....i just a cant® believe that buds have been here...bigggg smiles...


just a p.s.® ... this site was made in canadian-flag

just a huuuggggggsss® n' have just a great® fall!!!

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...you will want to check out this too!!!!


n' this one too...


Johnny Apollo - R U Just Like Me
The album is a fantastic addition to any music collection regardless of age or gender.
A must for all owners of modern music! It is sure to be a success with listeners all around the world.
The CD is a totally Australian product and is released through the Australian label ‘Oracle Records’ - a great supporter of new and talented Australian artists. The album is out now on CD and is available at any good music store.
This album is listening proof that the next millennium holds great things to come for Johnny Apollo. From the first track ‘I Wanna’, till the last track, one of Johnny’s live jams, ironically called ‘Johnny Live Jam’, the music is an unending flow of pleasurable beats and technical genius. This proves without a doubt that Johnny Apollo is a young but seasoned songwriter/producer.