
Ch. Aspen's My Heart Will Go On

Rose is a very sweet puppy. Full of life & full of love, with a bit of mischief mixed in. Rose is a very pretty, very feminine looking girl. This girl loves to be in the show ring and is full of energy and attitude. Rose won her 1st points at the age of 6 months and 2 days old. She was awarded a Major win from judge Mrs. Jean Fancy in an entry of 7 bitches. At the next show judge Robert Stein agreed with that and judge Mrs. Joan Scholz made it 3 shows in a row on the Oklahoma circuit. Rose came home the next weekend and had back to back wins from Mrs. Edna Martin and Mr. Donald Martin. So at the age of 6 1/2 months Rose had 8 points and a major towards her Championship. Still a puppy Rose earned her 2nd major from Mrs. Lee Canalizo and points from Mr. Malcolm Fellows, Mr. Dana Cline and Mr. E.L. Bajona. She also was Reserve Winners Bitch at the 1999 Columbine Norwegian Elkhound Specialty.

She completed her Championship on 9/4/99 earning her last point from Mrs. Marjorie Martorella

In 2000 Rose has been shown as a special on a limited basis and has 4 Best of Breeds with competition and 4 BOS with competition.

Rose was awarded an "AWARD OF MERIT" at the Norwegian Elkhound Association National Specialty Show May 5th 2000

Rose's 5 Generation Pedigree

Conformation Show Pictures of Rose - UPDATED 6/1/00

Candid Pictures of Rose

Candid Show Pictures of Rose - UPDATED 6/1/2000

Picture of Rose's brother Aspen's A Gentleman At Heart "Dirk"

Picture of Rose's brother Aspen's Heart Of The Hunter "Jaeden"

Puppy Pictures of Rose & her siblings

Picture of Rose's Sire CH. Tiro's The Specialist "Sly"

Rose's Mom's Ch. Norelka's Caught In The Act,CD OA VNE-X CGC Homepage

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