
CH. Wildwood N Norelka Summer Nite, CD NA VNE-X CGC

Bear is a handsome fellow who always has a wag in his tail and a smile on his face. He's a silly 4 year old that still romps and plays and can catch his tail as if he was still a puppy. His favorite game is to play hockey/soccer in the backyard with a stainless steel water bowl. Next best is sliding down the hill in the backyard on his back upside down in the snow. He's absolutely wonderful with all of the small puppies we've had. He's never mean or rough with them and always makes time to play.

Bear participates in conformation, obedience and agility competitions. He is currently AKC titled in all 3 areas. He is going to continue to compete at higher levels of these activities as well as starting to train for tracking competitions, herding competitions and wieght pulling competitions.

In 2000 in limited showing Bear has been awarded 6 group placements, 1 group 2 and group 3 and 4 Group 4's.

In 1999 Bear had a successful year in the conformation ring. He's was a Group Winner and had well over 20 Best of Breeds and 1 Group 1st placement, 1 Group 2nd placement, 2 Group 3 placements and 5 Group 4th placements. He finished the year as the #7 elkhound in All-Breed points and the #10 elkhound in Breed points.

In 1998 although shown on a very limited basis he had 25 BOB's, 2 Hound Group 3 placements and 1 Hound Group 2 placement. He finished the year being #8 in breed and #11 all-breed points.

Conformation isn't the only area Bear has had success in 1998. Bear earned his Companion Dog Obedience title. Ranking him as the #8 Novice Obedience elkhound for 1998. Bear has excelled at agility. He was entered in 4 trials in all. He qualified in 3 trials. In those 3 trials he had 3 1st places and 2 perfect scores of 100 making him one of the top Novice agility elkhounds of 1998.

In 1997 as a young special he had 12 BOB's including a BOB at the NEAA supported entry during National Futurity week and he received the 1st Award of Merit at the Garden State specialty in an entry of 100+ elkhounds during that same weekend. He ended up being the #20 elkhound in breed points for 1997.

In 1996 Bear completed his AKC championship by the age of 15 months old. In finishing he had 3, 4 point majors and a Best of Breed from the classes.

Bear's hips are "OFA"Certified - Good Bear's hips also have been "Penn-Hip"Certified - DI .50

his eyes have been "CERF"Certified - His urine is Glucose free - his Thyroid is normal.

Bear's 5 Generation Pedigree with OFA Information

Conformation Show Pictures of Bear (Updated Dec. 5th 2000)

Candid Show Pictures of Bear (UPDATED June 1st 2000)

Action Shots Hound Group Plum Creek KC 1998

Agility & Obedience Pictures of Bear

Candid Pictures of Bear

Picture of Bear's Sire Multiple SBIS CH. Tarroma's Bonner Av Republik "Bonner"

Bear is at Stud to Approved Bitches

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