2 C. Glue 1 C. StarchAdd starch to glue and mix well. If too sticky, add more starch. Mix food coloring into starch before adding to glue for colored silly putty. The mixture can be removed from clothes and hair with a mixture of 1 part water and 1 part white vinegar.
1 C. Flour 1/2 C. Salt 1 T. Cream of Tarter 1 T. Salad Oil 7/8 C. Boiling Water Food coloringMix together flour, salt, cream of tarter, and the salad oil in a bowl. Add food coloring to the water. Heat the water to boiling. Pour in boiling water and mix well. Knead play dough. If sticky, add a little more flour. Store in a zip lock bag in the refrigerator.
HINT: This hint comes from my email "Just Moms" friend Terri Wilson. She says if you use unsweetened Kool Air or (Flavor Aid) instead of just food coloring it gives the dough a scent and a color. Thanks Terri!
3 C. Flour 1 C. Water (more if necessary) 1 C. Salt A few drops of food coloringMix all the ingredients together. Knead well. This recipe takes lots of kneading. Let the children help. :)))
2 C. Peanut Butter 1 C. Dry Milk 3 T. HoneyMix small amounts of milk into peanut butter and honey until well mixed and not sticky.
This is great for making hand print paperweights or ornaments...Thanks goes to Terri Wilson for this great recipe!
1/2 C water 1 C baking soda 1/2 C (+extra) cornstarchMix together the soda, water and 1/2 cup cornstarch in a heavy saucepan. Cook over low heat, stirring with a wooden spoon until the mixture becomes thick (may need extra cornstarch). Add a few drops of food coloring if you want a colored dough (left alone it will be white like plaster of paris). Dump out of the pan and knead on a cornstarch covered surface until it's like bread dough. Form or use cookie cutters into whatever shape you want. To make handprints, press hands into dough firmly and then use a vase or other circle shape to cut around the hand evenly (rather than trying to center the hand on a precut circle). Air dry for several days and then you can write on it or paint it with poster paints.
3 T. Sugar 1/2 C. Corn starch 2 C. Cold water Food coloring detergentMix the first two ingredients, then add water. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until well blended. Divide the mixture into 4 or 5 portions and add a different food coloring to each, plus a pinch of detergent to help make clean-up easy.
1 Quart Water 1/2 C. Dish Soap (Dawn works best) 2 T. Glycerin 2 T. SugarStir gently in a flat bowl. Let the mixture sit for a few days. It can be stored in a clean milk jug.
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