Researcher Submissions

Do YOU have information that YOU want to share with other Brawner Researcher's in the world? I am opening a new section off of the main page entitled Special Collections. Any and all Brawner Researcher's are welcome to submit Genealogical Information about the Brawner family and allied families. All information will be credited to the submitter. I will make every attempt at getting the information placed on the Web Page in the earliest possible time frame.

I regret that I am unable to type in information submitted to me on paper, and ask that all submissions be submitted via E-Mail or mailed to me on a floppy disk. Please keep in mind that any submissions that will not fit on a floppy disk, will most likely be too large to place on the Web Page. I also reserve the right to edit any content to meet space limitations, and GeoCities criteria.


  • Use a word processor or text editor to enter your information exactly the way you want it to look. Some formats I can read are Microsoft Word 6.0/97, Lotus WordPro 96/97, ProWrite 2.0, Excel, Lotus 123, HTML files, Text files, GedCom files, Microsoft Publisher 2.0, and most picture formats. Microsoft Word and Lotus WordPro, are capable of reading many other word processor formats, including some WordPerfect versions. So send me what you have and I will give it a try.
  • Send the document to me in one of two means. Send me an E-Mail with the subject of Brawner Web Page Submission, and the file included as an attachment, or copy the file to a floppy disk and mail it to me. E-Mail is preferred over floppy disks.
  • Keep your submitted articles a reasonable size. A file of size 100-200 Kbytes is about the largest that I will be able to place on-line for viewing. If you have files that are larger than this, send it to me any way. I will try to reserve an area of rotational data that will be swapped with other people's data after a time.
