Kids Play for the Lord

If you weren’t at the Camp Aguinaldo gym last Palm Sunday, 16 April 2000, then you missed the roaring success of the first ever Kids for Christ Kids Fest for Sector West B.

Ideally scheduled during summer vacation, the event kicked off with a mass led by Father Teddy, who delivered a very inspiring homily to the children about joyously welcoming Jesus into their lives, the way the Jews welcomed Jesus 2000 years ago during Palm Sunday.

After the mass, the air was thick with energy as the day’s activities commenced. First off was a parade with the children exhibiting the different colors of their chapters and presenting their individual team’s spirited cheers. The team colors were:

Cluster 1 - Blue
Cluster 2 - Red
Cluster 4 - Maroon
Cluster 5 - White
Cluster 6 - Yellow
Cluster 7 - Pink
Cluster 8 - Black
Cluster 10 - Orange
Cluster 11 - Green

Ably hosted by the tandem of YFC’s Paolo and Yayee, the games went into high gear. The children (both junior and senior), as well as the children at heart (a.k.a., the adults) were all abuzz with excitement as they had loads of fun in the various games that were set up—games such as Going to Market, Obstacle Course, Longest Line, and Trip to Jerusalem. And the summer heat? What summer heat? Our Lord blessed us with clouds that shaded us from the sun, accompanied by cool breezes that kept everybody comfortable.

Each chapter was also asked to select a group of children to give a presentation and the children were more than willing to oblige. And talk about talent! We believe we saw our country’s next generation of dancers and singers as all chapters staged brilliant numbers.

The festivities ended at around 3:00 p.m. with the bestowing of awards. The awardees were as follows:

Early Bird: Cluster 11

Best in Cheering/Gimmick Presentation: Cluster 8

Overall Champion for the Parlor Games: Cluster 8

So, come next year’s Second Kids for Christ Kids Fest, be forewarned—be there or be square!

NOTE: To view the photographs taken during the Kids Fest, please click here. If you are prompted for a password, just enter kfc.