This is me!

Hi! I'm Misty Lynn Stevens. I'm a 18 year old girl from Eastern Kentucky. I'm a senior in High School this year. The most important thing in my life is God. I've been a Christian for eight years and the only regret about the decision is that I didn't make it sooner! God is awesome!

I spend most of my time at church activities with my youth group, Crossroads. I'll talk more about that later. Other hobbies include tennis, reading, and the Internet. I also enjoy helping others and am currently volunteering at Pikeville Methodist Hospital. There I get the opportunity to transoport/discharge patients and also to observe surgery. I plan on pursuing a career in either the medical field or in psychology.

I listen to all types of music, but mostly Contemporary Christian. My faves are Steven Curtis Chapman, Jars of Clay, Clay Crosse, DC Talk, NewSong, and 4Him. As far as movies go, I'm a hopeless romantic! Romance movies like Sleepless in Seattle are my favorites.

Oh bother, did I mention that I'm a huge Winnie-the-Pooh fan?

As I mentioned earlier, I'm part of an awesome Christian youth group! We are based at the First Baptist Church in Pikeville, Kentucky, and we have over 80 awesome members. Since I began earlier this year, I feel as though I have developed a whole new family there.

Every year, we perform a musical production with a Christian theme. After several performances in the Eastern Kentucky area, we take our musical on a missions tour to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. The summer's tour was incredible. We saw many lives changed throughout the audiences and also within the group (including mine). Click Here
to here a MIDI of one of the songs, "Give me the Courage," from this summer's production Live the Difference.

I feel like a completely new person! I give thanks to God for giving me the opportunity to be involved in Crossroads. If you aren't presently involved in a Christian youth group, join one in your area! If there isn't one in your area, get one started! We're now working on our Christmas musical "Come in from the Cold."

One more thing about me…I LOVE PUPPIES!! I will have a picture of Angel, my brother's Westie soon. She's adorable!

Be sure to check out my FRIENDS , my MUSIC, and my CHRISTIAN pages!!!!!

Here are some of my favorite links

Garden City Chapel and Retreat
(This is where CrossRoads stays when we go on tour)

CrossRoads Youth Team Home Page

Alamak Chat

My Best Friend John's Homepage

Global Christain Network

Jesus Freak's (Mikey) Page

IMPACT (My Bible Group at School!!)

E-mail me or look for me on ICQ!

Misty Lynn Stevens

ICQ Number (UIN) 2017011

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