Our Daughters



From Left - Tina, Trina and April. This was taken in June 2004.

Our Oldest Daughter - April Lynn
April is the oldest. She came into our lives when she made friends with Tina in their Sophmore year of High School. She wanted to know, after spending a weekend with us, if we would be come foster parents. Well, Chuck and I thought about it, but decided that she would need a more stable life. We adopted her in August of 1993. It was one of the best things we ever did. She met Ted on the internet and ran up phone bills talking to him. She finely bugged us enough that we send her and Kayla out to him in Idaho. Needless to say it worked out for the best and they were married last Spring.

16 March 2004

April and Ted's Wedding Day
Kayla was the Flower Girl

Mom and Dad sharing cake with Kayla.

Our Middle Daughter - Tina Theresa
Tina was our oldest biological child for 15 years. Then when April came into our family she was the middle. Tina has had lots of trails these past few years. She is finally starting her live as normal as it can be. She is engaged to a wonderful guy, Warren, and are planning on a Spring Wedding. She is finally getting back into college and will start with July 2005 semester. She has decided to move into an apartment near Murray State University. This way she will be closer to Warren.

Tina's Web Page

This picture was taken when April and Family were visiting in 2004

Our Youngest Daughter - Trina Tracie
Trina is, of course, our youngest. She was about 10 years old when April came into our family. She has had lots of trails, too. We found out that she had Lupus at the age of 17. She had just finished marching band season when she woke up and couldn't move her legs. She then started having other symptoms as the time went on. Finally we got an internist to run a few tests and he said there was a good chance that this was Lupus. So we took her to a rheumatologist and he ran a test just for Lupus. Well, she was engaged in her Senior year of High School. They were to get married the end of Summer, after Trina graduated. Well, four days before the wedding, he called and said he couldn't go through with it. Trina was upset for about a day, then saw the oppitunity to go on to college. She collected all of the deposits for the wedding and signed up at the University of Tennessee at Martin. She was only a half hour drive from home. During her second year she met Brian and they had planned on getting married May of 2004. The couldn't wait so they eloped 18 June 2003. She is happy and they are living in Mississippi.

Mom's favorite Picture of Trina

Brian and Trina acting silly, well, Trina is



Dorothy's Web Page