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Hi! Welcome to our page. I'm your official tour guide, Poochie Waggers. Follow me for more photos of our family.

Here's our chief security officer, Lt. Gracie Wuff, also known as "Shredder". She loves to live up to her nickname, always something getting chewed. Oh well, she thinks she is just a young puppy yet. She sure likes to try to keep everyone in line though. Sure was funny, the day she thought that skunk was another of our black and white cats. She made a dash for it. Never saw anyone jump back and get out of there so fast. Good thing she rides in the back of the truck. She loves to run and play most of the day. Keeps me busy trying to keep up to her with my short little legs. She's really brave, warns the coyotes away. She even jumped in between Doug and a porcupine one day. We were all out walking in the dry creek bed where the grass and willows were really thick. All of a sudden, she jumps past Doug and meets up with the porcupine. Not fun! And of course, I had to charge in after they were tending to Gracie and give that porky what for, and I only got one quill!

Now I'd like you to meet my humans who are chaffeurs, cooks, and caregivers who take really good care of us. Linda really enjoys her art work, whether it is doing pencil portraits of interesting people or working in oils and acrylics. They both are very interested in photography, and Doug thrives on computer work.

Click here to see our travel page.

Here's a beautiful, peaceful place to visit with friendly, interesting folks who make you feel right at home.

The Lakeside Aerie is located south of Onanole and north of Erickson. Eagles, loons, canoeing on the lake, spectacular sunsets and fresh, clean air here as well as delicious food and sparkling conversation.

Happy day! Here's my people :


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Here's Prairie Princess Jasmin First prize winner at Souris Fair in her Class in 1996. She is shown here as she looked at eighteen months. She is registered as a 4 year old Pony of the Americas mare. She is quite friendly and has a fairly calm disposition. But she is very wary of strangers. In the spring of 1998 her color lightened along her neck and spots appeared there too. She reminds me of a leopard. In April of 98, she produced a beautiful colt, chestnut in color. His baby coat got thicker all summer. Lucky guy, his hair grew in curly along his forehead, neck, back and stomach. Now with this summer's coat, he is two toned and quite sleek with a prominent stripe. No signs of any curly hair now.

Click here to see Jasmin's photos and to find out more about the Pony of the Americas.

Click here to see her colt, Gingers Flambeaus Spice (Flame) photos.

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Our light cream colored appaloosa cowpony is "PRAIRIE BEAUTY". She is off a registered quarter horse stallion and an appaloosa mare and we sure like the way she looks and acts. She has the sclera, mottled skin, striped hooves, and a few spots on her hindquarters from her appaloosa ancestry and has the quarter horse build. She has a beautiful disposition that makes her a delight to have around.

Click here to see Beauty's photos.

Click here to see her foal's photos.

This A.P.P.Spotted Horse Webring
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Prairie Beauties 1996
Linda Grant-Braybrook

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Now we'd like you to meet our stallion, Ginger. We chose him three years ago. He was the first of the ponies that we decided to purchase.

Click here to see his photos.

I hope you enjoyed seeing our family photos and my guided tour. We are in the process of adding more photos. To contact us please click on guestbook below.

Do you want to visit our relatives' page? Click here.

How about dropping in on Mom, Dad, John and Kandi?

Here's photos and the write-up of the Cecil Rock Fest 99.

P.S. The mouse patrol insisted on their photo being included. Click here to see them.

Click here to see Linda's art page.

Please sign our guestbook

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Doug and Linda

We are always glad to meet new internet friends.

Click here to visit the Manitoba Ponies of the Americas Club.

Interested in some prairie poetry? Visit Tom Rollo's page.

Feel free to look at some WebRings that we belong to.

Thanks for visiting us and come back soon.

(c)2006, from 1997.