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Welcome to my first attempt at a Homepage!
Although most of you know me as cookiebear, I do have another name..."MOM." I am the
proud mother of 5 beautiful children, a wonderful stepdaughter and many I have "adopted
along the way. I write this page and much you will see on it in the future in the memory of
my daughter Karla, who died 1/25/90 from Batten's Disease and in honor of my other
children; Kim, Michael, Chuck, Megan, Nicki and Chris...for it is through their lives I have
become the person that I am. I love you kids so very much.
So as you may have guessed I have spent the better part of the last 21 years being o mom.
As my youngest is 10 now, I occasionally think about where my life will be when "the nest is
empty." I am skilled in many trades and have much experience in the following areas;
doctor, nurse, school teacher, counselor, chaffeur, coach, teammate, butler, maid, and of
course last but not least, their friend and mother. I pride myself in being their mentor.
However all these occupations and years of experience still leave me wondering what to do
when they are gone.
I have a couple thoughts about where I will take my own future. Most significantly is that I
am planning on enrolling in nursing school within the next year. I would love to work in
Children's Hospital, sharing my love and strength...from the other side of the bed! I, too,
have a real interest in writing. I have written mostly poetry over the past many years and hope
to one day reach the goal of writing my own book. In the meantime, I will enjoy these years
as "MOM" and cherish each moment that passes. As we all know, they grow up too quickly
and leave the comfort of our "nests."
As you read this page and watch it grow over time, please keep your children close to your
heart as they too are growing...take a moment right now to give them a hug and tell them how
much you love them. Too, I ask that you keep in your heart all the many children in our
uncertain and too often, unjust world, that are faced every day with debilitating diseases and
illnesses, the senseless neglect and abuse, those who are missing ...please pray for their safe
May God Bless each and every one of you who's life path has at sometime, in some way,
crossed mine, and of all those who's have yet to. May our lives continue to intercept along the
way and our love, wisdom, comfort and compassion allow us to make a difference in
someone's life.
Karla Michelle Hurley

12/24/78 -1/25/90

Missy's Candle
Michael David Pierce

6/13/83 - 4/29/2003 |