Tails from a Shy Greyhound

Jeanie's Story

Hi, my name is Jean. I'm a foster dog. My foster mommy calls me Jeanie Beanie, Jeanie Jelly Beanie and Jean Jean the Dancin' Machine. My foster mom decided I should have a webpage because of how shy I am. She's hoping this will bring me out of my shell a bit! And she's hoping that others will learn from me.

I'm only 14 months old. I'm just a baby! I was retired from racing before I even got to the track. My owner and trainer thought that I was just way too timid to race. I guess they were probably right. I keep trying to play with Duke, Hope and Star, but then I get scared. I'm afraid of everything! I like my foster family but they scare me too. I don't know why I'm so afraid of everything......everybody has always been nice to me. I'm just painfully shy.

I spent my first few days at my new foster home in my crate. Mom left the door open for me, but I stayed in there because I felt safe there. Mom and Dad had a hard time getting me out to go potty! Eventually, I decided to start snooping around the rest of the house. I do that sometimes. But if anybody moves, I run back to the safety of my crate! Mom says I'm making progress. She says that she'll just have to take things really slowly with me. I do like her and I want to go to her for scritches, but I'm afraid. She'll come to my crate sometimes and scratch me. It feels really good!!! I groan a little when she does it and when she rubs my ears, I lean into it!

Mom says that fostering spooky dogs, like me, is super rewarding! She says that every small step I make is a major accomplishment for me. She loves watching me grow! One of these days I'll be a "normal" dog, but for now, things are just so overwhelming! In the meantime, I'm going to enjoy my foster family! Heck, maybe if I schmooze them enough they'll decide to be my forever family!!


On September 5, 2000, we adopted Jeanie. She had been here for so long, it seemed silly to let her go! We fell in love with her! She has really come out of her shell. She's still terrified of strangers, but she trusts us! Jeanie is home!!

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TLC Greyhound Adoption

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