Nikki and Adam - 10/19/00 01:41:13 My | Comments: Hi guys!!!! |
Nikki Harhold - 04/27/00 15:59:20 My | Comments: The male human (Mike) looks awfully old!!!! |
Helen Allen - 04/12/00 22:43:08 My URL: My Name of any greyhounds you have: None :-( | Comments: Hi, Greyt web site! Your dogs are beautiful and the dialogue is very clever and well done! I found your site by following a link backward from our tracker...thank you for the link to our site! Then, I couldn't leave until I checked it all out. God Bless you for rescuing and loving these gentle creatures...also for what you are doing to spread the word! Helen Allen, Greyhounds Galore |
Abbey K. - 04/10/00 20:12:40 My Name of any greyhounds you have: Clever Trick. C.C. Rocket Age of your greyhounds: C.T.=4 C.C.=3 | Comments: I loved your site! It was very inviting and Grey-friendly! |
Nikki Harhol - 02/06/00 19:41:43 My | Comments: I bet your father didn't help your mother create this web page. I bet also that he adores his sister (your aunt). HI GUYS!!! |
Nikki Harhold - 02/06/00 19:37:57 My | Comments: |
Pamela Gonnoud - 01/16/00 18:42:57 My URL: My Name of any greyhounds you have: MaggieMae, a brindle: Charter, a fawn girl: Montreal, a blue girl Age of your greyhounds: MaggieMae--6: Charter --5: Montreal--3 | Comments: I surfed in from the Greyhound Web Ring. You have beautiful greys and a greyt site!! Hope you will have a chance to visit our site and meet "the Girls"!! |
Name: Free For Chat | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Website de Niza. Gracias por dejarme firmar su guestbook
Cheri Bumgardner - 08/22/99 21:47:21 My Name of any greyhounds you have: Biggy & Little John Age of your greyhounds: 10 1/2 and 6 1/2 | Comments: I love anything to do with greyhounds and really enjoyed the "dictionary". I learned a few expression that I had not heard before. Biggy had a real problem w/helicopter tail!!! |
Ami J. Decker - 08/19/99 17:43:45 My Name of any greyhounds you have: Udie & Cinder Age of your greyhounds: 3.5 & 2 | Comments: Absolutely love your site and all the stories! You have some beautiful dogs. We adopted Udie (fawn brindle) right before Christmas last year. She was so lonely (our siamese cat, Lady, wasn't quite happy with Udie's existence), we had to get Cinder (in ay). Now they're the best of friends and the cat's adjusting. |
Joan Nixon - 07/03/99 21:55:34 My Name of any greyhounds you have: Miss Daisy, Capt. Crunch Age of your greyhounds: 5 and 9 respectively | Comments: We just lost our first grey to bone cancer. He was a wonderful guy, was Tony, and his goofy charm led to two more, plus some fosters. Your website is great, and I'm going to copy your dictionary for new "parents" ....Our greyts have come from Racing Dog Rescue in Sarasota, Fl. |
Vicky Littleleaf - 05/24/99 21:16:51 My URL: My Name of any greyhounds you have: No doggies, only kitties | Comments: I found your site through another guestbook, but am so delighted to have done so!! I just love greyhounds and have always wanted one, but have been limited to two blue point himalayan persian cats for the time being. One day, I hope to have a greyhound's ompany to add more love to our home. It will be pure joy! I will be back to visit from time to time, and also share your site with our friends/family. Your site is one of the most precious sites I've visited since being on the internet. Thanks for sharing your family with all of us out here. ~Warm wishes, Vicky |
Robin & Taffy - 05/13/99 06:03:43 My URL: My | Comments: My pawprint is a smaller one! We are owned by a 7 pound Maltese who is the light of our lives! We wanted to tell you what a great site you have, from one dog lover to another! If you have a chance, please stop by and visit our site. I got here from anothe flute site, and am very glad! Thanks! |
Dad & Pam Hayes - 03/18/99 01:27:32 | Comments: Say Hello to our granddogs.....we love their beautiful pictures. My don't they write well- "Hooked on Phonics" worked for them. |
Wanda - 03/10/99 13:33:29 My URL:/HotSprings/4571/ Name of any greyhounds you have: Herbie Age of your greyhounds: Will be 10 years on April 8, 1999 | Comments: Aren't these older greyhounds neat??? Greyhounds are neat in themselves. I'm very very happy with Herbie, who adopted me on June 8, 1998. |
Marge - 03/03/99 08:05:00 My Name of any greyhounds you have: Katie or (KanTex Kate) Age of your greyhounds: 7 in Aug of 99 | Comments: What is faster to the couch then 2 standard poodles? Our baby Katie a retired racer! I'm just glad that I have a love seat big enough for me & another dog (or 2) guess that will put me on the floor! (Oh well Live goes on!!) :-) Love the pages! |
Robin - 02/13/99 19:33:20 My URL: My Name of any greyhounds you have: Kylie Age of your greyhounds: 7 years | Comments: Missie, I just LOOOOVE your web site! Kylie thanks you for putting her story up here. You have done a wonderful job! Keep up the good work! Robin |
Gabriel & Kelli Fleck - 01/30/99 19:10:05 My | Comments: This is a very informative yet cute webpage. We are very glad that we came upon it. Keep up the wonderful work. :-) |
Ree - 01/29/99 07:20:41 My URL: My Name of any greyhounds you have: Paulie(crossed over) Age of your greyhounds: he was 10 | Comments: I adopted Paulie from Greyhounds for Pets, Colorado Springs, CO 6 years ago, he choose me. He was wonderful, it broke my heart when he crossed over the river but he told the dog saints to find a Whippet friend for me. Whippets are very much like grey's ju t smaller. Bogie, my Whippet, is an honary Greyhounds for Pets, he helps promote adopt a greyhound. Really enjoyed your site. |
- 01/17/99 23:32:51 | Comments: |
Addie Gabes - 01/17/99 23:29:46 My | Comments: hey! you know i'd really like a grey but i just don't seem to be able to right now but my neighbors do have 2 dogs: Rhett-5 & Reesee-2 1/2 |
judy - 01/02/99 21:13:43 My Name of any greyhounds you have: Proud Age of your greyhounds: 6 yrs | Comments: We just adopted our boy three months ago. This is a new site for me. I really am enjoying it |
Fiona - 12/30/98 23:59:28 My Name of any greyhounds you have: Jack (racing name Jack's Fox) Age of your greyhounds: Jack will be 5 on the 24th of Feb 1999 | Comments: A great site. We particulary enjoyed the music and the links to other sites were also good. |
Benny Hayes - 10/26/98 01:52:56 | Comments: The dogs on this page look like they make a big mess at their grandmas house. |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
Roger & Carol Thellen - 09/24/98 02:44:16 My URL: My Name of any greyhounds you have: Jake, Bailey, Linus, Ramasses, Ivory & a foster greyhound Age of your greyhounds: 5, 5, 6, 2, 3 | Comments: Great web site! We have five Greyhounds and always foster a greyhound. The Southeastern Greyhound Club, (Atlanta,GA.) which we are members ,have started their own Greyhound adoption program. The adoption program is a foster program in existance for abo t two months. We have adopted 35 greyhounds to date. Our website is under construction and will be operating by the end of this month. Would like to add you to our link site if that's OK? The music really adds to the site. Thumbs up. |
Charlie - 08/27/98 19:27:06 My URL: My | Comments: Hi, I'm enjoying my visit to your page. I have a suggestion. Have you considered putting the geoguide on your page? It would stop those popup ads. You could put it at the bottom of your page and then it wouldn't ruin the look of the page you have worked s hard on. Keep up the good work. |
john meyer - 08/27/98 15:26:10 My URL: My Email:quadgod420 Name of any greyhounds you have: Spike Studly Age of your greyhounds: 6 months | Comments: Spike is an Italian greyhound. Looking for more info on these. Love the website-John |
Howard Willer & Lee Stoddard - 08/08/98 07:03:30 My Name of any greyhounds you have: Pete Age of your greyhounds: 61/2 years | Comments: Please feel free to contact us and get aquainted. We are glad anytime we find someone who is doing something for greyhounds. We think ours is great and, if we had the space and time, we would have eight or ten of them. We've had Pete for two years now. By the way, your animals are all beautiful. Congratulations on such a wonderful family. Howard & Lee |
Annette - 07/17/98 01:30:53 My Name of any greyhounds you have: Reggie, Johhnie, Annie Age of your greyhounds: around 2 years | Comments: Adopting a Greyhound is great. We race them and they are just beautiful animals. I think your page is a really good idea. Keep up the good work. By the way I live in Australia, in Queensland and don't know a lot abour computers yet. Regards Annette McEvoy |
Andi Gunkel - 07/08/98 19:55:07 My Name of any greyhounds you have: Hopeful Age of your greyhounds: 7 1/2 | Comments: I loved your web page!!.... Well, like i said I'm Andi Gunkel.I'm 13 y/o. My family adopted a greyhound 3 years ago. we love having him . He's a wonderful dog. The best pet we've ever owned. He's a fawn colored dog too! Now we're looking at getting another one. We are looking to get one at Billings Montana, or Nebraska. Hopeful came from the Woodlands in Kansas City. I lived in Leavenworth when we got him. then we moved to Sheridan Wy. I've been going through all the web sights i could find on greyhounds, and stumbled on to yours! I'm very interested in greyhound adoption and would like to adopted more. Anyway, i would like it if you would E-mail me! I want to finish going through the other web pages to so i had best be on my way!... Andi Gunkel |
Hi! I saw your site and thought it was great. I know how difficult it is to keep a quality site. Good Job! Let me know if you want to exchange links :)
Andrea Anderson - 06/10/98 05:26:09 My URL:http://AOL.COM My Email:DILIDALIDU Name of any greyhounds you have: Billy | Comments: Enjoyed your site. I adopted Billy the day after Christmas 97. The best gift I ever gave myself. I am now working with Homes for Hounds in Oregon. Have discovered that greyhounds are not only wonderful but their owners are great people too. Everyday t work my co-workers ask me what Billy did yesterday. |
Lee - 05/16/98 15:22:54 Name of any greyhounds you have: Governor (aka Call Me Tuff) and Vonnie (aka JD'S Von) Age of your greyhounds: 7 and 9 | Comments: Great page! We volunteer with Midwest Greyhound Adoption and Gov has become a real "Mr Meet and Greet"; quite a change from when I got him directly from the track 2 years ago. Vonnie is my new addition; she was with a family for four years, but they could no longer keep her. And the cat, Casey, keeps all of us in line! |
Renee and Jon - 05/11/98 19:59:06 My URL: My Name of any greyhounds you have: Zoe and Buddy Age of your greyhounds: Zoe is 3 years/Buddy is 5 years | Comments: Greyt site. Please feel free to visit our site. We wholesale as well as retail greyhound related items such as t-shirts, hats, back packs etc. We donate 10% of the proceeds to JS Greyhounds Adoption in WV. Peace |
Jon & Vera Hayes - 05/07/98 01:41:37 My Name of any greyhounds you have: none right now | Comments: Missy & Michael; Love your page. Just got off the phone from talking to ya. Hope you're ok Miss. We really love you and miss you all. Please stay in touch. |
edna straka - 04/25/98 15:01:46 My Name of any greyhounds you have: george and bullet Age of your greyhounds: 9 and 2 | Comments: I really enjoyed your page. My greyhounds also suffer with a lab for a brother, 4 cats and a cockatiel. They learned pretty quickly that you can't eat the family! |
Dee & Ida - 04/11/98 22:52:10 My Name of any greyhounds you have: Pete Age of your greyhounds: would like to know | Comments: We have throughly enjoyed your web site and are pleased to get all the information that we have on greyhounds. "Pete" has only been with us for a month now and we are trying to learn as much as we can about him. We would like to know more about his histor there a way we can find that information ? |
Jen Fuller - 03/26/98 21:22:01 My Email:Greatgrey2@Juno.Com Name of any greyhounds you have: Tasha, Meeko and Casey Age of your greyhounds: 9, 5 and 10 | Comments: I've had the blessing of having 4 greyhounds. I lost my first greyhound (Johnny) to bone cancer. It broke my heart, but these dogs are so extraordinary that I'll never had another type of dog again and I'll always have more that one! |
Matt Magyar - 03/18/98 00:37:04 My | Comments: Enjoyed your web site. I've been considering adopting a Greyhound (just need to talk my wife into it). We've been to the kennel to visit them and went to the "Greyhounds as pets day" at the Jacksonville kennel club. Keep up the good work on your site. Matt Magyar Jacksonville Florida |
Matt Magyar - 03/18/98 00:33:07 My | Comments: Enjoyed your web site. I've been considering adopting a Greyhound (just need to talk my wife into it). We've been to the kennel to visit them and went to the "Greyhounds as pets day" at the Jacksonville kennel club. Keep up the good work on your site. Matt Magyar Jacksonville Florida |
Tim Inman - 03/14/98 23:00:00 My Name of any greyhounds you have: Willie Jackie Age of your greyhounds: 4 5 | Comments: Nice page!! |
Elizabeth - 03/03/98 21:23:16 My URL: My Name of any greyhounds you have: none Age of your greyhounds: Only a Doberman | Comments: Nice dogs you have. |
nancy morin - 02/28/98 01:33:28 My Name of any greyhounds you have: Nash, Duchess, Arazi Age of your greyhounds: 6, 6 & 5 | Comments: We are absolute greyhound fanatics and if we could fit more, we'd have more!! We started with Nash and then Duchess came a couple years later and then Arazi a few month later. What a crew! We adopted from Greyhound Placement Service in NH. We are cons antly searching for greyhound sites, and this one is fantastic! So glad to see you could save a puppy. Keep up the great work!! |
Greg - 02/25/98 19:04:44 My | Comments: Going to be adopting a GH of my own in a few weeks, and I wanted to tell you that you have a really nice page. |
Kathy and Jesse - 02/23/98 00:28:20 Name of any greyhounds you have: Bella, tiger brnd. female Age of your greyhounds: 2 and a half | Comments: Thanks for your great web site. |
Jim Tejada - 02/17/98 23:58:52 My URL: My Name of any greyhounds you have: Daisy Mae Age of your greyhounds: 5 1/2 | Comments: Daisy Mae loves to meet other sofa connoisseurs. She's been retired for about 2 years, and really enjoys life on the sofa. You have a wonderful greyhound page - love the pictures. |
Ginger Elliott - 02/15/98 23:07:01 My Name of any greyhounds you have: none, but I intend to adopt as soon as possible! | Comments: |
Pat and Jackie Chandler - 02/15/98 18:07:35 My URL: My Name of any greyhounds you have: Baxter Age of your greyhounds: 5 years | Comments: Missy and Mike, Hey, great page! We have a fawn greyhound, his name is Baxter, and we've had him for three years. We are currently living in North Carolina, but in a year or so we will be moving back to the great state of Michigan. We are from Wayland, which is by G and Rapids. Congrats on the new adoption. Pat Jackie and Baxter |
Don Roberts - 02/12/98 20:48:14 My Name of any greyhounds you have: Xena (Ace Rapture) and Roger (Travellin' Roger) Age of your greyhounds: Xena (4), Roger (6) | Comments: GREYt page. There are no better animals in the world than the loving greyhound. We adopted Xena (we changed her name because she was as pretty as a princess and, because she raced, she was a true warrior, and we didn't like Acer, from Ace Rapture) in Ma ch of 97. We loved her so much we adopted another, Roger, in October. We adopted from Arizona Adopt A Greyhound Association. Regards, Don |
Sean O'Callaghan - 02/12/98 18:17:00 My Name of any greyhounds you have: Cheyenne Age of your greyhounds: 3yrs | Comments: |
Sean O'Callaghan - 02/12/98 18:16:59 My Name of any greyhounds you have: Cheyenne Age of your greyhounds: 3yrs | Comments: |
Bev Boudreau - 01/18/98 05:17:56 My URL: My Name of any greyhounds you have: Boomer & Shadow Age of your greyhounds: 9 - 5 | Comments: We think we were here before. You have a greyt page. Thanx for visiting our home page over at abap. Mom is learning html's just now so hope to get some photos in. Mom does get crabby, just ask us, specially when she can't get it right. Please check o r page once in awhile & see if mom is doing her job. We'll keep watching yours. I'm sure you have a greyt home life, we know we do. Hugs & all that. Boomer & Shadow :-) |
Bev Boudreau - 01/18/98 05:14:18 My URL: My Name of any greyhounds you have: Boomer & Shadow Age of your greyhounds: 9 - 5 | Comments: We think we were here before. You have a greyt page. Thanx for visiting our home page over at abap. Mom is learning html's just now so hope to get some photos in. Mom does get crabby, just ask us, specially when she can't get it right. Please check o r page once in awhile & see if mom is doing her job. We'll keep watching yours. I'm sure you have a greyt home life, we know we do. Hugs & all that Boomer & Shadow |
Eskie Charmin and mom - 01/13/98 00:19:34 My URL: My Name of any greyhounds you have: sorry! :=) | Comments: You've got a nice page! Keep up the good work; aMiNals need our help. It's so nice to find others that love them too. Blessings, ![]() |
Bev Boudreau - 01/08/98 06:20:34 My URL: My Name of any greyhounds you have: Boomer &Shadow Age of your greyhounds: 9 &5 | Comments: You are beautiful, just like us, just staring a home page called Boomer & Shadow's Nuthut, drop by excuse as we are just learning and will be putting in pictures soon I hope. Bev (mom) Boomer & Shadow |
Diana - 01/04/98 05:35:10 My Name of any greyhounds you have: -- Age of your greyhounds: -- | Comments: I just linked into your site from several other pet sites (starting from that I had visited. You have created a wonderful pet page! I love it! It is very heart-warming. I almost want to go out and adopt a greyhound myself. I'v got 2 dogs and 3 cats. All are mix breed animals that have been in need of food, shelter and love. You've done a great job, Duke! :-} |
Kari Young - 11/23/97 13:58:32 My URL: My Name of any greyhounds you have: Archie & Sissy Age of your greyhounds: 6 & 3 | Comments: Keep up the good work! |
SANDY COGGINS - 11/16/97 18:02:20 My Name of any greyhounds you have: rachael Age of your greyhounds: 19 months | Comments: great dogs--love chasing fuzzy wheaten terriers! |
Jill Gibbs - 11/07/97 00:53:20 My | Comments: Hi Duke! Nice webpage! Did your Mommy help you with this?? |
KRACHEN - 10/19/97 12:03:01 My URL: My Name of any greyhounds you have: Charro Jewel and Chance Age of your greyhounds: Jewel is 4, Chance is 2 | Comments: Jewel is a retired racer. She retired in June 1997 Chance is a Lurcher, 3/4 Greyhound and 1/4 Beagel. We got both through 'Greyhound Rescue and Adoption'. Visit us. |
Todd Smith - 10/16/97 20:55:06 Name of any greyhounds you have: Tasha Age of your greyhounds: 10 at least | Comments: |
Joyce Passifiume - 09/28/97 00:44:21 My URL: My Name of any greyhounds you have: Zoe and Pharah Age of your greyhounds: 3 and 4 | Comments: Great page! Just working my way around the Greyhound Ring! Be sure to visit Zoe and Pharah and sign their guestbook! |