

This page is "mom's" page! Our mom is a flute player. We guess she's pretty good at it, but we think mom is good at everything! Only thing we don't really like is that short, little flute that mom calls a piccolo! That thing is shriller than a dog whistle!

Hot Links

Muramatsu Flutes
National Flute Association
World of Flutes
Flute World

Well, like the dog's said, this is MY page! I figure after all of the work I put into their pages, I deserved a space of my own! I've been playing the flute since I was about 10 years old...so as of right now that would be 18 years.

I was fortunate enough to study privately with Clem Barone from the Detroit Symphony Orchestra (although, that was a brief thing....shortly after starting my studies with him I decided that I needed to take a break from music - Mr. Barone was a wonderful man and a wonderful teacher, he had nothing to do with my decision) and I also received a music scholarship to a local university.

After I began working full time as a police dispatcher, I started practicing less and less. It is actually just recently that I realized how much music means to me. I can't imagine living my life without music nor can I imagine giving up the flute again.

My husband, realizing how important music is to me, recently bought me a new flute. It's a Muramatsu GX model. The GX has a solid silver head and body with silver plated keys and mechanisms. I chose to buy the wing-lip headjoint. It is rather odd looking....it looks like someone sat on the headjoint and bent the embouchure plate....but it plays very well! Prior to my Muramatsu, I had a Gemeinhardt flute. It had a solid silver head with a gold-plated lip plate. The body was silver plated as were the keys and mechanisms. I had no idea how big a difference there would be between my old Gemeinhardt and my new Muramatsu but it really is like night and day! The Muramatsu is so responsive and the tone is beautiful! I love this instrument and for anyone considering purchasing a professional flute, I strongly recommend you try Muramatsu! There is a link to their homepage provided in the "links" section of this page.

I've also returned to college. I am double majoring in Music Performance and Music Education. Right now, I'm focusing on my General Education requirements, but I do have one music class as well as private lessons. In addition, I have started teaching lessons myself. If you are in the metro Detroit area and you're considering private flute lessons, feel free to e-mail me! I'd be happy to talk to you! Also, if you don't feel that we would be a "match," I have several other flute teachers that I can recommend!

This page is very new, and I don't have many links or much content here right now. If you have a flute related website that you would like listed here, let me know and I'd be happy to provide a link to your page! And now back to the dogs, for whom this website was developed..........

Ok, so now we dogs are going to take over the computer again. After all, WE designed this website! Mom should just be happy we let her have her own page.

And now, to race back to OUR webpages, just click on this here link....you'll be magically wisked back to our greyhound pad!

Duke and Star's Doghouse

If you have comments or suggestions, email me at greyhounddog@earthlink.net