Confessions of a Greyhound Wannabe

My name is Star and I'm a greyhound wannabe. I'm really a lab mix, but we'll get to that later.

Like I said, I'm a lab mix. I'm almost 5 years old now, but my parents adopted me when I was 4 months old. They found me at the Michigan Humane Society's animal shelter. They wanted to take me home that day, but I needed to be "fixed" first. Mom and Dad said they didn't want me having puppies. They said there are already too many unwanted dogs and cats in the world, they didn't want to add more to that. I was the only dog for awhile. Actually, for about 2 years. But then Mom and Dad adopted Duke. Duke is the first greyhound they brought home. Duke was 5 years old then, he's almost 8 now. Before Duke came home, I was the fastest dog on the block! Now, I can't keep up. Duke's a pretty good sport though. He'll slow down now and then to let me catch up. About a year after Mom and Dad got Duke, they adopted Hope. She was just a puppy then. And boy was she FUN!!! Ya see, Duke doesn't really play much. He runs around the yard with me, but not like Hope does! And Hope likes to get into trouble! I used to, but Mom and Dad taught me that it was bad, so I stopped. But with Hope around, I could get into things again! Hope and I are great friends! I'm really glad Mom and Dad brought her to live with us. Sometimes, I wish I were a greyhound. When we go for walks, everyone wants to pet them. Also, they run soooooo fast! It's ok, though, I know that my parents love me. I just get a little jealous sometimes when strangers give the greyhounds all the attention. Mom and Dad make up for it though. While the strangers are petting Duke and Hope, Mom or Dad pet me.

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