(as told by himself)



~The Little People

Years ago, humans were charged as caretakers of the earth and all its creatures and wonders. Humans are multifaceted creatures, proving to be "Jacks Of All Trades and masters of none". This and the fact that they are often overcome by greed, make them very poor caretakers. thus the powers in charge sent forth the Little People.

Each clan of Little People have their own specialties, and when they work together, they collectively handle the job of caretaker. Human interference however, often makes their job almost impossible. Many stories and legends have been told about the Little People. Most humans think of these stories a regional fables and never connect them as a working unit.

~ Gnomes ~

The clan called Gnomes are the foresters. They take care of the garden earth and all its plants. Most of the Gnome elders take on veterinary duties for the earths creatures once they become to old for gardening duties.

~ Dwarfs ~

Dwarfs handle the underground. They are the miners and caretakers of the earths underground waterways and thermal powers. Dwarfs and Gnomes have the ability to change their size. Dwarfs however, can become bulkier than the Gnomes.

~ Pixies ~

Pixies are the muses. They are often referred to as fairies.

They are the inventors, planners, and artists.

They are, by stature, the smallest of the Little People.

Humans that have seen them, claim that Pixies fly. The truth is that they have the ability to levitate. They can levitate themselves or objects around them. True Pixies have wings, but they are useless except as a guidance system.

~ Vendigum ~

Vendigum are most commonly called "Elves" by humans.

They hate the term elf. In their language elf is slang for the word "elvarna". Elvarna refers to someone who shirks his or her duties.

Vendigum are the crafts people. They can make almost anything one can dream up.

There are two types of Vendigum. One type has pointed ears and he others are round eared. The rounded eared ones are larger and stronger than the swifter and more logical pointed eared Vendigum.

Their oral history claims that before coming to earth, a Pixie mated with his vendigum lover and started the line of pointed eared Vendigum.

Vendigum are also gifted with the ability of prophecy.


Trolls are the warriors. They are the army for the Little People. Trolls protect the Little People from human intervention. Although humans usually win out, the Trolls give a valiant attempt. Trolls have the ability to shape shift and are often quite the cunning pranksters when trying to foil man and his modern technology.

They are very kind and pleasant beings, even though human fables give them a bad reputation.


Leprechauns are the treasurers and "store keepers". They store, inventory, and issue all the supplies needed by the Little People. They have a quick mind and can calculate faster than man's computers. They also have an endless memory. Therefore they are the guardians of most of the Little Peoples oral history.


Merpeople are the keepers of the waters and seas. They also tend the underwater gardens that produce many of the medical products for the Little People. Merpeople have the ability to breath in any environment

These are the eight most common clans found in human fables and stories. There are actually twenty seven, but for this story I will use the most common eight as an example.

Most humans believe Little People stories to be nothing more than regional fables. This is not true. Little People clans are global. Leprechauns, for example, are not just in Ireland. They have been spotted there more times by humans, but they have warehouses every where. They have seven in the United States alone.

It is also surprising to me that humans have never connected the Little People together as united working "family" unit that they are.

Let's say a Gnome needs a new kind of a tool for a certain job. He sends the need to the Pixies who invent the tool. The pixies send the plans to the Vendigum. The Vendigum order the necessary materials from the Leprechaun and proceed to build many of these tools. The tools are then delivered to the Leprechaun vaults and dispensed out to the Gnomes as needed.

This each clan uses their talents for the common goal of care taking the earth. There was one main problem with their system. Delivery of messages and product was slow and unreliable.

Somewhere in time the Little People elders gathered to discuss this very problem. It was decided to enlist a human to take on the delivery duties. This momentous day was the advent of Santa.



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