~ The Lineage Of Santa ~
The Little People are poor record keepers
and rely solely on oral history. Thus much of the early history of Santa
has been lost. One reason for this work is to keep what is left from being
lost forever.
To this date there has existed thirteen
humans who have had the honor of the title "Santa". I will do my best to
record the history of each.
Chris Kringel ~
The first Santa was Chris Kringel. He had flaming red hair and
came from the area now known as Europe. Possible Ireland or England.
He lived until the age of 147.
He was very fond of animals and kept a proverbial zoo of friends.
In his later years he befriended a hurt reindeer and named him Donder.
According to legend the two were rarely seen apart.
~ Hana ~
Kringel was followed by a woman from what is now Germany. Little
is known of her and there are many conflicting stories as to her name.
Most refer to her as Hana, a term used for mother or aunt.
She is most remembered for her good heart and mothering ways. She
spent most of her free time helping the elder Gnome doctors. She passed
at the age of 182 years.
~ Dark Peter ~
The third Santa was from Norway. Peter is known as "Dark Peter".
His was the shortest reign as Santa. He became Santa at the age of 32.
Six years later he was being chased by other humans attempting to find
the homes, and supposed wealth, of the Vendigum. Peter led them the wrong
way and perished in a cold winter storm. Thus he was called Dark Peter
as a remembrance of his loyalty.
His death was followed by a fifty year period of mourning known
as the years of the dancing shadows. During this time the elders almost
abandoned the whole Santa project.
~ Sourkoff ~
After the mourning period the process was started again. Thirty
years later a Siberian named Sourkoff was coronated as Santa.
By this time Donders offspring had grown into a large herd.
Sourkoff was the first to formally domesticate these deer into a work force.
Donder’s name was handed down over and over again to his offspring
until at one point donder became the vendigum word for reindeer. Sourkoff
changed this policy by naming each deer as they became domesticated.
Sourkoff lived to be 122 years old when he passed away unexpectedly.

~ Claus and Anwynn ~
Five years later the fifth Santa was born again in Siberia. His
name was Claus and was coronated at the age of thirty, 477 years after
Kringel was coronated.
He became the greatest Santa ever. He was the first to have a wife.
her name was Anwynn. Together they did the most to change the world of
the Little People.
Before he became Santa. Claus was a Christian, a wood worker, and
a skilled maker of toys. All year he made gifts for the children of his
village. On Christmas he and Anwynn would hook up their reindeer Dancer
and Prancer and set off to deliver their handmade gifts to the children.
Until this time, once one became Santa, they were not allowed to
make contact with other humans. When not performing their delivery duties,
they lived the rest of their life with the Vendigum.
Claus, although loyal and dependable, could not abide by this rule
and would arrange his deliveries to take him by his old village at Christmas.
As before he would secretly make gifts all year and hide them in his delivery
bag and dispense them when he made his Christmas visit to his village.
This way he was sure "his children" were taken care of.
By the time the Little People got word of his side trips, his fame
with the villagers was totally out of hand. The elders realized the advantage
of having an ambassador with the humans. They allowed his visits and arranged
their schedules to accommodate his Christmas visit.
As a reward for his faithful work, the Vendigum helped with
his gift making. The Little People also bestowed his powers to him for
one day each year to able him to expand his gift giving.
Claus picked Christmas eve to use his gifts. This allowed him to
end his trip at his old village and spend Christmas morning with his old
Until this time, Seasons Greetings was held in the fall. Because
Claus ended his rounds on Christmas, Seasons Greetings was changed to start
at Christmas and end on January 5th. This is also where humans came up
with the Twelve Days of Christmas idea.
Because Santa now had limited use of the Little Peoples powers,
Claus groomed a team of reindeer to make his Christmas run with. He picked
his two personal deer, Dancer and Prancer, and added six others to make
a team of eight.
In his old life reindeer were his common form of ground transportation.
For the first time, now he could make them levitate! This made his personal
deliveries most efficient indeed.
Anwynn’s cooking abilities changed the eating habits of the Little
People. She introduced them to a variety of baked goods. She also had the
Gnomes start vegetable gardens for the purpose of bringing vegies to the
Vendigum of the far north. These gardens are still in production to this
day in what is now Colorado U.S.A.
These gardens started a bond between the Little People and the
North American humans known as the Utes. Arapaho, Hopi, and Navajo or Denih.
This bond of friendship introduces corn products to the Vendigum.
In Clauses old village
the houses would get completely covered with snow. The fire pit was located
in the center of he house with a smoke hole in the roof above. during the
winter, the only entrance to the house would be through the smoke hole
and down a ladder.
When Claus would visit at Christmas, this was the the way he entered
the homes. As time passed this became the legend about santa coming down
the chimney.
These are just a few of the many changes Claus and Anwynn made
to improve the role of Santa and the lives of the Little People. In his
honor, most Santas have included Claus as part of their title. Also many
Little People have named their daughters Anwynn.
Claus lived to be 118 and Anwynn passed on at the age of
122, six years after her husband.
~ Nicholas ~
The 6th Santa was Nicholas. He was born in the year 270 a.d. in
Niessia, a providence of Grease near what is now Gutaira Turkey.
As a boy his village was wiped out by the plague. He was one of
the very few survivors and the only one of his family to make it.
Being orphaned, the monks took him in. After spending most of his
early life with them, he decided to become a monk himself. As an adult,
he rose to the position of bishop in the church as well as holding the
title of Santa for the Little People.
He was the most religious of the Santas. This often caused problems
with his duties to the Little People.
Nicholas passed on in 342 a.d. at the age of 72. The Vendigum
believe it was the strain of keeping up with his duties to the Little People
and the church that led to his early death.
His contributions to the Christian Church were many and he even
achieved Sainthood. His main contribution to the Santa legend was when
he helped three young girls get their dowries.
He received permission to take three small bags of gold from the
Leprechauns vaults. For three nights he threw a bag into the girls bedroom
window. The first bag fell into the shoe of the youngest girl. This started
the legend of Santa leaving gifts in shoes and stockings.
He was also the first to live more with humans rather than with
the Little People. This gave him the opportunity to champion the cause
of children all year long rather than just at Christmas.
To this day, because of his example, Santas help children all year
during their travels.
~ William ~
With Nicholas passing at an early age, there was a 57 year gap
before the seventh Santa was born. His name was William. He was of Dutch
decent born in Amsterdam. Due to the long gap in Santas, he was coronated
early at the age of 25.
In his travels he came across a South African orphan boy who was
mute. Due to his affliction he was shunned by the rest of his family.
William’s heart went out to this lad and he adopted him as his
own boy and assistant. To this day in Amsterdam they celebrate Santa arriving
with his black assistant on December 6th.
Because the boy could not speak, his birth name was never known.
William dubbed him Peter in honor of Dark Peter.
William, as Nicholas, spent most of his life living with the humans.
He did pay more attention to the needs of the Little People than Nicholas
did. However every moment he spent with the humans was critiqued by many
of the Little People that felt let down by Nicholas.
After his death, at 184 years old, there was again conflict among
the Elders about the need for a Santa. After all the past two had spent
more time caring for human needs rather than tending to the Little People.
This argument lasted 278 years before the Santa system was reinstated.
At this time several new guidelines were set forth regulating the role
of Santa and his dealings with humans.
The world was getting more populated and hostilities among humans
were becoming both more widespread and devastating to the earth. This escalated
growth and destruction kept the future Santas so occupied helping the Little
People with their work that the new guidelines never needed to be enforced.
~ Grabouski ~
The 8th Santa was Grabouski from Poland. His note to fame was the
Ruedoulf legend.
Please take notice of the proper spelling of Ruedoulf’s name. In
the Vendigum language "rue" is a reddish-orange sauce they use in cooking.
"Doulf" is their word for nose.
Ruedoulf had a nose just about the same color of their rue.
It was not bright red and it did not glow, but because of his oddity he
was often made fun of.
Grabouski had eyebrows that were long and grew together. So from
his childhood he knew what it was like to be picked on because of an oddity.
He was not about to let the same thing happen to Ruedoulf.
It was common practice to move the reindeer herds South for feeding
in the summer. The human rulers were now allowing common folk to hunt in
some regions. This often put Santa's herds in danger as they moved South.
Grabouski made Ruedoulf stay at the front of the herd so hunters
would know Santa’s herds from wild game. This greatly improved Ruedoulf’s
image with his frightened buddies in the herd.
Grabouski, most future Santas, and many humans have used various
forms of this story as a self confidence builder for all trying to turn
an oddity into a positive thing.
Grabouski became the second oldest Santa passing on at the age
of 201. During his reign he witnesses the birth of the Holy Roman Empire.
This was a time that humans really needed Santa.
With the new stories of Ruedoulf, belief in Santa once again reached
almost to the heights of Clauses reign. Human rumors claimed that Santa
would live forever. Because of Grabouski’s incredible physical well being
in his twilight years, many Little People also started to believe in his
immortality. When he did pass on most were unprepared and this led to another
70 year gap before the 9th Santa was born.
~ Cawdanca ~
The 9th Santa was Native American from the Iroquois tribes. His
given name was hard for the Vendigum to pronounce so they renamed him Cawdanca.
In english that translates as "Spirit Teacher".
He introduced many Indian customs to the Little People of
the world. He taught the use of sage and cedar smoke for prayer and purification.
He taught the power of visions and the use of sweat lodges. He also helped
bridge the gap between the world of the Little People and the Spirit World.
From the talents of his and other tribes, he helped the Vendigum
refine their skills in basket and cloth weaving, pottery, and the use of
earth paints and dyes.
As a boy Cawdanca was taught to leave food out for the people of
the Spirit World. This he did with great devotion. It was from his practices
that it became custom to leave a morsel of food for him at Christmas.
During his reign he lived through the mess caused by all seven
of the Crusades and the Children’s Crusade. He passed away at the age of
190 just six years before the 8th and final Crusade.
~ Holly ~
The tenth Santa was another woman born 43 years later. She was
Holly, named by her parents for their love of Christmas. She was from Norway
and was instrumental in making decorating with holly, pine and mistletoe
a Christmas custom around the world.
Her hobby was to "collect" Christmas customs from around the world
as she traveled. She would then spread these ideas and customs in hopes
of unifying Christmas cheer around the world.
She discovered the Germans decorating pine trees with candles and
other finery. This was a custom quickly added to Seasons Greetings, however
it wasn’t until many years after her passing that it became a custom elsewhere
in the world.
She was the first to decorate the Christmas sleigh converting it
from a plain old work barge into a traveling work of art. She also added
sleigh bells as to have "music" on her Christmas journey.
She spread the use of a Yule Log and made her favorite drink, eggnog,
a Seasons Greetings requirement and eventually a Christmas tradition through
out most of the world.
She was the longest living Santa ever. She lived through the 100
year war, the Black Plague, and the four voyages of Columbus.
She also witnessed the turmoil in the Christian faith when the
Catholic Church divided into three segments with three Popes on the throne
at the same time.
She truly made many changes in the world of the Little People and
witnessed great transformations n the human world before she passed away
at the age of 212 years old.
~ Peter’s Descendant
The eleventh Santa came from Africa and was descended from the
family of Peter, Williams assistant. He spent almost all of his reign living
in the world of the Little People.
Humans had always let greed lead them into war, but now war was
starting to effect the global garden and the work of the Little People.
Humans were now warring over ownership of the lands in the "New World".
This required Santa to almost totally devote his time to delivering cleanup
supplies to the Little People.
The Elder Prophets of the Little People were foreseeing major growth
in the human war machine. They also envisioned humans over running the
Vendigum’s special food gardens. In their visions, human warfare was going
to cause even greater damage to the world they were care taking. Thus they
were using Santa to prepare for the future damage as well as the currant
messes humans were creating.
He lived to the age of 162 and his name, like Peters, was never
recorded. He was only known as Peter’s Decedent.
There was again a 125 year gap between Santas caused by three disasters
in a row. First the next candidate for Santa was killed as a young lad
during the Spanish Succession in the year 1710. The elders suspended the
program until after the American War for Independence. This decision caused
the Little People’s efforts to fall way behind the human war efforts.
The next candidate was then lost during the French Revolution
in 1789.
~ Dubouis ~
Finally the twelfth Santa was born in 1806. He was of French heritage
but was born on a ship heading to the "New World". His name was Dubouis
and was known as The Warring Santa.
He was not a fighter, but was called The Warring Santa because
he was coronated on March 6th 1836, the very day Santa Anna captured the
Alamo. Then his reign covered the ware between the United States and Mexico;
the Prussian, German, and Hungarian revolutions; the American Civil War;
the wars against the American Indians; the Spanish - American War; both
World Wars; and the Civil Wars in Greece and China. Then he passed away
three days before the end of the war between Israel and the Arab League
in 1949.
This was a time that humans needed Santa the most and had him the
least. Because of all the wars and massive destruction of the new war machines,
Santa was kept busy helping the Little People rebuild and there was no
time for his ambassador duties.
It is thought that this lack of contact between humans and Santa
that led to all the wild Santa fables and the general disbelief in his
existence. This troubled him often but there was nothing he could do. There
were many years that he couldn’t even make an attempt at a Christmas journey.
This spawned even more tales about the nonexistence of Santa.
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