Several attempts were made to enlist a human
adult to be the delivery person. However human adults are very set in their
ways and couldn’t adjust to life with the Little People. Again the elders
met and came up with the currant and successful recruiting plan.
Six to ten babies are picked as candidates. Each is marked with a birthmark
called a "santa". As these children grow they are schooled through their
dreams in the ways of the Little People. Their parents are also taught
how to raise and care for these children.
As they grow each are studied, judged, and eliminated until only one
remains. He is allowed to keep his birthmark and is made aware of his destiny
in his early twenties.
At the age of thirty he receives the title of Santa and assumes his
duties of delivery person. If the previous Santa still lives, the new Santa
spends his twenties in apprenticeship.
The coronation is a grand affair with the oldest
Vendigum leading the ceremony and charged with transferring the title.
The job of Santa requires extensive work and
attention to duty. One must give up almost all of the life he knew as a
child. However the Little People reward Santa greatly. Santa is always
given everything he needs. Not everything he wants, but everything he needs.
there is often a big difference between the two. Santa is also given total
love and respect by the Little People. If you think about it, total love
and respect plus everything you need makes one not necessarily rich but
very wealthy in heart and soul.
Santa usually lives longer than most humans.
Most Little People believe this is due to lack of stress and worry.
Santa has one year to complete his delivery rounds. The end of
the year is celebrated with the Little Peoples holiday called Seasons Greetings.
This is a twelve day festival of feasting and merriment. No work is permitted
and focus is solely on friends and family. It is a time for total rest
and relaxing.
The most emotional day of Seasons Greetings
is the third day known as The Day of Recognition. One by one, each of the
Little People are thanked for the work they have completed. At the same
time each vows to follow the one and only law of the Little People.
That law is "To Be Kind". No other law is needed. Humans could end
miles of paper work, legislation, and political muckity muck by adopting
this simple but effective law. 
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