Welcome to Sairkyi Lhasa Apsos in Australia and New Zealand!


Arnold Townson
11 Shangri-La Court
Rothwell Qld 4022
ph +61 7 3293 0174
fax +61 7 3293 0174
Margaret Herlihy
233 Hokio Sand Road
R.D. 1, Levin 5500
New Zealand
ph +64 6 368 5833
fax +64 6 368 5177


Through our new website we would like to inform you about the Sairkyi Lhasa Apsos, our goals, our breedings, our show successes and of course our latest news! If you have any question, please don't hesitate to contact us by phone or email, we'd be happy to hear from you.



Aust/NZ Ch. Merakyi Manhattan

All images and content are © by Sairkyi