From Carl Sagan's The Dragons of Eden (Ballantine, 1977):
"Particularly today, when so many difficult and complex problems face the human species, the development of broad and powerful thinking is desperately needed. There should be a encourage, in a humane and caring context, the intellectual development of especially promising youngsters. Instead we find, in the instructional and examination systems of most of these countries, an almost reptilian ritualization of the educational process ..."
You can find a lot of info about homeschooling by reading
newsgroups at; or add your own "two cents" worth :-).
Married not marred w/Children
- Kathy's the homemaker does most of the childrearing,
housekeeping, and homeschooling.
- Steve slaves and toils away to pay for food, shelter, and hopefully a few extras; has returned to Marine Engineering which actually seems to give him MORE time so spend w/family than working ashore.
- Their tasks sometimes overlap: Kathy keeps the budget, Steve helps out with homeschooling.
Pre-parenthood we were regular people with our own bathrooms and
we dared to eat candy in the open!

Kathy tutored at the University of Michigan writing lab--now she
tutors her kids! Steve, marine engineer, tries to involve himself as much as possible in family life.

Kathy started taking piano lessons along with our three oldest. They're having a great time!
Here are links to some of our favorite sites:
Parenting sites:
- The La Leche LeagueHome Page, i.e., "The Milk" League home page is a great resource for nursing moms.
- Welcome to Parent Soup!
- The Parenting Community: PARENTS PLACE.COM, Parenting, Parents, Baby -- the parenting
resource center on the web.
Home teaching and distance learning resource sites:
- *NEW*
- US Department of Education site;
that's where I found good links to
approved accrediting agencies for various schools and colleges.
- The "Higher Learning Commission" site has some good sources for distance learning too.
- The
Distance Learning Clearinghouse from the University of Wisconsin has some great links and is kept up really well.
- That's the last of the *new* stuff for now (February 2002).
- Northland Library Cooperative
- Homeschool World Home Page
- Free teacher's help from Uncle Sam
- Some more government help with
free publications.
Some miscellaneous sites
- Home School Legal Defense
- Kids from all over the world here at "Global Learn" site
- A small webpage for a look at pictures from Mom and Dad's
golden wedding anniversary celebration.
We love our six kids! Wouldn't anyone? Haha!
- Benjamin--b.1988
Some favorite links from Ben:
- Official Star Wars Web Site
- Welcome to the official LEGO
World Wide Web Site.
- The maker of Star Wars has a great site here-> LucasArts.
- Katie--b.1989
Some favorite links from Katie:
- Pleasant Company for American Girls
- Calvin--b. 1992
Favorite links of Cal's:
- Official Star Wars Web Site
- Welcome to the official LEGO
World Wide Web Site.
- The maker of Star Wars has a great site here-> LucasArts.
- Find Elmo and his friends here on Sesame Street.
- Anais--b. 1995 No favorite sites from Ana or her
baby sister yet.
- Laura--b. 1997
- Rudolph (Rudie)--b. 2002

So that's it for now! Thanks for visiting; come back and see
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© Steve Downing, 1997
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