Mahalo/Wado Heartland Hallmarks Committee.
I am humbled by this wonderful award!

Mahalo/Wado Heartland Select Committee,
for this great honor!

Welcome Everyone to:

I hope you enjoy your visit and please sign
my guestbook before you leave. Mahalo/Wado!

These pages are graphics intensive and may take
a while to load, so please be patient...mahalo/wado.

Family-Friendly Site

The Meaning of Aloha

A - Akahi -- Kindness to be expressed with tenderness.

L - Lokahi -- Unity to be expressed with harmony.

O - Olu'olu -- Agreeability to be expressed with pleasantness.

H - Ha'aha'a -- Humbleness to be expressed with modesty.

A - Ahonui -- Patience to be expressed with perseverence.

A Cherokee Blessing

May the warm winds of heaven Blow softly on
your home, and the Great Spirit, Bless all who
enter there. May your Moccasins Make happy
tracks in many snows, and may the
Rainbow always touch your shoulder

The slack key guitar music you hear

playing on some of these pages, have

been recorded by:

Keola Beamer

a fantastic Slack Key artist..You can

hear more music clips by

clicking on his name above.

Memorial Page

Slack Key Guitar/Awards/Webrings

The Hula

My Photo's

My Heritage

Native American Proverbs/Prayers/Links/Awards

More Native American Proverbs and WebRings

Hawaiian Proverbs/Thoughts/Links/Awards

More Hawaiian Proverbs/Thoughts and WebRings

Law Enforcement/Links/WebRings/Awards

Win My Award

About Asthma

Click for Lihue, Hawaii Forecast

Sign Guestbook - View Guestbook

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To the best of my knowledge, nothing on any of these
pages violates any laws or rules. If anyone see's
something that should'nt be here, please email me
so I can make the appropriate adjustments.


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