English Cars and Airshows

This page is dedicated to the memory of John Gillespie Magee.

Control  for music

   Well here we are at the cars and aircraft page.  As you can see from the photographs Ron drives a Triumph TR6.  The car is a 1971 car with 380,000+ miles under its wheels.  The car looks in good condition since it had a body rebuild three years ago.  Ron is its second owner.  He bought the car for $750...  He does all the work on the car himself, and you can find him every week either under or inside the engine compartment making sure everything is in working order.  I like sitting on the ragtop roof and scaring people away from the car, Woof! Woof!  Ron likes traveling to airshows in Kansas and surrounding states.  My favorite show is the one in Liberal, Kansas.  It is usually in September when it's cool!


Click on a thumbnail to see a larger photo of the TR6.




High Flight

By Pilot Officer John Gillespie Magee Jr.
Oh I have slipped the surly bonds of earth
 and danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings.
 Sunward I've climbed, and joined the tumbling
 mirth of sun-split clouds, and done a hundred
 things you have not dreamed of -- wheeled
 and soared and swung high in the sunlit silence.
 Hovr'ring there, I've chased the shouting wind along,
 and flung my eager craft through footless halls of air.
 Up, up, the long, delirious, burning blue,
 I've topped the windswept heights with easy grace
 where never a lark or even eagle flew.
 And while with silent, lifting mind I've trod
 the high untrespassed sanctity of space,
 put out my hand, and touched the face of God.

John Gillespie Magee Jr..  Written September 3, 1941 during the Battle of Britain.
 Pilot Officer Magee RCAF died on the 11th December, 1941, at the age of 19.


  Flight Simulators mostly Mac, but a few PC.

  Aviation Links.

  World Flight 1997.

  Warbirds Homepage.  The ultimate online gaming...

  Flight Link -- Warbirds.

  United Kingdom Aviation Museums.

  Story of the Supermarine Spitfire.

  Aircraft Museums around the World.

  Oshkosh EAA.

  High Flight.

  TR Register.

  Club Triumph.

  The Triumph Home Page.

  British Car.

  More British Cars.

  PsychoDad's Car Sites.

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   Say Hi! to my owner, Ron, by sending him an e-mail to: triumf@tiagris.com 

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