Stanton, Lester
and more genealogy

Pat's Genealogy Pages
Look through my Surnames. If I can add additional notes, please contact me.
As of 5/8/03 I have a new e-mail address ( If you appreciate what you see, scroll down and add to my guestbook.

Allen / Alsop / Avery / Bailey / Bartow / Beers / Betts / Boyce / Brown / Buffington / Carver / Comfort / Conner / Davis / Deterick / Drollinger / Fish / Frazee / Fritts / Gifford / Haines / Hawks / Hayes / Jackson / Kirkendall / LESTER / Mackintosh / Matlack / Millison / Mitchell / Morris / Norris / Osbourne / Poling / Sacket / Sheward / Smith / Stanfield / STANTON / Weese / Wetzel / Whitehead / Woodward / Wyckoff
Genealogical Resourse Documents in my Collection
Take a look at Tonight's Sky

My children's paternal ancestry includes: Brewer, Gainey, Hedrick, Hobson, Hyde, Kitt, Michelis, Ream, Shoultz, Wolfard (surnames who gathered in Indiana)
Ray Walker's ancestry includes: Ballard, Bostian, Daily, Goodson, Honeycutt, Stirwalt (surnames who gathered in North Carolina)

I have been researching my family tree since 1981, and wish to share what I have aquired with anyone who may have a link to my families. My ancestors range from English Puritans, to German, Dutch, Irish and Scotch ancestors, each with their own reasons for emmigration. I have ancestors who fought in every US war, as well as those who avoided war at all costs. I am descended from Quakers, Methodists, Baptists and Presbyterians and consider myself an American.

My early roots came mainly from Connecticut and moved west to NY, PA, WV, OH, then further to IN, IA, KS, WS, MN and WA. The first of my clan to move to Florida were my grandparents, Hugh Wetzel Lester and Helen Carver, who settled in Fort Lauderdale about 1925.

I have included quoted sources for information, but have not actually viewed every source myself. Much of my work comes through Genealogical and County Historical Societies from the 1980s.

View my surnames and take any information there you may wish to use in your own research. I am a casual genealogist, so you may wish to verify what I have obtained for yourself. I hope my work will be of some help to you. If it is, please let me know, maybe you can expand on my knowledge of the family. Other relatives who visit this site have kept the pages growing with their related family histories. Many Thanks! This is a work in progress, so please return often.

If any of this seems familiar, I was born Pat Stanton in 1955, became Pat Michelis in 1973, and since 1994, Pat Walker. You may have known me by any of these names. I would love to hear from you again.

If you have a Connection, please contact Pat Walker

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I am a volunteer for the USGenWeb and host Glades County in Florida.

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                on the Internet
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Heartland Genealogy Society