To The Ivey Family Homepage.

My Wonderful Family

We're getting settled in, Reload often as we make current updates.

Soon I will have more pictures up as well as alot of information about our lives here on Okinawa Japan.

Also I have had some problems with my guest book, so if you have previously signed my guestbook, Please sign it again as I have gone to a new server. =]


Links to the "Ivey League School Of Dance"

Ballet Dance Picture

Well here they are- Meet the Ivey Family, then spend some time veiwing some of our favorite links.

Startled MouseEnter at Own Risk Sign Steve's Personal Page

RoseStone Chris' Personal Page

Dancing Frog Austin's & Taylor's Playroom

CHP Badge Steve's Favorite Cop Links & Graphics

Webring Rings and Things (Awards)

HEY!, LOOK!, My first LEO Awards!

Law Enforcement Award Law Enforcement Award Law Enforcement Award

ICQ ButtonOnline "RealTime" Page- Try It! Pager

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