Genealogy Book of Johan Balthasar Anspach
Updated March 10, 1998.

If you are interested in the ANSPACH genealogy, or individuals associated with an Anspach/ Anspaugh/ Aunspach / etc. surname, an ANSPACH Mail List is now available on Rootsweb for questions and/or discussion.
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Search the SURNAMES LIST AND FAMILY PAGES associated with Johan Balthasar Anspach. First names followed by an asterisk (*) indicate that the surname of the wife was unknown. Updated December 12, 1997.

A major portion of the Anspach geneology presented in these pages has been supplied in a manuscript entitled "The Anspach Genealogy", by Donald R. Anspach published in 1954.

A link is also provided to additional ANSPACH Lines which stem from other Anspach emigrants to the US, or cannot be linked to the Johan Balthasar line at this time. Updated January 12, 1998.

An additional REPORT has been created on our Family Tree Maker web page which shows some additional information about miscellaneous Anspach's which could not be linked to Johan Balthasar Anspach or any of the identified additional lines. Updated January 12, 1998.

 We would love to share information with anyone who has information on Anspach, Anspaugh, Aunspach, Aunspaugh, Ansbach, Ansboch, etc. The name originated as Anspach, but changed as families moved from PA into Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, Iowa and beyond.

Check out some of the web sources of ANSPACH linkages. Update July 2, 1998

For the descendant chart, we have converted the various name spellings to the original for our convenience. We have removed source information and notes for brevity - these can be provided to those interested in various parts of the family.

For additional information, please EMail us.

For privacy sake, we have not included anyone past the 8th generation.

Joel & Pauline Kenderdine

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