Welcome to my Guestbook!

11/22/00 20:11:35
Name: dollface
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Hey girl love your new look.......sorry took me so long to check it out but hey you know me hehehehe.......the pictures of the girls look great will have to take some more this winter.... and your poems are very touching thank you...... but I don't think I'll ever learn to bake hehehe.. love you girl Di

10/11/00 04:24:28
Name: mikey My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me favorite poet: michael crutcher
favorite movie: ghost favorite hobby: writing poetry

i like your thanksgiving pg

10/09/00 02:05:14
Name: twinkletoes My URL: Visit Me
favorite poet: why you, of course favorite hobby: cross stitch,etc.

We like your page very much. Got to see some more recent photos of our grandchildren and nieces.My how they grow. The Thanks-giving page is really cool except that you forgot to put in enough spaces to spell pilgrims right.Keep up the good work.

10/09/00 00:37:20
Name: Angel My Email: Email Me
favorite movie: Armageddon favorite hobby: chattin'

Great page gal, i enjoyed it. Friends are forever, and always there when you need them. That is why you are a friend.

10/04/00 01:05:12
Name: mikey My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me favorite movie: ghost
favorite hobby: writing poetry

a friend is for ever and some one you can count on any time you need them so think as me a friend

09/13/00 13:45:07
Name: kucki My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me favorite poet: all
favorite hobby: tennis

great web site :)

09/13/00 03:30:13
Name: Chuck
My URL: Visit Me

Lovely site!

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