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This page updated 09/07/98

Rick Fri, 4 Sep 1998 12:46:08 EDT

Mary Perkins Thu, 03 Sep 1998 20:40:03 -0500
my grandfather's name was rufus randolph perkins, who married a tempie lott in broxton, georgia, had several children and then moved to mississippi. as a child, i remember attending a family reunion in douglas, georgia, but am not sure for what name it was - perkins or lott. can you help?

URQ5 Wed, 2 Sep 1998 11:34:11 EDT
Seek information about John Priestley TYSON (son of George TYSON) born c1843, near Eastover, Richland Co, SC; married Elizabeth LOCKLAYER. They had two children: Mary TYSON & George TYSON. The family then moved to Coffee Co., GA and had 4 daughters, names unknown. One daughter later married & lived in Columbia, SC. John Priestley TYSON served in the Civil War at Ft. Moultrie, SC. Especially need Coffee Co. Census information for John Priestley TYSON, beginning in 1860.

Anntc Tue, 1 Sep 1998 15:30:09 EDT
Looking for any descendants of CAL and JOSEPH TANNER. John b. 1750-1784 son of Joseph married Mary Douglas.

Nancy Nilsen Tue, 25 Aug 1998 21:30:37 -0700
Does anyone have information on Cuyler DUREN (b abt 1872, s/o Richard & Sarah Kirkland DUREN) of Coffee Co who supposedly married Delilah GRANTHAM, d/o Nathan. I am interested in learning more about Delilah and who her parents are, as well as children of Cuyler and Delilah. I don't seem to be able to find them in the 1900 Ga Soundex to the census records. Any help appreciated. Nancy in AZ

HBrum Mon, 24 Aug 1998 13:32:48 EDT
I am researching geneaology of DREW family, specifically info concerning MITCHELL DREW, and his wife, GEORGIA LINDLER DREW. They lived at 301 Jackson St. in Douglas. The house is still there and is called THE DREW HOUSE. The DREW'S and LINDLER'S came to Douglas from Emanuel late 1800's or early 1900's. I would appreciate any info, ancestral or otherwise, concerning DREW or LINDLER families. I can be emailed @

Nancy Nilsen Sun, 23 Aug 1998 11:12:21 -0700
Would like ANY information on the Steven S. BLEDSOLE/Eugenia TAFF family of Coffee Co. They were in Coffee in 1900 and 1910 and then movd to Bacon Co in 1920. Need death dates, places of burial. What happened to all of their family? I believe Eugenia (Taff) his wife is buried at Royals Cem, Atkinson Co, Ga - where's Steven S.? Is the surname: BLEDSOLE? BEDSOLE? BLEDSOLE? OR BLEDSO? Any help will be greatly appreciated. Nancy in AZ

Nancy Nilsen Sat, 22 Aug 1998 19:09:01 -0700
Interested in info on J. Kial KIRKLAND (1875, GA) md 5 Apr 1894, Coffee Co to Ardella GRANTHAM b 15 May 1878. "Deller" is buried at Chatterton Cem - where is her husband buried? Who are his parents? Could they be Kiler & Alice listed in the 1900 Coffee Co cens, Tanner Dist p 124A? Is the John A. KIRKLAND, wife Ella listed next door my J. Kial & Ardella? Would like any information on this family. Nancy in AZ

Gloria Holback Sat, 22 Aug 1998 15:43:31 -0400
Query: Land and property records/ Andrew Bloom REVELS - aka A.B. REVELS- from 1880 to 1930 Query: School records: Jetta Belle REVELS - Mollie or Mary Jeanette REVELS years - 1900 - 1913 (Douglas schools most likely). Query: Tax records / voting records / court records REVELS family: A.B. or Mary Ada REVELS years 1900 to 1913. Any help is appreciated, Gloria Holback -

Ron Head Tue, 18 Aug 1998 23:34:34 -0500
I'm searching for the family of Remer Glenn FINLEY (b. 15 June 1900), probably in or near Coffee Co., GA. He had relatives in Willacoochee, Homerville, and I believe Pearson in the 1960's. His father was Lucius FINLEY (no dates known), who should appear in the 1900 Georgia Soundex (to which I have no access!). Any help in locating Lucius FINLEY and family any time between 1880 and 1920 will be greatly appreciated! Ron Head (

Woodrow Spencer Spivey Sun, 9 Aug 1998 12:43:34 EDT
seek info on possible cherokee paternal ancestor of SPIVEY, Woodrow Wilson. believe his father name Jasper may have been married to Laura/elizabeth Thigpen. supposed to be from douglas/nichols area. Spivey brothers - henry, cager, jake, alvis. sisters mammie and winnie. any other info on my tree will help. thank you. woodrow spencer spivey.

Terry Blankenship Sun, 9 Aug 1998 13:58:22 -0000
GEORGIA ANN NIPPER was my g-grandmother's (SUSAN LUCINDA NIPPER) 1/2 sister. I am looking for any information on SUSAN and am hoping you might have some. Her father's name was WILLIAM NIPPER & we know that he & his first wife (name unknown) had CALVIN & GEORGIA ANN. He was found in FL in New Troy (Lafayette Co), FL where he married ELIZABETH EDMONDS 7 Sept 1875. They had 2 children: JAMES b 1876 and SUSAN LUCINDA b 5 Sept 1877 There is no listing of him on the 1880 census. Did his first wife die? did they divorce? do you have any information on him at all? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

stephen e murray Fri, 7 Aug 1998 20:08:07 -0600
I am searching for information on the LEWIS family from Coffee County Georgia. Banks LEWIS married Luvina ELLIS. Their son, Charles Wessly, was born Oct 17, 1884 in Coffe County. He married Piety Victoria ELLIS, born Feb 3, 1885 in Jeff Davis County Georgia. Any information would be appreciated.

Cara Murray Wed, 5 Aug 1998 19:51:31 -0600
I am searching for information on Charles Wessly LEWIS. He was born Oct 17, 1884 in Coffe County Georgia. He married Piety Victoria ELLIS, 1908, in Jeff Davis County. He died March 15, 1963 in Jeff Davis County. Please contact me with any information.Cara Murray

deann komanecky Sun, 2 Aug 1998 11:47:28 -0400
PARKER/William b. Jan.24, 1843 m June 17, 1869 in Coffee County to Charlotte Ricketson b. Feb 03, 1850. Any info appreciated

Ben Creech Sun, 26 Jul 1998 20:47:43 EDT
Hi All Looking for any information on William Creech b. 1815 d. 1888 and wife Elizabeth _____Creech b. 1812 d. 1906 Both were b. Barnwell Co. S.C. and went to Coffee Co. around 1846-1847. Especially the maiden name of William's wife . Elizabeth b. Unon Springs Baptist Church Hazelhurst, Ga. 1850 census has them in Telfair Co. do not beleive they moved as the 1860 1870 1880 census they were in Coffee Co. Just that the co. line changed when Coffee was formed in 1854. THANKS ALL-Ben in MArtinez, Ga.

Carl Jowers Fri, 24 Jul 1998 11:12:21 -0400
Am seeking information on the parents of Sarah Emaline LANKFORD JOWERS. Her parents name are supposed to be PARRISH LANKFORD and LULA MORGAN. Any information on the LANKFORD/MORGAN families would be appreciated.

June Traverson Tue, 21 Jul 1998 12:02:50 -0700
Searching for information on a : 1.Claude Lewis,died in 1944,his wife 2.Pearl Kight Lewis ,I have no information on her. I found them in the 1920 census,can't seen to fine anything else about them.Thanks,June

Nancy Nilsen Sat, 18 Jul 1998 16:08:36 -0700
Searching for any information on Oscar H. EDENFIELD, Jr.(b 15 Jun 1855, Irwin Co) married 31 Jul 1873 (Coffee Co) to Charity DANIELS, b 1856 (Coffee Co) ?d/o Moses & Martha (Herrin) DANIEL. Moses & Martha moved sometime between 1880 and 1900 to Calhoun Co, FL. Thanks.

June Traverson Sat, 18 Jul 1998 14:28:11 -0700
I am searching for information on the Lewis from Douglas,Coffee Co.Ga My grandparents are from there:Claude Lewis died 1944,his wife Pearl Kight Lewis I have no information on.Is there anyone out there that lives or goes to Douglas,Ga please help. Thanks, June

Nancy Nilsen Tue, 14 Jul 1998 12:38:45 -0700
Searching for the parents of Sarah Ann KING, b June 1853, GA; md Matthew DANIELS b Mar 1853, Coffee Co, GA(s/o Moses & Martha (Herrin) DANIELS). Would like information on their children, especially Roxey b Sep 1873. I have picture of Matthew Daniels. Nancy in AZ

Branda deCastro Mon, 13 Jul 1998 12:19:14 -0500
Looking for the ancestors of Archibald Benjamin TAYLOR and Bessie Estella LIEUPO TAYLOR.

Ellie Gurr Sun, 5 Jul 1998 18:11:04 -0500
Hi, I am looking for information on reseaching the surname Hughes,Seborn Ruben 10-22-1879 (3-5-25) Coffee County,Ga sp. Augusta Mary Moore 5-30-1881 (9-1936) Thank you for any information you can give me Ellie Gurr Wed, 1 Jul 1998 11:35:41 EDT
Hi, I'm looking for information on my great grandfather Henry Oliver Hodge. He died in Nichols Georgia in May 1928. He was a foreman for the railroad at that time. Any information would be helpful and appreciated. Thanks.

Linda Dyal Johns Wed, 24 Jun 1998 19:49:38 -0400
I am seeking information on my great great grandmother, CECELIA JANE BATTEN, who married THOMAS L.HIGHTOWER of Lowndes County, Georgia. Their son, JOHN ZACHARIAS HIGHTOWER was born November 2, 1850, in Coffee county. I would like to know the parents of Cecelia, who was sometimes called "Celia" or "Jane".Linda Dyal Johns

Yvonne Truax Thu, 18 Jun 1998 13:30:01 -0400
Does anyone have any Mother Jones stories to share with me or if anyone is curious about this pioneer woman I have a little info to share. Connected to WARDS HARGRAVES GASKINS CLOUGHS TANNERS LOTTS. Trying to fill in the gaps and the begats--also looking for a book--ward's history of coffee county email My name is Yvonne Truax, daughter of Wilbur Outlaw Clough--the middle name is from a traveling preacher--and Era Tanner Clough, my grandparents are paternal Annie Gaskin Clough and Forest True Clough, and on the distaff side John Tanner and Zilphia Lott or maybe Zilphia Kirkland--not sure if that was her last name or her mother's maiden name--I don't know most of the family because I was a late life child of the youngest of the two families and most of my cousins were my parents age, and I wasn't raised there anyway. Now that Mom has died, I am trying ro fill in my gaps and begats, so I can pass along info to my two grandchildren. I know a few stories and names, and recommend ward's history, we used to have a copy but can't find it now that my mom's gone and don't know if she loaned it out or what. Does anyone claim any sort of kinship? I would like to hear from you. Happy ancestor hunting Yvonne Truax

Flo Altman Tues, June 16, 1998 0717 EDT
Seeking information on Joe Horn , father of Henry Richard Horn b. 22 Mar 1869 d. 1932. Joe moved to Coffee County and had another family. Names of wife and children unknown. Thanks. Email: flo altman@aol. com

R8188 Tue, 16 Jun 1998 01:14:25 EDT
Hello-I am looking for information on Cora Broxton of Coffee County. The only information I can provide is that she married Robert Benjamin Davis in Ware County in April 1904. Family lore says she was from a Broxton family in Coffee County. I would appreciate any information on this lady or her family if possible. Thanks very much for your help! Wed, 27 May 1998 23:56:47 -0400
OGLESBY Woodrow, b 1912?, d 1967?, married Marion Sibet McCarty b, 1906?, d May 1963, children: Lena Oglesby, L.W. OGlesby, Woodrow Wilson Oglesby

Wiloc Wed, 27 May 1998 09:03:57 EDT
William Oates Covington, Jr., Wed, 27 May 1998. Seek information about my grandfather, Thomas Jefferson Covington, (1861 - 1914), born Richmond County, NC, who had a turpentine business, Covington Brothers Naval Stores, near Douglas, GA, in the late 1880s. Check my web site:

KUNTRYG565 Thu, 21 May 1998 21:42:58 EDT
We're looking for records of a John T. Jernigan that was born in Coffee County,Georgia on 3/8/1875. We have no record of parents name. They relocated to Florida where John's parents were killed by the Seminole Indians. Any information you could give us would be greatly appreciated.

Martha Kendall Holmes Sun, 17 May 1998 17:29:39 EDT
1890 Census- Coffee County Gill, Hardy, Mianner-- Looking for information on this family. They are connected to the William Coffee Gill family of Lee Co. and Robert Gill family of Marion Co. Martha Kendall Holmes Oklahoma City

Myron Crider Thu, 23 Apr 1998 02:42:16 -0400
I am looking for the father of John R. Crider. John R. was born in 1883 in Madison County, GA. Moved to Coffee County abt 1913. Married Mary Argo who died in 1935 in Coffee County 2nd Wife was Eva Thompson. John R. Crider died in 1973 in Coffee County. Children were - Arlie, Ahtee, Duvie, Lois, Appie, Eunola. The information I am seeking may be listed on the death certificate of John R. Crider.Thank you very much for your help.Myron Crider

Julie Munn Thu, 16 Apr 1998 11:28:43 -0700
Hello and thank you in advance. I need a lookup for information about Joseph Hayes, b. 1854 and d. 1900. He is buried in Burkett Baptist Church Cemetery. Believe he may be my g-g-grandfather. Need middle name, wife, children, etc. if possible. Thanks again, Julie Munn, Fla

Donna Thu, 16 Apr 1998 21:37:12 EDT
Searching for any information on James Robert (J.R.) Merritt b. 1800's b. Coffee Co.,GA died in Florida. married Mariah?? Children: Sherman Merritt-M; Corrine M. Fe; Chorine M. Fe; Rowena M. Fe; Sherman Merritt m. Maragret Elizabeth Martin in Florida Children !. Gary Merritt and others. Any information would be appreciated. Thank you, Donna in VA. at

Jacqueline Colson Tue, 14 Apr 1998 17:48:16 -0400
I am interested in information about John Paulk of Coffee County. Thank you.

Waymon Griffin Mon, 13 Apr 1998 11:45:47 EDT
WATTS - I am searching for the anscestors, descendants, and siblings of GGGF-(From 1850 Monroe Co AL Census, page 56, house #838): John A WATTS JR b 1810 Coffee Co GA m Elizabeth M b 1813 SC. Children: a. T T. b 1831 Monroe Co., AL, b. Benjamin E b 1833 Monroe Co., AL, c. Elizabeth M. b 1837 Monroe Co., AL, d. James b 1839 Monroe Co., AL, e. Mary E. b 1841 Monroe Co., AL, f. Gustaves E b 1847 Monroe Co., AL, g. Margaret E. b 1849 Monroe Co., AL, g. David Moore b 1851 d 1900 Monroe Co., AL, bur in at New Hope Cementery, Natchez, Monroe Co AL, just west of Beatrice m Martha Ann RICHARDSON b 1854 Monroe Co., AL., d 1939. Francis RICHARDSON m Martha BEARD 12 Nov 1835, could be parents of E E RICHARDSON m Ann Maria ROBINSON 23 May 1848. If you can help, email me at Thanks

Kemo Thu, 9 Apr 1998 22:24:01 EDT
Looking for Rena Mae Kirkland and Her Husband Joe Brown Williams Their Children John Denise and Veru

Jamey Broxson Fri, 27 Mar 1998 16:01:32 EST

Quitman Mon, 16 Mar 1998 23:27:41 -0500
I am interested in information regarding Brigmond or as the original spelling was Brigman. They arrived in Coffee Co. in the late 1800's.

Vicki Burks Fri, 6 Mar 1998 06:33:44 -0000
I am looking for information on Hardy Joiner Born 2/22/1840-Died 5/29/1922, married Janie Harrell, they are buried in Harrell Grove, My ggrandfather was Gaines Joiner Born Sept. 13 1866-Died March 31 1948 Married George Ann Nipper Born 1/15/1869-Died 10/23/1944, their children were Love, Lucy, Gaines, Charlie, Minnie Dell,Ivy, Hardy, Robert, Mary Jane, William. Any information will be appreciated.Thank-you, Vicki

Nancy Nilsen Sun, 01 Mar 1998 18:55:02 -0700
I would like to know the parents of Henry MANCIL (b 1869/1871) in ?Coffee Co, married 1902 to Roxie Ann WOOD. In the 1910 Coffee census he is listed as 39 yrs, married 3 times, b in ?FL. Is he the same Henry MANCIL who married Mary JOINER? as well as Elizabeth JEWELL? Any info will be appreciated about this family. Nancy in AZ

Karen Batten Fri, 27 Feb 1998 22:29:42 -0800
Information needed on J.A. (JAMES) MOORE who lived in Coffee County. He died in the early 1920's at about the age of 66. He had been married three times 1)Margaret Vickers 2)Fannie Thomas Deen 3)Matilda Purvis Vickers He had children by all three wives, total 14 children. One child by third wife Vera Moore O'Steen. Two known children by 2nd wife, Elias Moore, and Myrtice Moore Williams. Would like to know who his parents were. However, any info on ancestors or siblings would be helpful. Have info on his descendents.

Robin Lorber Tue, 17 Feb 1998 13:20:02 -0500
Looking for infomation on WARREN DAVIS, who was police chief of Nichols, GA or maybe a nearby town. He lived in Nichols and is buried on his property, (I'm not sure who currently owns it maybe another decendent) along with his three wives. Two of the wives were sisters, IRENE EDENFIELD was the mother of nine of his twelve children (including my grandfather also named Warren) and HILLIE EDENFIELD was the mother of his youngest child. Both supposedly died from complications following childbirth. We don't know where WARREN DAVIS came from. The story passed down has been that his father was a Civil War soldier and was on leave when WARREN was conceived. Warren's father returned to the War and never returned. It is not even known that Warren's parents were married. His mother later married a DR. HALL and Warren was raised by him - I don't know if there were any other children born to his mother with DR. HALL. Robin

P. FrankSun, 25 Jan 1998 16:54:45 EST
I am looking for information on Texas BURKETT, born about 1840. He married Sarah Ann DAVIS, born about 1859. Their known children were: Willie W., born about 1875, John J., born about 1877, Mary A., born about 1879, and Emma, born about 1882. Texas parents were Rhoda (?), born about 1821 and William, who died before 1860. The part of Coffee county they lived in was later cut into Jeff Davis County. Any info appreciated.

Downie Granville Fri, 30 Jan 1998 20:51:54 EST
I am looking for information on the settlement of RED BLUFF from 1882-1892. It is located in extreme northwest Coffee County. James COUNCIL and wife Ellen CAMPBELL moved their from Columbus County NC and lived at RED BLUFF for about 12-14 years. Several of their many children were born their. I also believe there may be a family cemetery in Red Bluff where one or two COUNCIL infant children are buried. Is this true? I plan a trip to Red Bluff soon to investigate. James Council and family moved up to McRea about 1892 where he died in 1933.

Karen Tapley Tue, 20 Jan 1998 21:33:24 -0500
HELLO MEL, I'm researching my ggrandfather John LaFayette WILLIAMS b. 1832 Pike Co. Al. d. 1888 Hazelhurst, Ga. he was a Methodist minister over 30 years. He was in Berrien Co. Ga. 1860 m. 1. Isabella H. BREWTON 1857 2. Rachel Ann MANNING 1869. I have lots of info on his 13 children. I've tried several times to get on the queries of Berrien Co. unable to reach that line. I've emailed Jim Webb hope to hear from someone. I still have cousins in the Ray City and Valdosta area. Peters. John Lafayette WILLIAMS son John Alexander WILLIAMS m. Luna Augusta PETERS dau of WILLIAMS PETERS. They are buried at Cat Creek cemetery.

William S. Pate, Jr. Mon, 19 Jan 1998 14:19:39 +0000
My wife and I are beginning research on her ancestry in Coffee County. Her grandparents were Arthur HARPER and Mary Lillian SMITH and lived near Nichols. We have no information about these ancestors: (1) Irene BURKETT (d. 1918), wife of John HARPER; (2) Warren SMITH, father of Thomas Warren SMITH (1892-1965); (3) Lucinda PAULK, apparently the wife of Thomas MERRITT (b. abt 1830); and (4) Florida Ann TUCKER, wife of G.J. HARPER (1820-1896). The family also is heavily intertwined with the DAVIS family. We will be searching the usual basic sources, but were hoping someone could help us with some initial information. William (Chip) Pate

Shalane J. Sheley Thu, 15 Jan 1998 12:24:18 -0800
KIRKLAND-THIGPEN Trying to find if James Cyler KIRKLAND (1849-1928) and Barbara THIGPEN (1846-1924) were married in Coffee County (04 Mar, 1866). Barbara was born in Coffee County and they are listed in 1860 census. Would like to correspond with anyone doing research on either line.

Nancy Nilsen Tue, 13 Jan 1998 17:54:56 -0700
I am looking for any information on Elemuel D. COURSON b 28 Jan 1863, Coffee Co; died 31 Jan 1899, buried at Royals Church. Married Delilah RICKETSON, b abt 1869, Coffee Co, d/o Griffin & Amanda OVERSTREET RICKETSON. Two infant sons are also buried at Royals Church; however, I would like to know when Delilah died and where buried. Also, were there other children? Did she remarry? Any information will be appreciated. Nancy in AZ

Preston McGlothren Sat, 03 Jan 1998 00:21:16 -0600
My GGF James Edward McGlothern [many variants], came from Scotland. He owned a farm near Hazlehurst, served in conf. forces, wounded, later died from the wounds. He married Roxey Britt, possibly a Cherokee woman, they had a son James Edward, Jr. b. 1865, left home when about 13 years old. His father had died, his mother remarried. James Edward Jr. later changed his name to Griffin Edward McGlothern, married Laura Othelia Webb in Appling Co. Griffin and his family moved to Santa Rosa County in 1903. I have been able to trace my GM [Laura] but thus far nothing about my GGF. The above was told to me by older cousins, who heard it from Griffin Edward. I have been unable to verify anything other than Griffin's marriage to Laura Othelia Webb. Two men used to come to his farm in Santa Rosa Co., Fla. whose names were, Gordon Wells, and John Britt. Those men were from someplace near Hazlehurst. I have most of the family data in the Fla. areas that I will be glad to share with anyone there who would want it. Any information will be appreciated. Preston McGlothren

s.drouillard Thu, 01 Jan 1998 17:57:07 -0500
I am searching for information on the following family:John ELLIS: Born October 1852 Georgia Died July 27, 1906 (Probably Walton County ,Fla Married: August 26, 1875 Coffee County to Sara Ann ELLIS Sara Ann ELLIS: Born March 1856 Georgia Died December 12, 1927 John and Sara ELLIS had the following Children: William Wootson ELLIS B 08 Mar 1885 Victoria ELLIS B 15 Jan 1883 Amanda ELLIS B 1880 (August or October) Rebeca ELLIS B AFT 1880 Anne ELLIS B Unknown Alexander Stuart ELLIS B 14 Sept 1902 John ELLISEllis Jr. B 28 Mar 1895 James Calvin ELLIS B 07 Mar 1892 Jacquiline Anne ELLIS B 09 July 1888 The family spends their early history in Georgia and then appears on the 1900 census in Walton County, Florida Thank you, S.Drouillard

Melody M. McCook / Douglas / Georgia

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