Listed here are links to other Family Home Pages and Surname Mailing lists on the internet. Each one has a connection to Coffee County. If you have a Home Page that you would like listed, please e-mail me at and I will visit your page and determine if it should be listed here.
Below the Family Home Pages is a listing of Surname Mailing Lists that also connect with Coffee County.

Kia's Potpourri
Kia Hall's site is a good one for Coffee County research. She has gathered together a good mix of African-American records for Coffee, Irwin and Ben Hill counties. These include several pages of census records from 1900 - 1920 for Coffee county, African-American marriages from the 1900's for Coffee, 1891 - 1900 for Irwin, and also marriage records for Toombs Co., Ga. She's also included the slave schedules from Irwin county and has a lot more. Plan to spend some time at her site. It will be well worth it!!
Coffee County Guards of the CSA
Robert Morrison's Home Page
These two sites belong to Robert Morrison and they are well worth taking the time to visit. There are many familiar names on the Coffee County Regiment Roster and his home page covers the Meeks amd Cothern families.
Ricketson Family History Research Page
This page is the work of John Ricketson and is extremely detailed. It traces the Ricketson
ancestors back to William Ricketson who is the first known Ricketson
that immigrated to America back in the mid 1600's. It covers many of our Coffee County and Atkinson County Ricketsons. Plan to spend a lot of time here.
BJ's Genealogy Site
This is the site of Belinda Melton Hughes and I have included it because of the in-depth work listed on the Wooten family. It's a wonderful site and chock full of all kinds of genealogy information. If you're a Coffee County Wooten searcher, don't miss this one!
Edd Dorminey's Page
Parts of Coffee County once belonged to Irwin County so you may find some of your Coffee County families over in Irwin County. Edd has a great site! Don't miss this one!
Fenders and Related Families of Lanier County, GA
If you're a Fender or Tomlinson searcher, Guy Tyson has a site worth visiting.Lots of info and He'll be adding even more in the future so add it to your bookmarks!
Bryant Family History
This is the homepage of Cara A. Murray. If you have any Bryant, Lewis, or Simmons family in Coffee County, please check this site out!
Earl S. Chambers' Homepage
This is the homepage of Earl S. Chambers. He has some great links so be sure and check this one out!
Curtis Cooksey's Homepage
Here is a new link added. This is the web site of Curtis Cooksey,
which includes the following families: Adams, Boatrights, Cooksey, Gainey, Hall, Price, Tanner, Sellers and others! See if you're related!
Here are some more family pages that pertain to Coffee County. Thanks so much to Martha Wooten Solomon for sending them in!
WORTH and SOLOMON families
William J. Wooten
[the Worthington Page]


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John Barron has a group of over 40 Lott descendants at
to subscribe to this group go to: Lott Circle
Melody M. McCook / Douglas / Georgia
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