I long for the days when the lion will lay down with the lamb!


Christian links to Christian Friends.

I Hope You Enjoy Them As I Do.

The death and ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ has made all Christians, one family in the Lord.

Visit Friends of Friends Site

Visit Olive Branch Press It's a Wonderful Site

Visit Paver's Nest A Wonderful Site

Visit I am home with God wonderful site

A site for people who have been

or are living in abusive situations.

Visit Showers of Blessings.

Visit Michelle Homepage.

Visit Annie's Homepage.

Visit Peggies Homepage.

Visit Testmony To A Loving Father.

Visit Tracy's Homepage.

Visit LiLAngels Homepage.

Visit Katherine Homepage.

Visit Pastor Jeff's Neighborhood.

Visit Christian Corners.

Habanero's "Glory to God"Homepage.

The Cutting Edge Ministries

First General Baptist Church of Holts Summit Mo.

Visit Dear Sister A webzine for Christian woman


Would you like to accept Jesus Christ as your Saviour,this is one choice only you can make.You can enter the door of Salvation and have eternal life.Or the door of eternal death and be lost away from God for eternity.Please make the right choice.


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