Hi, I'm Pyro(not my real name). Welcome to my homepage. Here's a little information on me.

I'm 17 years old. I live in Illinois. I could be classified as a net junkie ;-). Other than being on the internet, weightlifting is one of my main hobbies. I've been lifting for about 2 years now. With all of the books I've read, and watching the fitness shows on ESPN2, I have enough knowledge to become a personal trainer (if I was older). I've helped people achieve their fitness goals.

Last year, on Saturdays, I would go to Indiana where I took glider lessons. I got a scholarship from the Aviation Scholarship Foundation. A glider is an airplane with no engine. It is towed into the air via a winch or another airplane. The gliders I fly are a Schweizer SGS 2-33A and a SGU 2-22E. A Cessna 150(that looks like an army plane) tows them into the air. Another aviation related hobby of mine is making model airplanes. My most recent model is the Spirit of St. Louis. It has a five foot wingspan. Right now, I'm looking for a web site that has plans for a Schweizer 2-22 or 2-33.

I've been playing the guitar for 1 1/2 years now. I use tablature instead of standard notation. I have an Epiphone Les Paul Standard guitar. Here's a picture of the Gibson version of my Les Paul.

My Metallica RealAudio Pagenew
My Weightlifting Page Guitar Tab Archive Wrestling Theme Tab Archive

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Here are links to some sites I visit often.

International Knife Directory
Angel Sword
American Bonsai Society (Growing bonsai trees is another hobby of mine)
Ultimate Bodybuilder
Slap a Spice Girl (a fun game, need Shockwave plugin)
Other links
Grogg!Creator of the title banners on these pages
Jenn10one of my friends
"Dekatur"one of my friends from school
Priscilla's PenPal Page
Doomsday DomainWrestling and Guitar tab page
Mike Tavares
ABBAcadabraEric one of my friends from school

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