The information on this website is for information purposes only. Lots of the information has been submitted by other researchers. Spellings, names and dates could be wrong. When sharing information from this website please confirm the information that you are sharing. This website should not be considered the source of your research only a tool to help you in the right direction.

Hello! Thanks for stopping by! My name is Dana Scott Fellows. Please look around. Genealogy, for me, began as an interest after I found out that my ggg-grandfather, Stephen Fellows Jr, was buried at Palmyra Cemetery, Palmyra Township, Lee County, Illinois. This cemetery is only a few miles from were I was born. Being curious I started doing some research about who Stephen Fellows Jr. was, why did he come to Illinois, who were his children, were did they go, why aren't there more Fellows Families around Lee County etc.. These and other questions just had to be known.
I started gathering bits and pieces about the Fellows Family and those who were related to us in the early 1990's. I discovered that we are Descendants of William Fellows, who came from England in 1635 and settled in Ipswich Massachusetts.
I would have to say that the book, The Fellows Family, written by Mary Fellows Cavanagh, younger sister of my gg-grandfather, Simon Fellows, was the most important document for starting my journey through, but yet not completed, Family History. The next most important thing just had be my computer where I could organize the information in a manner that made some sort of sense. My wife and best friend, Jodie, tolerates my involvement with a somewhat mild disinterest.

What you are about to see is not carved in stone. I know there are most likely mistakes here and there, but as I become aware of them and have documentation that they are wrong I will  correct them. Also if I use anything that is copyrighted or that I should have permission to use it is strictly unintentional.

Parts of this site are, and will always be under construction, and subject to updates. Some might not work and some might work.