You're dog lover Counter to admire Yoda

I'd like you to meet our dog, Yoda. As you can see, one of his favorite things to do is sleep, and when he sleeps, he likes to snuggle up nice and comfy, with pillows and a blanket if possible.

Yoda is, as best as we can determine, an Australian Cattle Dog. We don't have papers to prove it but visually, that's what he appears to be. Behaviorally - he fits the description to a T. We adopted/rescued Yoda from the local Humane Society on April 30, 1997, and he's been a much-loved member of the family ever since.

How he got to the pound, and why his owners never bothered to look for him, is a mystery that may never be solved. The first time we laid eyes on him was the day he'd been picked up by Animal Control as a stray. He had no collar and no tags, but it was obvious that his previous owners had taken good care of him. He was already neutered and in excellent health. Our family had gone to the pound that day to look at dogs to adopt. My son wanted one and we'd made several trips to the pound prior to this, but none of the dogs had clicked with us before that point. Oh sure...I think we wanted to take home every dog we saw -- just because they all have that sad, "please rescue me" look in their eyes. It's as if they know what fate is in store for them if they aren't adopted within a short period of time.

Yoda just sat there in the pen..we talked to him but he didn't respond well..just looked at us quietly and tried to avoid the..ummm..shall we say "amorous" advances of the other dog in the pen. The card on the outside of the cage said he was an Australian Cattle Dog, and we left the pound that day planning to do as much research as we could into the breed before making the final decision to adopt.

And what better place to look than the Web? First Stop, the Australian Cattle Dog Web -- the home of the Australian Cattle Dog. This is the absolute best resource for learning about the breed. We learned the origin, the temperament, what kind of health problems ACD's have...just about anything you could ever want to know.

Two days later, we were back at the pound, praying that he hadn't been adopted. Yes! He was still there! We put down a deposit and proceeded to wait the 48 hours until he was free to go home with us. When he finally was ours, we took him out to the van -- in one jump he was up and sitting in a seat. He didn't stay there long before he ended up sitting on my lap (don't worry - my husband was driving) for the rest of the ride.

He now has a spot in the van (it's a 12-passenger) which he sits in all the time. He seems to know that's his seat, although when it's just him and me in the van, he likes to ride shotgun.

Added September 9, 1997. Yoda's Pursuit of the Neighbor's Cat.

 Added December 28th, 2001. Yoda's Picture Page.

Added December 1, 1997. Yoda's first lesson in herding.
Added December 1, 1997. Well, it's that time of year again when some people will think it's just the niftiest thing in the world to give someone a puppy for Christmas -- too bad they don't realize puppies are not like toys, easily discarded when you tire of them. Before you buy a puppy, read this.

Want to talk about ACD's? Drop me a note!

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~This page was created on July 15, 1997 and was last updated on February 26, 2001~

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